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浙江省绍兴县2018届九年级英语上学期12月独立作业试题 试卷(选择题共70分)(一)听力部分(共25分)一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共计25分)第一节:听小对话,回答问题。()1. Who is using the ping-pong bat?A. Sally. B. Peter. C. Linda.()2. What does the man order? A. A cup of coffee. B. Some chicken. C. A sandwich.()3. What will Sally wear for the party?A. Her old jeans. B. Her red dress. C. Her green skirt. ()4. How did the woman get her ticket?A. She bought it. B. She won it. C. She got it from the man.()5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Results of the exam. B. Time for the exam. C. The change of class hours.第二节:听较长对话,回答问题。听下面一段对话,回答67小题。()6. How many steps does the woman think she needs to walk every day?A. At least 1,000. B. At least 10,000. C. At least 100,000.()7. Who told the woman about the machine?A. Her cousin. B. Her friend. C. Her child.听下面一段对话,回答810小题。()6. How does Scott go home today?A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.()7. What kind of new CD does Scott have?A. A CD with famous songs.B. A music CD with no singing.C. A CD with funny stories.()8. Who likes movies that make people think much?A. Jill. B. Scott. C. Tina.第三节:听独白,回答问题。()11. How long did the speaker volunteer at the local store?A. For a week. B. For one year. C. For a month.()12. What did the young lady want to buy for her son?A. A toy. B. Some food. C. Childrens clothes.()13. What happened to the young ladys wallet?A. She lost it somewhere. B. She left it at home. C. Someone took it away.()14. Why was the speakers husband surprised in the end?A. The young mother came to the store again.B. The young mother didnt buy anything.C. The young mother returned the money.()15. What did the speaker think of her volunteer job?A. Its meaningful. B. Its exciting. C. Its relaxing.(二)笔试部分(共45分)二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。The Power of Determination(决心)The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old coal stove(火炉). A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the _16_ and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates got there. One morning they _17_ to find the schoolhouse burning. They dragged(拖) the little boy out of the building more dead than alive. Then he was _18_ taken to a nearby county hospital.The doctor told the boys mother that _19_ the lower part of his body was seriously burnt, he couldnt use his legs anymore. However, the _20_ boy made up his mind that he would walk. Unluckily his thin legs _21_ hung there, all but lifeless. Finally he returned home from the _22_. Every day his mother would press his little legs, but there was no feeling, no control, _23_. Yet his determination that he would walk was as _24_ as ever.When he wasnt in bed, he would sit in a wheelchair. One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air. This day, instead of sitting there, he _25_ himself from the chair and pulled himself across the grass, dragging his _26_ behind him. He worked his way to the white fence(栅栏) around the yard. With great effort, he raised himself up on the fence. Then, he began dragging himself along the fence, _27_ that he would walk. He started to do this every day. There was nothing he _28_ more than to develop life in those legs. In the end, through his determination he did _29_. Gradually he began to walk to school, then to run to school, to run _30_ the joy of running. Later in college he made the running team. Still later in Madison Square Garden this determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the worlds fastest mile!()16. A. classB. gameC. fireD. story()17. A. arrivedB. waitedC. leftD. hid()18. A. clearlyB. suddenlyC. quicklyD. nearly()19. A. whenB. sinceC. beforeD. unless()20. A. honestB. carefulC. rudeD. brave()21. A. alsoB. onceC. justD. ever()22. A. hospital B. yardC. schoolD. square()23. A. everythingB. nothingC. anythingD. something()24. A. simpleB. similarC. strangeD. strong()25. A. helpedB. pickedC. threwD. enjoyed()26. A. armsB. motherC. chairD. legs()27. A. believingB. doubtingC. promisingD. suggesting()28. A. affordedB. hatedC. wantedD. forgot()29. A. set offB. stand upC. get backD. hang out()30. A. toB. fromC. forD. without三、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)阅读下面四篇材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。ATime zone:Eastern Standard Time(EST): GMT10 hours. There is no daylight saving time in Queensland. Legal drinking age:18 years and older. Always keep your ID with you to prove your age. Alcohol(酒) shops & hotels are the only places where alcohol can be bought. Dangers:Dial 000 fr
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