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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Section A Period 1Learning aims: Talk about likes and dislikes.Learning important points: Some new phrasesLearning steps:1 Preview香蕉 汉堡包 西红柿 冰激凌 沙拉 牛奶 面包 生日 周 蔬菜 考虑 .怎么样? 2 Exhibition我有一个棒球,但我没有足球。 她有一个排球,但她没有篮球。 他喜欢香蕉,但他不喜欢橘子。 我们喜欢汉堡包,但我们不喜欢牛奶。 Grammar 1._she a teacher ? No,_ _. 2._you live(居住) in Beijing? Yes,_ _. 3._ Jack tall ? No,_ _.4._your father have a computer ? Yes,_ _. 5._they like bananas? No,_ _.三. Read 2d and answer the questions.1. When is Johns birthday dinner? 2. What food (什么食物)does John like? 3. What doesnt Jack like? 4. What fruit does John like? Practice the dialogue四.Show you ,show me My name is _, Im a middle school student. I have_,but I dont have_.I like_,but I dont like_. This is my friend_, He/she is a student, too. She has_. But she doesnt have_.She likes _,but she doesnt like_. Thats all,thank you.五Improvement1.There are some (strawberry) on the plate(盘子)2.I have some (tomato) and (potato)?3.Bob (like) salad for dinner.4.How about (play) basketball after school?5.Lily (not like) hamburgers.1
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