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新疆博湖中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(满分100分 时间:100分钟)一、选择题(每题1分,共20分)1. Tom wants _ the swimming club. A. to joinB. joinsC. joiningD. join2. Can you help me _ my English?A. withB. ofC. forD. about3. Can your sister sing?_. A. Yes, he canB. Yes, he does C. No, she doesntD. Yes, she can 4. Bob can play _ tennis, but he cant play _ violin. A. the; theB. /; /C. the; /D. /; the5. Miss Read is good _musicShe can be good _ children. A. at; atB. with; withC. at; withD. with; at6. We want two good _ for our rock band. A. musicsB. musician C. music D. musicians 7. Can he _ it in English? A. speakB. speaksC. sayD. talk 8. I want to know something _ your evening.A. about B. on C. around D. in 9. He _ at 6:00 in the afternoon.A. get home B. gets to homeC. gets home D. go to home10. He _ his homework _ Sunday morning.A. doesnt, on B. dont do, in C. dont, in D. doesnt do, on11. Whats the time ? -_ 9:40.A. It B. Its C. This D. This is 12. Hurry up! Its time _ school. A. go to B. for C. to go D. to going 13. Mike likes _ TV and Jim likes _ books. A. to watch; to read B. to watch; to seeC. to see ; to read D. to see; to look14. do you usually get up? At six oclock.A. What B. What time C. Why D. How15. Its said that this kind of tofu smells terrible.(糟糕的)Thats true .But it delicious.A. feels B. sounds C. tastes D. looks 16.It them about half an hour to get to school every day.A. spendsB. costsC.paysD. takes17.How do you go to the park?I my bike there.A.driveB.rideC.getD.stand18. is it from your home to the bank?Three miles.A. How far B. How much C. How soon D. How long 19.How far is your teachers home from here?Its about two drive.A. hoursB. hours C. hoursD. hour20. How does she Shanghai?A. reachesB. arrive atC. get toD. gets二. 完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)Hi, Im Mr. White! Im in the Sunshine Music Club. Im a great 1 . I can play the piano, the violin 2 the trumpet(小号). And Im very good 3 the kids. I 4 a daughter. She is only four years old. 5 name is Maria. She can play the guitar very 6 . She 7 in the Sunshine Music Club, too. Do you like music? Do you want to learn 8 music? Please come and join 9 . We can 10 you with music. My telephone number is 618-6588. My email address is White2012163. com. 1. A. musicB. musicianC. painterD. basketball player2. A. butB. andC. orD. with3. A. withB. ofC. forD. at4. A. hasB. haveC. doD. does5. A. OurB. HisC. MyD. Her6. A. goodB. niceC. wellD. fine7. A. hasB. isC. likes D. draws8. A. atB. ofC. for D. about9. A. herB. you C. us D. him10. A. singB. helpC. speak D. call三. 阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20分) AThere are many clubs in our school. My English is not good. I want to join the English club. Wang Ying wants to learn to paint. So she wants to join the art club. Zhang Ping likes running. He wants to join the running club. Li Nan is good at singing and she wants to join the music club. What club does Han Mei join? Oh, she likes eating and she joins the cooking(烹饪)club. 1. My _ is not good. A. ChineseB. EnglishC. mathsD. art2. What club does Wang Ying want to join?A. The music club.B. The sports club. C. The art club.D. The swimming club. 3. Who wants to join the running club?A. Zhang Ping.B. I.C. Wang Ying.D. Li Nan. 4. Li Nan _ very well. A. dancesB. paintsC. singsD. plays tennis5. Why does Han Mei want to join the cooking club?A. She likes cooking.B. She likes eating. C. She can cook.D. She wants to be a cook. BTom is a lovely boy. He likes playing football very much. He often comes back between 4p.m and 5p.m.One day he comes back late. His mother says “ you come back home late today, Tom”. “Yes, we have a new teacher,. He is a math teacher, ” Tom answers. “How is he?” His mother asks “I dont know, I think I cant believe(相信) him” “How is that ”his mother says. “One moment he says two and three is five and the next moment he says one and four is five” Tom answers 6.Tom comes home_ today.A. at 4p.m B. At 4:30p.m C. At 5p.m D. after 5p.m7.Tom comes home late because A. he plays football B. he plays basketball C. he studies math D. we dont know8.The sentence “How is that ”meansA. How can you say that B. You
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