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Period4GrammarModalVerbs Unit2HealthyEating Whatshould shouldn twedotokeephealthy Firstwealthishealth Whatkindoffoodmustweeattobestrong Firstwealthishealth Whatoughtwetodotostayslim Mymothercookedalotoffoodforme Shehasbeencookingallthemorning Shemustbetirednow Ihavejusteatenalotoffoodforlunch Youcan tbehungrynow Myhouseisneartherailway It benoisythere must ShecalledmeyesterdayeveningbutIdidn thearit I be asleep musthavebeen Theoldrestaurant beverygood It salwaysfullofpeople Thenewrestaurant beverygood It salwaysempty must can t WhereisBob Perhapsheisinhisoffice He beinhisoffice may WhereisJane Perhapssheisreadingnewspapers She read newspaper maybereading Perhapsshewasillyesterday She beillyesterday might Perhapsshewentfishingyesterday She gofishingyesterday might InChinamanychildren wearuniformwhentheygotoschool haveto Don ttellanybodywhatIsaid You keepitasecret must Thefloorisclean You sweepit needn t IpromisedIwouldbeontime I belate mustn t LastnightPaulbecameillsuddenly We callthedoctor hadto Wecan trepairthecarourselves We takeittoagarage haveto Icanmanagetheshoppingalone You comewithme needn t Thatisanimportantbook You lookafteritcarefully must Youlooktired You gotobednow should You believeeverythingyoureadontheInternet shouldn t Excuseme youtellmethewaytotherailwaystation please could Youarecarryingalotofthings Youcan topenthedooryourself There samanstandingnearthedoor Yousaytohim youopenthedoor please Could youlikeacupofcoffee Would I Revision Whatmodalverbshaveyoulearned can couldmay mightwill wouldhadbettershall shouldmusthavetoneedoughttodare 1 Bylunchtimetheywouldallbesold 2 Hisrestaurantoughttobefullofpeople 3 Whatcouldhavehappened 4 Nothingcouldhavebeenbetter 5 Somethingterriblemusthavehappened 6 Iwilltakeallthatfatoffyouintwoweeks 7 Hecouldnotbelievehiseyes 8 Hewonderedifheshouldgotothelibrarytofindout 9 Hecouldn thaveYongHuigettingawaywithtellingpeoplelies 10 Hehadbetterdosomeresearch 11 Aftereatingintherestaurantpeoplewouldbecomefiredveryquickly IntentionB DutyC PromiseD PossibilityE Guessing D D E A B A B D C D D II Trytoexplainthemeaningsofthemodalverbsinthefollowingsentences 1 HecanspeakEnglishwell 2 Youcangohomenow 3 Thatcan tbetrue 4 CouldyoupleaseshowmethewaytoBeihaiPark 5 Theyhuntersarelost Theycouldstarve 6 MayIcomein 7 Hemaygiveyousomehelp ability permission guessing request possibility permission possibility 8 Don tworry Iwillhelpyou 9 Oftenhewoulddressuplikearichman 10 Wouldyouliketojoinusfordinner YoushallhavetheticketassoonasIgetit Youshouldarriveattheairporttwohoursbeforehegoes Itisfiveo clock Heshouldturnupsoon WangFengwinsanawardeveryyear Hemustbestrong promise pasthabit request promise prediction advice speculation 1 Ithoughtyoulikesomethingtoread soIhavebroughtyousomebooks AmayB mightC canD must2 Youtothemeetingthisafternoonifyouhavesomethingimportanttodo A needn ttocomeB don tneedcomeC don tneedcomingD needn tcome3 Heyoumorehelp eventhoughhewasverybusy A mighthavegivenB mightgiveC canhavegivenD maygive4 Ihelpyouwithsomeshoes madam Yes Iwouldliketotryonthosebrownones A WillB ShouldC MayD Must 5 Thereasonwhytheyleavewasn texplainedtous A hadB hadtoC mustD might6 Isearchedformywalletanditwasn tthere IthoughtIitathome A leftB haveleftC mighthaveleftD canhaveleft7 I asleepbecauseittookmealongtimetorealizethatthetelephonewasringing couldhavefallenB shouldhavefallenC musthavefallenD mustn thavefallen 8 Theonlythingthatreallymatterstothechildrenishowsoonthey returntotheirschool A canB mustC havetoD oughtto9 Iwanttogotothechemist s butyou gowithme A neednotB mustnotC needD must 10 Whatwegetseemsbetterthanwhatwehave A canB couldC can tD couldn t11 Mygoodness I vejustmissedthetrain That stoobad Iamsureyou it ifyouhadhurried couldhavecaughtB hadcaughtC wouldcatchD couldcatch12 Look Whatyou vedone Youmorecareful A maybeB hadtoC shouldhavebeenD wouldbe 13 Irepeatthequestion A ShallB WillC DoyouwantthatD Do14 ProfessorLi manystudentswanttoseeyou theywaithereoroutside A DoB WillC ShallD Are15 Youreadthatbookifyoudon twantto A haven tB can tC mustn tD needn t16 Johnny youplaywiththeknife you hurtyourself A won t can tB can t shouldn tC shouldn t mustD mustn t may 17 It snearlyseveno clock Jackbehereatanymoment A mustB needC canD should18 Therewerealready5peopleinthecar buttheymanagedtotakemeaswell Itacomfortablejourney A can tbeB shouldn tbeC couldn thavebeenD mustn thavebeen19 Tomoughtnotto meyoursecret buthemeantnoharm A havetoldB tellC betellingD havingtold20 Everyoneishere westartthemeeting A CanB MustC ShouldD Shall 21 Iparkedmycarrightherebutnowit sgone It A mustbestolenB maybestolenC musthavestolenD musthavebeenstolen22 Hetheworkyesterday buthedidn t A musthavefinishedB needhavefinishedC finishedD shouldhavefinished23 Hedidnotpasstheexamination Asagoodstudent he A mustn thavefailedB maynothavefailedC needn thavefailedD shouldn thavefailed 24 itbetruethatAlbertpassedthetestingeography A MayB shouldC CouldD would25 Youleadahorsetothewaterbutyounotmakeitdrink A will canB may canC may d
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