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Module7MyschooldayUnit1Ilikemaths talkaboutWhatabout timeo clockhalfpastartchemistryhistoryatstart Newwords 谈论关于 怎么样 时间 点钟一半超过美术 艺术化学历史在 某时刻 开始 Whattimeisit What sthetime Let stalkaboutthetime 现在是几点 TellthetimeinEnglish 1 30 4 15 10 45 1 07 5 4 25 onethirty fourfifteen tenforty five oneseven fourtwenty five 时间的表达法 整点 整点钟 o clock如 teno clock 顺读法 直接说数字 先说小时数 后说分钟数如 eightten 8 10 八点十分 含有小时和分钟 1 时间未过半 分钟 past 点钟如 9 10 tenpastnine 2 时间刚好一半 halfpast 点钟如 9 30 halfpastnine 3 时间已过半 60 分钟 to 点钟 1 如 8 50 60 50 to 8 1 tentonine 逆读法 6 00 Itissixo clock Whattimeisit What sthetime 现在几点 6 00 8 00 Itiseighto clock Whattimeisit 现在是几点 8 00 12 00 Itistwelveo clock Whattimeisit 现在是几点 12 00 Itishalfpastten Itistenthirty Whattimeisit 现在是几点 10 30 Itishalfpasttwo Itistwothirty Whattimeisit 现在是几点 2 30 It saquarterpastone Itisonefifteen Whattimeisit 现在是几点 1 15 一刻钟 It saquarterpastsix Itissixfifteen Whattimeisit 现在是几点 6 15 Itisfivetoten Itisninefifty five Whattimeisit 现在是几点 9 55 Itistentothree Itistwofifty Whattimeisit 现在是几点 2 50 It stwelveo clock It shalfpastsix It seleveno clock It shalfpastone Let stellthetime Lookatthepictures listenandrepeatthetime Matchthepictureswiththesentences It shalfpasteight It ssixo clock It shalfpastfour d It stwoo clock Talkabouttime 6 30 8 15 10 45 1 07 5 4 00 sixthirtyhalfpastsix eightfifteenaquarterpasteight tenforty fiveaquartertoeleven oneseven sevenpastone four fouro clock 用past to表示下列时间 8 05 8 55 1 15 1 45 fivepasteight fivetonine aquarterpastone aquartertotwo science Chinese English history maths chemistry art Saythesubjectsinthepictures Whatsubjectdoyoulike Ilike 2 Doyoulike Yes No 3 Ilike Idon tlike Freetalk Lookatthetimetableandsaysentenceslikethis IhaveChineseateighto clock Idon thaveEnglishintheevening Daming Todaywehave at Wehave at Wehavemathsat Ilike Chinese science 9 00 10 00 maths Listening Listenandread Trytosummarize 8 00 Lingling I likemaths Wehavechemistryat Wedon thave today Intheafternoon Ihave at andIhave Englishlessonat What you Betty don t 11 30 science art 1 30 2 30 about an Betty Wehave at and at Andintheafternoonwehave and Ilove It smyfavourite English science art history lesson 9 00 10 30 history science chemistry English science intheafternoon eighto clock 1 30 9 00 9 00 maths 10 00 11 30 art 2 30 English 10 30 historyandart 1 DamingandLinglinghaveaChineselessonathalfpasteight 2 Daming smathslessonisatteno clock 3 Lingling sartlessonisatoneo clock 4 LinglingandDamingdon thavehistorytoday 5 Betty ssciencelessonisathalfpastten 6 Betty sfavouritelessonisart Listenagainandcheck Lookatyourtimetableandtalkaboutyourlessons Whatdayisittoday It s Whenisyoursciencelesson WhenisyourEnglishlesson WhenisyourChineselesson Whenisyourhistorylesson Whataboutyourmathslesson Workinpairs Talkaboutyourlessons Homework FinishtheexercisesintheworkbookEx 1 2 5 6 7
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