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对话 对话竞赛 注意 看句子 说出相应的回答语 Doyouhaveasoccerball Yes Ido Doyouhaveabasketball Yes Ido Doyouhaveavolleyball Yes Ido DoyouhaveaTV No Idon t Doyouhaveajacket Yes Ido Doyouhaveaplant No Idon t Doyouhaveacomputergame Yes Ido Doeshehaveaplant No hedoesn t Doeshehaveasoccerball Yes hedoes Studynewexpressions Lookandlearn 边看边学 Ihaveasoccerball Let splaysoccer Thatsoundsgood sound听起来 后接形容词 DoesSandralikesalad Yes shedoes Shelikessalad 肯定回答 DoesTomlikesalad No hedoesn t Hedoesn tlikesalad 否定回答 对话 单词竞赛 注意 要拼读出单词的正确写法 volleyball Doyouhavea basketball Doyouhavea soccerball Doyouhavea tennisball Doyouhavea 注意 以下看图说出两样物品的英语单词 tennisracket ping pongball Doyouhavea ping pongbat baseball Doyouhavea baseballbat icecream Frenchfries oranges bananas broccoli strawberries salad pears tomatoes hamburgers Goon 以下单词注意有无复数形式 chicken carrots apples eggs fruit vegetables 4 困难的 5 无聊的 令人生厌的 3 轻松的 2 有趣的 令人愉快的 1 有趣的 令人感兴趣的 说出下列中文所对应的英语单词 interesting fun relaxing difficult boring 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 That sound interesting 2 you have atennisracket 3 Mybrother have abaseballbat 4 Wehavemany club inourschool 5 Let swatch they onTV sounds Do have has clubs them 6 She play sportseveryday 7 Canyou bring yournewpicturebookshere 8 yourfriend like sports 9 Let we playtennis 10 That san interest computergame plays bring Does like us interesting
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