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Unit 8 Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show Section BTeaching Aims: 1. Learn some new words. 2. Learn the usage of sothat/so that / suchthatLearn by yourself:一. 你能写出下列单词的英文吗?1. 丝织品_ 2. 女士手提包_ 3.领带_4. 毛衣_ 5. 围巾_ 6. 帽子_7. (女士)上衣,衬衫_ 8. 短袜_ 9. 牛仔裤_ 10. 大衣_二. Read 1a and find out the words.1. 为做准备2. 短裤 3. pocket-(复数)_口袋4. 风衣 5. . . 以便,为了 I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look great. =_(in order to)(同义句)为了更英俊,我想买一件风衣6. such that Its cool windbreaker you should buy it at once. 这件风衣非常好看,你应该立即买下来。7.- ? 你要多大号的? -_ M码.8.完美的 9.紫色的 10.皮革的 11 漂亮的,英俊的 12. 英俊的 Class exercise一 根据句意及所给汉语提示写出句中所缺单词。1. I saw you put it in your p _ just now.2. What s_ do you want?-Size L.3. This coat is made of _(皮革). It looks good.二. 用方框中单词填空。so that, so that, suchthat1. The boy was _ young _ he couldnt go to school.2. I get up early _ _ I can catch the first bus every morning.3. Liu Xiang ran _ fast_ he won first prize in the race.4. Lily was _ a clever girl _ she got the first place.5. KK works hard _ _ he can pass the exam.6. She is a lovely girl everyone likes her.7. My coats are short I want to buy some new ones.8. This is a nice windbreaker Michael bought it at once.通过第二道题你发现了什么?1. so+_ that +从句 “如此以至于”2. such _that +从句 “如此以至于”3. so that+从句 _三用所给单词的恰当形式填空。1.He is wearing pants without (pocket ) today.2.You can go to the Womens Wear Section on the (two ) floor.3. I think Chen Kun is (handsome) than Zhou Jielun.4.Everyone is (prepare) for our fashion show.5.The woman wants (buy) a skirt for her daughter.四完成下列句子。1.这件短衬衫太棒了,你应该立刻买下来。 The blouse is so cool! You should buy it .2. 你觉得这条紫色的连衣裙怎么样?What do you the purple dress? 2
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