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Unit 6 Our local area Topic 1 Section C一、学习目标:1.学习一些新单词;2.继续学习方位介词和There be句型。二、学习内容:1.词汇:center ,in the center of, yard, flower, house, large, left, model, only 2.句子:1)Whats in the center of the yard? Theres a small garden in the center of the yard. 2)How many model panes are there? There are three. 3)How much water is there? Only a little.三、自主学习:1. 检测新单词: 在中心 院子 美丽的 , 花 , 巨大的 ,左边 , 人,人们 抽屉 , 键盘 ,文具盒 ,椅子 , 镜子 在左面、右面.前面.后面_四、学习小结:1. There is a blackboard at the back of the classroom. There is a playground behind our classroom building.你能总结出at the back of 和behind 的区别吗?_(at the back of 是在内部的后面 behind是在外部的后面)2.你知道play有哪些用法? _3. 你知道near 和next to 有什么区别吗?总结出来吧。_4. 看看这两个词组:in front of 和in the front of ,你知道它们怎么使用吗?试一试。_5.How many planes are there? (桌上)有几架(模型)飞机?本句用的句型是_答语用_不可数名词用_提问。6.你都学到了哪些短语?in the center of in the garden at the back of in the study near the house in the tree on the left of on the right ofnext to the bathroom in the kitchen in the living room五、达标检测:(一)根据句意及首字母提示写出单词1)There is much money in the d of the table。2)Kate likes w TV in the living room。3)There are many b flowers in the garden。4) Where is my key? It is on the k near the computer。5)Go and wash your hands in the b 。(二)单项选择:( )1).-Where is your bed? -Its the bedroom. A under B on C in( )2).There- 30 boys and 20 girls in our class. A be B are C have( )3).-Where my keys? - in my bag. A is ,Theyre B are,Theyre C are,Therere( )4).Mom, where are my sports shoes? Theyre your bed. A under B in C behind( )5).There are nice books in the school library. Lets go and borrow some. A so little B so many C so much(三)根据句意,选用括号内适当的词填空1).How many (chair/chairs) are there in the house? -There are two.2).Are there (any/some) flowers in the room? -Yes, there are.3).The ball is (under/behind)the door.4).I can see a boy (on/in) the tree.5).There are many trees (in front of/in the front of)the classroom.(四)句型转换1、 There is an old man in the room.(改为复数形式)There old in the room . 2、There is some meat on the plane.(改为否定句)There on the plane3、There is a map of Beijing on the wall.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答) a map of Beijing on the wall? , .4、There are thirteen trees behind the house.(对画线部分提问) trees behind the house?5Theres an apple on the table.(对画线部分提问) on the table?2
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