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湖南省株洲市天元区八年级英语Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music(4) 学案(无答案) 人教新目标版一、Learning Aims and Demands.(学习目标):1.知识目标 重点(1)词汇:annoy,annoying,be/get annoyed, wait in line, has a long conversation, follow sb around, sth happens to sb, try(not) to do sth (2)句型:I cant stand it. Would you mind helping me? Could you please not follow me around? When it happens, I usually talk to the person because I want to be polite. 2.能够流利的朗读课文。 二、Learning Contents(学习内容) P56(书56页的内容)。 三、Directional guide(定向导学):. Check (课前抽测10). Prevision(预习导学20)1. Self-reading.(独学)大声朗读第56, 3a, 找到并且划记下列短语或句子在书本。 be/ get annoyed 变得烦恼 wait in line 排队等候 have a long telephone conversation 打很久的电话 follow sb around 跟随某人 talk to sb 和某人交谈 sth happen(s) to sb 某人发生了某事 try (not) to do sth 努力(不)做某事 I cant stand it.我忍受不了它 When it happens, I usually talk to the person because I want to be polite. 当发生这样的事,我通常会与这个人交流,因为我想表现得有礼貌。小试身手: This _(annoy) thing makes me _.(annoy) I am _(surprise) at this _(surprise) thing. A car accident _(发生) him last week. He tries _ be sleepy.(他努力不让自己有睡意) As students, we are supposed to _( 排队等候) at the bus station.2.Pairwork and groupwork.对学与群学。(1).讨论划记的短语和句子,并且大声朗读。(2).讨论小试身手里面的习题,可以向同伴或者老师求助。(3).大声朗读3a 学法指导:注意语音语调 读的形式可以多样:结对,三人读,接龙读,还可以表演。.Show(展示导学20): 以各种方式朗读或表演文章。.Feedback(反馈导学10):1.Quiz(检测)根据句意及首字母提示填空A: Would you mind turning down the music? Its too noisy.B: _.A:_? The floor is so dirty.B: Sure.A: _?B: You should also do the dishes.A: If I finish them, can I go to a movie?B:_.A: Thanks , Mom.2.Summing-up (整理)学生将重点整理到笔记本上。2用心 爱心 专心
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