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Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.ReadingLearning aims:1.To know cooperative learning2.To learn to use e-mail English3.To learn new words: rubbish, form, symbol, mark, beside, e-mail, riddle, experiment, proper, normally, whoseLearning stepsStep 1 Preview1.垃圾,废物_ 2.寻找,探究_ 过去式_ 过去分词_3.快速地打字_ _ 4.多半,主要地,通常_5.构成,组成_ 由。组成_ _ _6.短语,词组_7.的象征/标志_ _ _8.记号,符号_ 9.在旁边,在附近_10(发)电子邮件_ 11. 谜语_12.自学 _ _ _ _ _13.实验,试验_14.合适的,适宜的,恰当的_在恰当的时间_ _ _ _15.高兴的,满意的_令人高兴的,令人满意的_ 对。满意 _ _ _ 16.排队_ 17.通常,正常地_ 18.谁的_19.节省时间_ _20.对.熟悉_ _ _ _ 对.不熟悉_ _ _ _21.看起来像 _ _Step 2 Exhibition (Answer the following questions )1. What is e-mail English?2.What is ICQ?3.What are people use their computers to?4.What are you supposed to do so the other person doesnt get bored?5. Why do we use e-mail English?6.How many types of words does e-mail English mostly use? What are they?7.What are punctuation marks used to show in e-mail English?8.Where should e-mail English be used ?9. How many e-mail English words are mentioned in the passage? What are they?10.If students write e-mail English in a test,what will happen?Step 3 Feedback(Find out the knowledge points)1.For example, BTW means “by the way”, and CSL means “cant stop laughing ”.2.This is formed by using the first letter of each word in the phrase.3.An example of this would be to write “great”as “gr8”.4. You can learn it easily by yourselves, and experiment with your own ideas. 5.it is made with a colon and a right bracket beside it.Step 4 Development :2
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