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江苏省南通市 2017 高考英语一轮精选四阅读理解训练(2015辽宁省重点中学协作体三模) Dear Miss Manners,Friends of mine lost their home in a house fire.It was terrible.Another friend set up a “go fund me” type page for friends and to donate and help the couple.Many friends, including me, helped with money, meals, lamprey and their dog while they were getting back on their feet.Last week, they sent thankyou notes.My roommate received one addressed to her and I did not. The notes were not in modularized; it was a printed onesizefitsall message.My roommate realized I didnt receive a thankyou note, so she sent a private message to the couple just letting them know I had been left out.I didnt know she had done this until later.The next day, I got a text message apologizing and saying that I had been left out because their friend who addressed the notes must have missed me!(Miss Manners, they didnt even address the notes themselves!)It was accompanied by a picture of the thankyou note, which was texted to me with the message, “Here is a thank you just for you. ”I was a little annoyed.I helped them in their need and didnt get a second thought.I have not responded to her text message.Is it fair of me to consider this friendship over? Should I tell her that I am upset, or should I accept that this rude thank you was better than nothing?文章大意:这是一篇书信文体阅读。作者主要介绍了自己和舍友一起帮助了遭受火灾的一对夫妇,没想到没有收到感谢信,而舍友收到了。作者为此写信向 Miss Manners 征求意见。4. For what purpose did Mary write the letter?A. To start a public donation for the unlucky couple.B. To teach us how to see the true colors of friendship.C. To tell us to learn a lesson from her story.D. To ask for advice on how to deal with her annoyance.答案:D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段一连串的疑问句和第一句话 I was a little annoyed 可知 Mary 写这封信就是为了寻求关于处理她烦恼的建议。故选 D。5. From the letter we can infer that .A. the couple lost their car in the fire so they had to go everywhere on foot.B. so far Mary hasnt received a thankyou note addressed to her.C. Marys roommate sent the couple a message to blame their carelessness.D. the couple left Mary out by accident when they wrote the thankyou notes.答案:B 推理判断题。根据文章第一段的 Many friends, including me, helped with money, meals, lamprey and their dog while they were getting back on their feet 排除 A;根据文章第四段的第一句话 The next day, I got a text message apologizing and saying that I had been left out because their friend who addressed the notes must have missed me!(Miss Manners, they didnt even address the notes themselves!)排除 D;根据文章的第二段 My roommate realized I didnt receive a thankyou note, so she sent a private message to the couple just letting them know I had been left out 排除 C;根据文章的倒数第二段可知作者至今还没有收到正式的感谢信,仅仅收到一张表示感谢的 picture,由此判断选 B。6. What does Mary think of the couple she helped? Acareless BconsiderateCunbelievable Dunreliable答案:D推理判断题。careless 粗心的;considerate 体贴的;unbelievable 不可相信的;unreliable 不能依赖的。根据文章的一连串发问,特别是最后一段第二句话 I helped them in their fume of need anddidnt get a second thought 可知作者认为那对夫妇是不可信赖的。故选 D。7The letter is most likely taken from .Aa diaryBa brochureCa newspaperDa report答案:C 推理判断题。a diary 日记;a brochure 手册;a newspaper 报纸;a report 报告。通读全文可知作者在向 Miss Manners 征求意见,诉说自己的烦恼,应是写给一家报社,这篇文章最可能登在报纸上。故选 C。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D) 中, 选出最佳选项。体裁:记叙文 话题:公共服务 时间:7 分钟The world of taxi drivers is dominated by men.But there is one small taxi company in Delhi, where all the drivers and passengers are female.Womens safety is a hot topic in India at the moment,so its proving a very popular service.“When Im on the road driving our taxi I feel very proud,because this is the first taxi service only for women,”says 31yearold Shanti Sharma,who is one of eight female drivers with a taxi service called Cabs for Women by Women.The last couple of months,since the rape and murder in the city of a college student travelling on a bus,have been particularly busy for her and her colleagues.“After this case,our workload has increased so much,” says Sharma.“Women who used other cab services are also turning to us now.”Most women in Delhi say they routinely face harassment(骚扰),and worse,especially on public transport.Sharma,a single parent with three daughters,has been working as a taxi driver since 2011, when the service was first set up,and it has changed her life.This is the first time that she has earned enoughabout 250 a monthto support her family.Of course,she and the other female taxi drivers are completely outnumbered by male cabbies.“When I park somewhere there are always men there and inevitably five or six of them get together and hang out,” she says.“Im usually the only woman in the parking lot,so I just stay inside the car.”Its not much better when she is out on the road.Sharma says the male drivers give her a hard time.“As soon as they see a woman at the wheel they start honking(按喇叭) for no reason.Theyll try to overtake you.Im always worrying about how to avoid getting hit by someone.”The company behind Cabs for Women
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