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Unit 3李仕才词汇考查+词汇应用必修二Unit 3 一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1、_ news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was given out on the radio yesterday. 答案:The句意为:市长来我们学校参观的新闻昨天通过收音机发布了。名词news后有介词短语修饰,起限定作用,表特指,故填the。2 In Germany, _ successful project, which roughly translates as “adopt a grandparent”, has been running with a great success. 答案:a句意为:在德国,一个名为“领养祖父母”的项目已成功运行。project为单数可数名词,此处意为“一个成功的项目”,表泛指。故填不定冠词a。3(2015陕西宝鸡中学期中改编)Mom, why cant I have _ new bike? Dear, you know, money doesnt grow on trees.答案:a句意为:妈妈,我为什么不能要一辆新自行车?亲爱的,你要知道,赚钱可不是件容易的事。bike为单数可数名词,是首次提到,此处表泛指,故用不定冠词a。4(2015安徽江淮十校联考改编)_ wish always remains unrealistic that you can come first in the final exam when you make no efforts at all. 答案:The句意为:你不付出任何努力而想在期末考试中得第一名的愿望是不现实的。wish后有that引导的同位语从句修饰,表特指,故填定冠词the。5(2015广东中山七校联考改编)Your son is in great danger and he needs _ immediate operation which costs 48,000 yuan. 答案:an句意为:你的儿子很危险,他需要紧急手术,费用为48,000元。operation为单数可数名词,且immediate为元音音素开头,故填不定冠词an。(二)英汉互译122、abacus n. _123、calculator n. _124、PC(=personal computer)_ 125、laptop n. _126、PDA(personal digital assistant); _127、analytical adj. _128、calculate vt. _129、universal adj. _130、simplify vt. _131、sum n. _132、Charles Babbag_e 133、operator n. _134、logical adj. _135、logically adv. _136、technology n. _137、technological adj. _138、Revolution n. _139、artificial adj. _140、intelligence n. _141、intelligent adj. _142、Alan Turing_143、solve vt. _144、mathematical adj_. 145、fromon _146、reality n. _147、designer n. _148、personal adj. _149、personally adv. _150、tube n. _151、transistor n. _152、chip n. _153、as a result _154、total adj. n. _155、 totally adv. _156、sothat_157、network n. _158、web n. _159、application n. _160、finance n. _161、mobile adj. _162、Rocket n. _163、explore vt. & vi. 164、Mars n. 165、Anyhow adv. _166、goal n. _167、happiness n. _168、human race _169、supporting adj. _170、download vt. _171、programmer n. _172、virus n. _173、android n. _174、signal vi. & vt. n. _175、teammate n. _176、Nagoya n. _177、Seattle n. _178、type n. vt. & vi. _179、in a way _180、coach n. _181、arise vi. (arose, arisen) _182、with the help of _183、electronic adj. _184、appearance n. _185、character n. _186、mop n. vt. _187、deal with _188、watch over _189、naughty adj. _190、niece n. _191、spoil vt. _二、阅读理解AGrey clouds move as low as smoke over the treetops at Lolo Pass. The ground is white. The day is June 10.It has been snowing for the past four days in the Bitterroot Mountains. Wayne Fairchild is getting worried about our trek over the Lolo Trail-95 miles from Lolo Montana to Weippe in Idaho, across the roughest country in the West. Lewis and Clark were nearly defeated 200 years ago by snowstorms on the Lolo. Today Fairchild is nervously checking the weather reports. He has agreed to take me across the toughest, middle section of the trail.When Lewis climbed on top of Lemhi Pass,140 miles south of Missoula, on Aug.12,1805,he was astonished by what was in front of him; high mountain chains still to the West of us with their tops partially covered with snow. Nobody in what was then the US knew the Rocky Mountains existed, with peaks twice as high as anything in the Appalachians back East.Today their pathway through those mountains holds more attraction than any other ground over which they traveled, for its raw wilderness is an evidence to the character of two cultures: the explorers who braved its hardships and the Native Americans who prize and conserve the path as a sacred (神圣的)gift. It remains today the same condition as when Lewis and Clark walked it.The Lolo is passable only from July to mid-September. Our luck is holding with the weather, although the snow keeps getting deeper. As we climb to Indian Post Office, the highest point on the trail at 7,033 ft, we have covered 13 miles in soft snow, and we hardly have enough energy to make dinner. After a meal of chicken, I sit on a rock on top of the ridge (山脊).There is no light visible in any direction, not even another campfire. For four days we do not see another human being. We are occupied with the things that mix fear with joy. In our imagin
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