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choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)-column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis number小数的意义和性质复习导学案一、复习提纲归纳所学知识,构建知识结构。(看数学书第四单元内容,然后交流这单元学习了哪些知识)知识点归纳和整理、复习数位顺序表:小数点左边第一位是( )位,第二位是()位;小数点右边第一位是()位,计数单位是( ),第二位是( )位,计数单位是( ),第三位是( )位,计数单位是( )。每相邻两个计数单位之间的进率是( ),即10个0.1是( ),( )个0.01是0.1,( )个0.001是0.1.、复习小数的性质:( )这叫做小数的性质。、复习小数点移动的规律:小数点向右移动一位,两位,三位,小数就( )到原数的10倍,100倍,1000倍;小数点向左移动一位,两位,三位,小数就缩小到原数的( ),( ,),( )。、复习小数和复名数的相互改写:从高级单位名数到低级单位名数是( )进率,小数点向( )移动;从低级单位到高级单位是( )进率,小数点向( )移动。、复习小数的近似数和把较大数改写成以“万”“亿”作单位的小数。近似数末尾的零能不能去掉? 保留整数表示精确到()位保留一位小数表示精确到()位精确到百分位表示保留()位小数。、完成课本页第二题。二、达标训练填空由个一,个十分之一和个千分之一组成成的数是()读作()里面有()个,是由()和()个组成的计数单位是()它有()个这样的单位。把的小数点向右移动两位是(),也就是把原数()到它的倍整数部分是的最大三位小数是()最小两位小数是()。把精确到十分位是(),保留两位小数是()判断。大于小于的小数有个.()三位小数大于两位小数。()整数部分是的小数都比小. ()整数都比小数大。()和的大小相等,计数单位也相同。()和保留一位小数都是. () (三)单位换算。94507=( )万 =( )亿437=( )万 0.45平方米=( ) 5元7角2分=( )元 30厘米=( )米 5吨50千克=( )吨 ( )米=0.01千米 4.08吨=( )千克 4千米50米=( )千米 0.065公顷=( )平方米4、 典例解析1、 把改写成以“亿”为单位的小数是( ),保留两位小数约是( )。2、 在5.05中,左边5是右边5的( )倍。3、 一个三位小数四舍五入以后的近似值是5.0,这个三位小数最小是( ),最大是( )。4、 把0.48,0.84, 0.484,0.844,0.448按从小到大的顺序排列是( )( )( )( )( )。5、 大于2.1而小于2.2的小数有( )个,请写出两个( ),( ).6、 3.985保留整数是( ),保留一位小数是( ),保留两位小数( ) 。7、0.1公顷989平方米 2小时135分钟。8、 与5.28相邻的两个自然数是( )和( ),它更近似于( )。9、 ( )扩大到它的100倍是3.84,( )缩小到它的是0.2.10、 一个小数的小数点先向左移动一位,在扩大为新数的10倍是0.4,原数是( )。5、 堂清检测(1) 填空。1、0.6里面有( )0.1,0.035是由( )个0.001组成的。2、4.087的4在( )位上,表示( )个( );8在( )位上,表示( )个( );7在( )位上,表示( )个( )。3、4.8的是0.048,0.025扩大到它的100倍是( )。4、4分米=( )米 50厘米=()米 250克=( )千克 80克=( )千克 5元4角2分=( )元 1米2厘米=( )米。 5、( )个0.01组成0.62,0.806由( )个0.1和( )个0.001组成。6、有一个数,百位和百分位上都是6,十位和十分位上都是8,其余数位上都是0,这个数写作( )读作:( ),把它四舍五入到十分位是( )7、一个两位小数的近似数是4.6,这个两位小数最大是( )最小是( );一个三位小数精确到百分位是2.35,这个三位小数最小是( ),最大是( )。8、把3006毫米、3.06米、354厘米、5米5分米、3.6米,按从小到大的顺序排列是( )。9、11.8在( )和( )两个相邻整数之间,近似于( )这个整数。10、小数部分最大的计数单位是( ),整数部分最小的计数单位是( ),1里面有( )个0.1,有( )个0.01。(二)判断1、 小数点的末尾添上0或者去掉0,小数的大小不变。 ( )2、 0.45和0.450的大小相等,计数单位相同。 ( )3、 小数点向左移动两位,小数就缩小到原数的。 ( )4、 5.4写成0.54,缩小为它的。
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