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Takeadiction 踢足球打网球读书看电视教书改试卷 playingfootballplayingtennisreadingwatchingTVteachingmarkingtests Unit2Justlikeyourmother Lesson1 BusinessClass TouristClass offermagazines offeranewspaper smallspace extraspace Themanistall Andit salongflight Sothemanneedthefrontrow It sgreattostretchout Heisbrilliant Theyarebothverytall Theyneedtheextraspace both两者都 Excuseme Wouldyoumindgivingyourseatstothiscouple Theyaretall Whydon tyouputtheminBusinessClass Wouldyoulikesomewaterorsomeorangejuice I dlikesomewater please Notnow thanks I vejusthadadrink 缩写形式 I d IwouldI ve Ihave 缩写形式 1 Ninahasgotanewjob Nina sgotanewjob 2 Sheisamodel She samodel 3 Ididnotlikethisbook Ididn tlikethisbook 4 Theyhavehadabigmeal They vehadabigmeal 5 Theyhavenothadabigmeal Theyhaven thadabigmeal They venothadabigmeal 完成练习册P6D WorkbookP6D 2 She sworkingatOptima 3 Ididn tenjoyworkingthere 4 Hehasn thadadrinkyet 5 They vejusthadameal 6 I dlikeanewjob 7 Wouldyoulikeacoffee No Iwouldn t 8 I vejusthadacupoftea 9 They venothadanybeer Theyhaven thadanybeer 10 He salreadyhadsomejuice I dlikesome please Notnow thanks I vejusthad Wouldyoulikesomeorsome airplanemeal Goodorterrible Listenandanswer WhyPaulsaysthatClaire smotherisverybrilliant inthefrontrow在前排 havegot拥有 获得extraspace额外的空间 过去式 do did 过去式 tell told We re weareit s itisboth两者都alongflight长途飞行 Yourmother s yourmotherisbrilliant明智的 It 形式主语 is adj todosth 主语 stretchout伸展开 Wouldyoulikesth 表示请求 建议or提供选择 用于选择疑问句 Just刚刚I ve Ihave现在完成时 havehad have V过去分词 I dlike Iwouldlike 现在完成时 表示发生在过去 对现在产生影响的动作 Have has V过去分词 准备听写的单词和词组 前排额外的空间空中旅行聪明的伸展开能伸展开感觉真不错 frontrowextraspaceflightbrilliantstretchoutIt sgreattostretchout Unit2Justlikeyourmother Lesson2 Takeadiction 前排额外的空间空中旅行聪明的伸展开能伸展开感觉真不错 frontrowextraspaceflightbrilliantstretchoutIt sgreattostretchout A WouldRobertlikeasandwich B No hewouldn t He sjusthadone A Whatwouldhelike B He dlikesomecake Hehaven thadanyyet A WouldNinalike B No shewouldn t She sjusthadone A Whatwouldshelike B She dlike Shehaven thadanyyet anapple somechocolate A WouldPaullike B No he He sjusthadsome A Whatwouldhelike B He dlike Hehasn t yet adrink wouldn t somesalad hadany A WouldWilliamandkaren B No They ve A What like B They d They likeasnack theywouldn t justhadsome wouldthey likesomecoffee haven thadanyyet WorkbookP5B 3 No shewouldn t She sjusthadone 4 Yes Iwould Ihaven thadoneyet 5 No hewouldn t He sjusthadsome BookP17 5 1 4 2 3 BookP17 BookP17Listening Nina sfriend Sue goeseverywherebybicycle Shelovesridingherbicycle andshealwayscyclestowork LastMondaywasaspecialday ItwasSue sfirstdayinanewjob Shearrivedonherbicycleasusual butshewaslate Infact shewassevenmonthslate Ithappenedlikethis SuegotthenewjoblastApril andsheemailedNina It sabrilliantjob shewrote It sintheCityofLondon andIcancycletowork I mgoingtoleavehereonMondaymorningat7o clock Thatwassevenmonthsago andSuehasjustarrived ATVreporteraskedheraboutthejourney Howfarwasit heasked 6 200miles shereplied Infact Sue slastjobwasinHongKongandthat salongwayfromLondon Indeed it saverylongwayonbicycle Itwasbrilliant Sayssue Ican twaittodoitagain ButI vegotsomeworktodonow Iwasabitlatethismorning Listenandanswer Whatdoestheflightattendantaskthem Use Excuseme begoingto V原形 意图 打算做某事enjoysth 喜欢做某事 minddoing 介意做某事givesth tosb 把某物给某人givesb sth 给某人某物 Whydon tyoudosth 为什么不干 表示礼貌的建议 soundlike听起来像 现在完成时 Have V过去分词Wouldyoulikesth 征求对方意见Whydon tyoudosth Workbookp4A Workbookp5C Yourmother s 1 These 2 areverygood andthey reinthefront 3 I 4 sittingrightbehindthepersoninfront I vegotlotsof 5 hereandIcan 6 It sgointtobealong 7 brilliant seats row hate extraspace stretchout flight 准备听写的单词和词组 劳烦座位一对夫妇商务舱你们介意把座位让给这对夫妇吗 Excuseme seatacoupleBusinessClassWouldyoumindtogiveseattothiscouple
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