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Module 5过关检测卷时间:40分钟满分:100分Part 1 Listening 听 (30%)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(5分)() 1. A. lightB. nightC. tonight() 2. A. heavyB. veryC. lovely() 3. A. topicB. pocketC. broken() 4. A. easyB. wheelC. try() 5. A. cakeB. makeC. take二、听录音,选出与所听句子相符的图片,将序号填在横线上。(5分) A B C D E 1. _2. _3. _4. _ 5. _三、听录音,根据所听内容选词填空(只填序号)。(10分)A. lovelyB. niceC. lightD. bigE. beautifulF. dirtyG. smallH. newI. oldJ. fat1. Sams bag is _ and _. 2. Marys sweater is _ and _. 3. My cat is _ and _. 4. Toms shoes are _ but _. 5. This kite is _, but it looks _. 四、听录音,根据短文内容判断正()误()。(10分)() 1. My mother bought the dresses for me. () 2. The green dress is very nice. () 3. Theres a monkey on the green dress. () 4. The black dress is long. () 5. I like my dresses. Part 2 Reading and Writing读和写(70%)五、读一读,把画线部分发音相同的单词写在对应的方框中。(10分)starenjoymeatafternoongoat六、单项选择。(16分)() 1. I cant carry this box. Its _. A. heavyB. lightC. small() 2. Itll _ for you to do that. A. easyB. be easyC. is easy() 3. My Tshirt has got a dog _ it. A. onB. inC. at() 4. _ you got any dresses? A. HasB. AreC. Have() 5. This sweater is _ small _ you. A. so; toB. too; forC. very; to() 6. Mum will _ a new bag for me. A. to buyB. buysC. buy() 7. What about this Tshirt?Its nice. Ill _ it. A. takeB. findC. use() 8. Whats the matter with your shoes?_A. Theyre new.B. Theyre broken.C. Theyre red. 七、根据句意及首字母提示填空。(10分)1. This box is not h_. I can carry it. 2. It will rain today. You should(应该) take your u_. 3. I like English. Its e_ for me to learn it well. 4. These shoes are t_ big for Daming. 5. I want this blue Tshirt. Can I t_ it?八、根据例句及图片写对话。(12分) 例句:(heavy) A:Is the bag heavy?B:No, it isnt. 1. (nice) A:_B:_ 2. (new) A:_B:_ 3. (lovely)A:_B:_九、阅读短文,完成表格。(12分) (建议用时:4分钟)On Sunday we have a trip. We take different bags. Amys is small and light. Its easy for her to carry it. Johns bag is green and heavy. Its hard for him to carry it. Linglings bag has got four wheels. Its easy for her to carry it. I have a beautiful bag. And I put lots of delicious food in it. Its heavy for me. Amys bagsmall and lighteasyJohns bag1. _2. _Linglings baghas got 3. _4. _my bag5. _6. _十、小作文。(10分)介绍一下自己的书包,可选用以下单词:lightbrokenheavybigsmallhardMy Schoolbag_Module 5过关检测卷听力材料:一、1. light2. lovely3. pocket4. easy5. take二、1. This Tshirt is too big for the monkey. 2. Lets make a birthday card for Sam. 3. Playing basketball is hard for him. 4. My kite is so nice. 5. The white bag is heavy. 三、1. Sams bag is small and light. 2. Marys sweater is new and beautiful. 3. My cat is fat and lovely. 4. Toms shoes are nice but dirty. 5. This kite is big,but it looks old. 四、W:I have two new dresses. My sister bought them for me. The green one is long. Its very nice. The black one is short. Its got a monkey on it. Its very cute. I like them very much. 答案:一、1. A2. C3. B4. A5. C二、1. B2. C3. E4. A5. D三、1. G;C2. H;E3. J;A4. B;F 5. D;I四、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五、六、1. A点拨:由第一句话中的“搬不动”可知,箱子应该很沉。2. B点拨:will后要跟动词原形。3. A 4. C 5. B6. C点拨:will后跟动词原形。7. A8. B七、1. heavy2. umbrella3. easy 4. too5. try/take八、1. A:Is the kite nice? B:Yes, it is. 2. A:Are the pencils new? B:No, they arent. 3. A:Is the panda lovely? B:Yes, it is. 九、1. green and heavy 2. hard3. four wheels 4. easy5. beautiful 6. heavy十、范文:My SchoolbagI have a big schoolbag. Its blue. Its got a lovely white rabbit on it. Its got four pockets. There are so many books in it. Its very heavy. Its old and broken,but I like it very much.
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