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三、说明文Men and women may have different experiences in shopping for clothes.A man goes shopping because he needs something.His purpose is settled and decided in 1 .He knows what he wants,and his 2 is to find it and buy it.All men 3 walk into a shop and ask the shop assistant for what they want.If the shop has it in stock(库存),the deal can be done and 4 is completed in less than five minutes,with hardly any chat to everyones 5 .For a man,slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants.In that 6 ,the salesman tries to sell the customer something elsehe 7 the nearest to the article required.A good salesman brings out such a substitute(替代品) 8 ;he may say,“I know this jacket is not the style you want,sir,but would you like to try it for size?It 9 to be the color you mentioned.” Few men have 10 with this treatment,and the usual answer is:“This is the right color and may be the right size,but I shouldnt be 11 my time and yours by trying it on.”For a woman,buying clothes is always done in the 12 way.Her shopping is not often 13 on need.She has never fully decided what she wants,and she is only “having a look around”.She is always 14 to persuasion,willing to try on any number of things.Deep in her mind is the thought of finding something that 15 thinks suits her.Most women have an excellent sense of value and are always on the lookout for the unexpected 16 .Faced with a roomful of dresses,a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another 17 selecting the dress she wants to 18 .It is a tiresome process,but clearly a(n) 19 one.Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting 20 .1.A.detail B.hurryC.advance D.mind答案C解析根据下句“He knows what he wants.”可知男人购物时,他们要买的东西预先(in advance)就决定好了。2.A.advice B.goalC.demand D.question答案B解析既然他知道他想要什么,因此他的目标(goal)就是发现它并购买。advice建议;demand要求;question问题。3.A.quickly B.immediatelyC.soon D.simply答案D解析所有的男士只是(simply)走进商店向售货员要他们想要的东西。quickly迅速地;immediately立即;soon不久。4.A.often B.constantlyC.normally D.finally答案A解析如果商店有现货就可以进行交易,交易过程常常(often)在不到5分钟之内就可完成,几乎没有闲聊且皆大欢喜(to everyones satisfaction)。constantly不停地;normally正常地,一般地;finally最后。5.A.confidence B.amusementC.satisfaction D.surprise答案C解析解析见上题。confidence信心;amusement娱乐;satisfaction满意;surprise惊奇。6.A.time B.eventC.situation D.case答案D解析如果那样的话(in that case),售货员就会竭尽全力卖给顾客其他东西售货员会把离这位男顾客想要的东西最近的那件提供(offer)给他。7.A.gives B.offersC.presents D.delivers答案B解析解析见上题。give给予;present赠送,呈现;deliver送(货)。8.A.skillfully B.attentivelyC.actively D.carefully答案A解析好的售货员会巧妙地(skillfully)拿出这样的替代品。attentively认真地;actively积极地;carefully仔细地。9.A.occurs B.happensC.comes D.takes答案B解析先生,我知道这件夹克不是你想要的款式,但是你能试一试这件看看尺码合适吗?那碰巧(happen)是你提到的那种颜色。10.A.patience B.interestC.expectation D.experience答案A解析根据上文男士购物特点的介绍可知:很少的男士会对这种服务有耐心(patience)。interest兴趣;expectation期待;experience经验。11.A.losing B.spendingC.giving D.wasting答案D解析这件的颜色和大小可能都合适,但我不应该通过试穿它来浪费(waste)你我的时间。lose丢失;spend花费;give给予。12.A.same B.cleverC.opposite D.similar答案C解析对于女士来说,她们总是以迥然不同的(opposite)方式购买衣服。same相同的;clever聪明的;similar相似的。13.A.relied B.basedC.done D.related答案B解析女士购物经常不是基于需要。be based on基于;be relied on被依赖。没有be done on和be related on结构。14.A.open B.readyC.close D.happy答案A解析根据后半句中的“.willing to try on any number of things.”可知,女士总是乐于接受(be open to)劝导。没有be ready to sth. 和be happy to sth. 句式,故排除B、D两项;be close to sth. 接近某物,不合句意,故被排除。15.A.nobody B.somebodyC.everybody D.anybody答案C解析在女性购物者内心深处是想找到每个人(everyone)都认为适合她的东西。anybody常用于否定句和疑问句,故被排除。nobody和somebody不合本句句意,可直接排除。16.A.deal B.surpriseC.luck D.bargain答案D解析根据上文(大多数女性都有超高的价值意识)可推知,女性购物者总是对意外的便宜货(bargain)很留意。deal交易;surprise惊奇;luck运气。17.A.after B.asC.before D.by答案C解析面对满屋子的衣服,女性购物者可能会很容易花一个小时从一个服装架走到另一个服装架才(before)会选中自己想要试穿(try on)的衣服。18.A.try on B.try outC.try up D.try for答案A解析参考上题解析。19.A.tiring B.enjoyableC.boring D.graceful答案B解析这个过程很烦人,但对女性购物者来说显然是一种令她们很愉悦的(enjoyable)过程。20.A.customers B.assistantsC.wives D.husbands答案D解析男士不愿意购物,因此大多数服装店总是给等待女士购物的丈夫们提供椅子。一、题型解读说明文是对事物的特征、本质、性能、状态、用途、原理或事物的发生、发展、结果、用途、原理等进行介绍、解释、说明的一种文体。 与记叙文相比,说明文类完形填空有如下命题特点:1.文章多用现在时态。 说明文通常是对客观事物或实例的介绍与说明,与时间的变化关系不大,所以文章常用现在时态。2.语言简练、平实、准确,常采用客观描述。 说明文的目的是要帮助读者认清事物,明白事理,所以语言简练、平实,易于理解,内容客观真实。3.文章主题明确,层次分明。 高考说明文类完形填空往往文章开头就点明说明对象,从而为同学们把握文章主题提供有利条件。 而且,作者借助合理的说明顺序展开文章,使文章结构清晰,层次分明。二、解题技巧1.明确说明对象,理清段落关系。 通读全文,明确作者是针对哪一个说明对象从不同的角度和侧面对其加以说明的。 在阅读过程中要概括、总结每一段说明的侧重点,理清各段之间的关系,加深对说明对象的理解。2.弄清说明顺序,把握文章脉络。 在说明的过程中作者会选择合理的说明顺序对说明对象进行解说。 把握了说明顺序能准确把握文章的脉络,加深对整篇文章的理解。 常见的说明顺序有时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序(如因果关系、果因关系、先主后次等)和认识顺序(如由此及彼、由浅入深、由局部到整体、由现象到本质等)。While traveling,you might have stayed at a hotel or a family members house.But have you ever thought about staying in a strangers 1 ?This might sound 2 ,but its actually
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