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湖南省株洲市天元区八年级英语Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells(P5) 学案(无答案) 人教新目标版Learning contents(学习内容):The contents on Page 49-50 (P49-50页的内容)Learning aims(学习目标):Talk about how long you have been doing things.(谈论你花了多长时间一直做某事)I. Prevision(预习导学20): 1. Self-reading(独学):1. Read the contents on page 49-50 and finish 3a(读49-50页并完成3a)2.Read the passage carefully sentence by sentence,then translate them.细心!你一定找得到!学法指导:1). 通过阅读这篇对话,划记以下短语并将翻译写在书上。 1 因而感谢2. 照顾3. 带某人散步4给喂食5和玩6忘记要做某事2)小试身手: Thank you for _ _ _ (照顾) my dog. My dad often _ _ _ _ _ (带我去散步)after supper. He _ _(与玩)his dog every day. _ _ (不要忘记)to sweep the floor when you leave. 合作探究。1.Discuss with your partners or your group members to solve the problems. .(和对子或组员讨论,解决遇到的问题。)2.Read the passage and recite it.(读,背3a) 我行!我秀!1.表演3a 2. 完成3b文章续写 . (整理) Summing-up1用心 爱心 专心
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