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广东省深圳市文汇中学2014-2015学年七年级英语下学期第14周周末作业I. 音标从选项中选出符合单词读音的音标 (10分,每小题2分)( ) 1. sail A. / sail / B. / seIl / C. / sIl / ( ) 2. train A. / treIn / B. / trn / C. / train /( )3 . decide A. / dIlsId / B. / desaid / C. / dIsaid /( )4 . satellite A. / stlaIt / B. / stlaIt / C. / seItlaIt /( )5 . diamond A. / daImnd / B. / daImnd / C. / daImnd /II词语释义 (10分, 每小题2分) 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项.( ) 6. Nancy gave up her teaching career last week. A. experiment B. support C. dream D. job( ) 7. She told us a very lively story about her life in Africa. A. interesting and exciting B. happy C. different D. true( ) 8. It was dangerous for you to go swimming alone. A. as well B. in a way C. by yourself D. all the way( ) 9. If you work hard, you will achieve your dream. A. stop B. lose C. get D. break( )10. He used to like listening to music. A. once liked B. never liked C. always likes D. hardly likedB)从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(10分,每小题1分)( ) 11. - Do you know _ new teacher in our school? - Yes. I saw her _ on the playground this morning.A. a; running B. the; running C. a, to run D. the; to run( ) 12. - Mom, I want to buy the yellow dress _ some blue flowers. - OK Im sure it will look beautiful _ you. A. with; on B. of; on C. with; in D. of; in( ) 13. - What is Lily doing _ you are cooking meals these days? - She _ her dog to turn around at her room. She wants her to perform (表演) at her birthday party. A. when; is leaving B. when; is training C. where; is leaving D. where; is training( ) 14. - Five students of our class took part in the sports meeting, _ they all got a medal. - _ lucky they are! A. but; How B. and; How C. but; What D. and; What( ) 15. - Ann, what are you doing here? Are you _ the cloud again? - Yeah. That cloud _ a sheep just now. Now it turns into a fish.A. looking at; looked for B. looking for; looked at C. looking at; looked like D. looking for; looked like( )16. - Dad, how did you feel _ you saw I won the horse race yesterday. - I was _ of you.A. before; full B. before; proud C. when; full D. when; proud( ) 17. - Tina made great _ quickly in English speaking. - Yeah. She _ speak English, but now she can speak English fluently(流利地)A. progress; didnt use to B. mistake; didnt use toC. progress; doesnt use to D. mistake; doesnt use to( ) 18. - Mr White is very _. I think he can be in our group too.- _ the boss comes here next week, Ill talk with him about this. A. helpful; Because B. helpful; When C. harmful; Because D. harmful; When( ) 19. - I remember you _ be shy and quiet. - Yes. But now Im cheerful and have _ friends.A. used to; a, lot B. use to; a lot C. used to; a lot of D. use to; a lot of( ) 20. - Is the life today much easier than the life a few _ years ago?- No, _. A. million; I dont think so B. millions; I dont think so C. million; never mind D. millions; never mindIV. 完形填空 (20分,每小题2分)From middle school to college, I volunteered (志愿) in many places. And I really felt_21_ because I understand that true happiness comes from _22_ others. For three years, I_23_ to a primary school once a week to help a group of girls and boys with Maths, and sometimes English. I can _24_ remember the feeling of pride (自豪) of being a _25_, and the look of joy on the childrens faces when they could _26_ Maths problems. Most of all, I was happy that _27_ did very well in the Maths tests. I felt good to be with the children. They liked to _28_ me their dreams or future plans. I became not only their after-school teacher but also their best friend. Looking back now, I _29_ a lot from the three years experience, Im planning to continue to _30_ in the future, because I know itll bring me more happiness.( ) 21. A. funny B. angry C. happy D. sad( ) 22. A. learning B. telling C. meeting D. helping( ) 23. A. wanted B. used C. went D. pushed( ) 24. A. still B. hardly C. almost D. never( ) 25. A. brother B. friend C. sister D. teacher( ) 26. A. put on B. work out C. give up D. take off( ) 27. A. I B. you C. they D. she( )28. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk( ) 29. A. learned B. taught C. completed D. protected( ) 30. A. receive B. learn C. stop D. volunteerV阅读理解 (10分,每小题2分)Starting a new school term is always exciting. But the most exciting of all, the new term is a chance to start new hobbies. Students in Britain can start
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