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Unit9Howwasyourweekend SectionA Whatdidyoudoyesterday Ireadabook 情境导入 Talkabouttheactivities domyhomework playsoccer cleanmyroom Doyoulikeweekends Whatdoyouusuallydoonweekends 课前热身 gotothebeach gotothemovies playtennis didmyhomework A Whatdidyoudolastweekend B Ididmyhomework Talkaboutpastevents do的过去式 Leading in playedsoccer A Whatdidyoudolastweekend B Iplayedsoccer cleanedmyroom A Whatdidyoudolastweekend B Icleanedmyroom wenttothebeach A Whatdidyoudolastweekend B Iwenttothebeach go的过去式 playedtennis A Whatdidyoudolastweekend B Iplayedtennis wenttothemovies A Whatdidyoudolastweekend B Iwenttothemovies Matchtheactivitieswiththepictures a f 1 didmyhomework 2 playedsoccer 3 cleanedmyroom 4 wenttothebeach 5 playedtennis 6 wenttothemovies d b f c e a Listentothetext Listenandwritethedayand morning afternoon or night beloweachpicture afternoon Saturday Sunday night afternoon night Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturdaymorning morning afternoon Saturday Sunday afternoon night 1c A Whatdidyoudolastweekend Lucy B Well onSaturdaymorning Iplayedtennis Pairwork Sundayevening Sundaymorning IcleanmyroomonSundaymorning ed IcookthemealonSundayevening ed 看图 根据所给信息 写句子 Saturdaymorning Saturdayevening Iplayping pongonSaturdaymorning ed IplaytheviolinonSaturdayevening ed Listenandunderlinethewordsyouhear Ivisitedmy aunt grandmother Ididsome homework sports Istudiedforthe science math test Iwenttothe pool beach Iplayed volleyball tennis Listenandwrite C forCarol B forBenor E forEmmanexttothestatementsabove Ivisitedmy aunt grandmother Ididsome homework sports Istudiedforthe science math test Iwenttothe pool beach Iplayed volleyball tennis E E B C C A Whatdidyoudolastweekend B Ivisitedmygrandma A Whataboutyourfriend Carol B Shestayedathome Whatdidyoudo A IwenttotheparkandpracticedmyEnglish 2c PAIRWORK 3a 1 cleanedmyroomandstudiedforthemathtest2 didmyhomeworkandwatchedTV3 wenttothebeach 3 1 2 Pairwork Howwasyourweekend Itwasgreat Iwenttothebeach didhomeworkwenttothemoviescleanedtheroomstudiedforthemathtest Groupwork Oneaskstheotherone thenonebyone A IwenttothemoviesonSaturdayevening Whatdidyoudoovertheweekend B IplayedtennisonSaturdaymorning Whatdidyoudoovertheweekend C IcleanedmyroomonSundaymorning Whatdidyoudoovertheweekend D IdidmyhomeworkonSundayafternoon Languagepoints 1 1 goto 表示地点的名词 表示去某地 相关短语 gotothelibrarygototheshopgototheparkgotothebeach 2 如果地点是副词 要省去 to 相关短语 gohomegothere 3 go V ing 相关短语 goboating skating fishing hiking shopping 2 dosomereading阅读dosome V ing dosomewriting dosomecleaning dosomecooking dosomeshopping dosomestudying 3 practice 动名词 名词 practicedoingsth practicesth 4 study studyfor为 而学习 E g Marypracticesreadingeverymorning 玛丽每天早上都练习阅读 E g ThestudentsarestudyingfortheEnglishtestnow 这些天学生们现在在为英语考试做准备 5 test 相关短语 takeatestpassthetest v 测验 考试 n 测验 考试 6 Whatabout 怎么样 Howabout 名词 动名词 Whatabout 名词 动名词 I mfine What Howaboutyourmother 询问消息 What Howaboutthismovie 征求对方意见或看法 What Howaboutgoingoutforawalk 用于请求或意见 Now Past I mcleaningtheroomnow Icleantheroomonyesterdaymorning ed 动词的另一种时态 一般过去时 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态 经常和表示过去的时间状语连用 如 yesterday yesterdaymorning afternoon evening lastweek month year in2004等等 play played clean cleaned cook cooked learn learned do did go went read read red 规则动词的过去式一般直接加ed 不规则动词的过去式无规则可循 要注意自己积累 聪明的你学会如何记忆吗 Thinking thepastformofBE be was were Iwaslateforschoolyesterday Theywerenotherelastweek 语法 1 学习了一般过去时 2 学习了动词过去式的变化规则 日常交际用语 Whatdidyou yourfriend he she theydolastweekend 2 Howwasyourweekend Itwasgreat ItwasOK Itwasn tverygood Summary 总结 一 写出下列动词的过去式 1 is2 do3 play 4 go5 clean6 visit was did played went cleaned visited 二 根据汉语提示完成句子 I 打 玩 tennislastSaturday She 去 tothe 海滨 He 清扫 hisroomonSundaymorning played went beach cleaned 课堂达标 LastsummermyfamilyandI go tothebeach Whenit rain IstayedathomeandwatchedTV 3 Whattime you get toschoolthismorning 4 They be alwayslateforclasslastyear 5 Whatday be ityesterday went rained didget were was 单词化妆 巧手变句型 1 Lucydidherhomeworkathome 改否定句 Lucy herhomeworkathome 2 HisfatherworkedalldaylastMonday 改一般疑问句 hisfather alldaylastMonday 3 Iwasverybusylastweek 改否定句和一般疑问句 I verybusylastweek youverybusylastweek 4 Therewassomeorangeinthecup 变一般疑问句 there orangesinthecup didn tdo That sgreat Didwork wasn t Were Was any 情景对话A Where youlastnight B I athome A Whatdidyou B I nothing Ijust onachairand TV were stayed do did sat watched Homework Writedownyourgreatday Thankyou
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