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一、专业短语中英互译1、 search engine optimization (SEO) 搜索引擎优化2、 value-based pricing 价值导向定价3、gross margin 总临润,(销售)毛利 4、 franchising 特许经营权;特许专营5、licensing 许可、批准 6、post-purchase behavior 购买后行为 7、 Merger and acquisition 合并与收购8、 Direct export 直接出口9、wholly owned subsidiaries 全资子公司 10、intermediary 中介、中介机构 11、 Product life cycle 产品生命周期12、 Brand loyalty 品牌资产13、cost-based pricing 成本导向定价 14、 Value proposition 价值主张15、 Convertibles 可转换债券16、tariff 关税 17、transaction 交易 18、 wholesalers 批发商19、 target profit pricing 目标利润定价20、market penetration 市场渗透 21、personal selling 人员推销 22、 customer relationship management 客户关系管理23、 Interest rate 利率2、 句子翻译1、Sales for Johnsons Baby Shampoo increased dramatically after the company positioned the product not only for babies but also for active adults who need to wash their hair frequently.(答案:强生公司将其婴儿洗发水定位为不仅用于婴儿,也可用于需要经常洗头的活跃成年人后,此产品销售额显著上升。)2、 此处要点在于:在市场细分时,由于某个主要竞争产品已经在销量上和消费者心目中都居于主导地位,一些细分市场必须放弃。(答案:The main point here is that in segmenting markets, some segments might have to be forgone because a market-leading competitive product already dominates in sales and in the minds of customers.)3、 FMCG suppliers such as Nestle use their website as a method of generating interaction by providing incentives such as competitions and sales promotions to encourage the customer to respond with their names, addresses and profile information such as age and sex.(答案百度:雀巢等快速消费品供应商使用他们的网站作为一个方法产生互动的竞赛和促销活动等提供激励,鼓励客户回应他们的名字、地址和个人信息如年龄和性别。)4、 In the narrowest sense, price is the amount of money charged for a product or service. More broadly, price is the sum of all the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service.(答案:狭义上讲,价格是对产品或服务收取的费用。广义上讲,价格是消费者拥有产品或使用服务而得到益处的所有交换价值。)5、 Advertising leads to branding and promotes brand loyalty as well. Once users have become satisfied with a specific brand, they tend to stay with it.(答案百度:广告会导致品牌和促进品牌忠诚度。一旦用户已经成为满意一个特定的品牌,他们倾向于保持。)6、 上瘾性消费行为:对商品或服务的一种生理或心理上的依赖。(答案:Addictive consumption: Consumption addition is a physiological or psychological dependency on goods or services.)7、 经济因素包括经济增长、利率、汇率、经营成本(如燃料)、通货膨胀率、服从法令的成本。(答案:Economic factor include economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, operating costs (e.g. fuel), inflation rate, costs of statutory compliance.)8、 缩小选择范围的方法之一是选择某一产品特性,然后将所有不具备该特性的产品排除。(答案:One way to begin narrowing the number of choices is to pick a product attribute and then exclude all products that dont have the attribute.)9、 If a consumer finds that a particular product fulfills the need for which it was purchased, the probability is high that the individual will repurchase the product the next time the need arises. (答案:如果消费者发现他所购买的产品满足了购买时的需求,那么他很有可能会在下一次需求出现时继续购买该产品。)10、 If the consumer is dissatisfied, marketers must decide whether the product was deficient or consumer expectations were too high.(答案:如果消费者不满意,市场营销者必须做出判断是产品本身的缺陷还是消费者期望过高。)11、 Marketing research is the process of defining a marketing problem and opportunity, systematically collecting and analyzing information, and recommending actions to improve an organizations marketing activities. (答案:营销调研是定义营销问题及机会,系统收集、分析信息,并为组织的营销活动提出建议的过程。)12、 焦点小祖根据人口统计、心理统计等因素由精心挑选的6-10人组成,对某些主题或兴趣进行深入讨论。(答案:A focus group is a gathering of six to ten people who are carefully selected based on certain demographic, psychographic, or other considerations and brought together to discuss at length various topics of interest.)三、阅读Public RelationsA company does not function in a vacuum, but rather as part of a society. That society consists of the people who work for it, the people and companies that do business with it, the public at large, and the government that regulates and taxes it. These groups are known as a companys “publics.” In order for a company to deal with these publics effectively, a relationship of trust must exist. Employees will not cooperate with or put forth their best efforts for a company that they do not trust or that they feel is taking advantage of them. The public will not buy products or services from a company that, in their view, is not responsible or trustworthy. And the government, as the protector of the society it governs, is especially vigilant in dealing with a company that it regards as not operating in the public interest. Given these circumstances, every business, whether it is a giant corporation or a small factory, a five-star hotel or a roadside tavern, needs to give some thought to the relationship it has with all the various publics it interacts with. The techniques that a company uses to improve these relationships are known as “public relations”, also called PR.The goal of public relations is usually to improve the climate or atmosphere in which a company operates. Here are some results a company might e
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