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Unit6 Foodandlifestyle Grammar nouns CountableNouns UncountableNouns 可数名词 不可数名词 名词 uncountablenouns countablenouns Singularform Pluralform Regularrules规则变化规律 IrregularWords不规则词 Question avowel avowelsound acake anapple ahamburger anegg acarrot apear anorange an M Moreexamples 1 Myhometownhas university 2 Idomyhomeworkfor houreveryday 3 Ihave uncleand aunt4 Thereis u and s intheword use 5 Thereis f and x intheword fix a an a an an a or an an an an acat fourcats abird twobirds 1 Mostnouns s Rule Ihavetwogoodf TheyareDanielandMillie Amylikesl Millielikesc andch riends emons akes ocolates mostnouns s Rule Usuallytheytakedifferentbus buttodaytheyareonthesameone Theybringtwobox Therearetwowatchinthem Why BecauseChristmasiscoming Theywanttogivetheirteacherpresents Bestwishtotheirteacher es es es es s x ch sh es Rule hobbyfamilyBothMillieandDanielhavemanyhobby Theyoftendoafter schoolactivity hobbies activities families diaries hobbies activities activity diary consonant yyi es s ies es Rule o Withlife es Withoutlife s H ero es tomato es potato es likeeating and Heroes Theyarephotos Theyareradio photos s Attention Pandalikeeatingbambooes Kangroo runfast bamboobambooskangrookangroos s bamboos s Rule Whatcanyouseeinthepicture Icanseetwo two andsome wolfKnifeleaf f feves wolves knives leaves PairWork Howmanyrulesinall 总共 endinginaconsonant y endingins sh ch orx endingino endinginforfe s es y i es s es f fe v es acake cakes astory stories aglass glasses awish wishes awatch watches abox boxes apotato potatoesaradio radios awife wivesaknife knives Singular 单数 plural 复数 Tellmethepluralformsofthesewords glasspianokiloshelfwatchstoryhourmango glasses pianos kilos shelves watches stories hours mangoes Irregularwords woman women man men child children tooth foot Howmanyteethandfeetdoesatigerhave teeth feet Irregularwords Chinese sheep fish deer UnclewangandUncleLiareChineses Theyhaveafarmtogether Couldyoutellmewhatanimalsdotheyhave Theyhavesomefishes foursheepsandsixdeers Chinese Irregularwords summary 不规则变化要特别记 oo常常变ee foot feet是一例 男人 女人a变e woman women是一例 child后面加上ren 变成复数是children中 日 鹿 羊无变化 单数 复数是一家 Wecanalsousenounsinfrontofuncountablenounstoshowtheiramounts aglassofmilk aplateofmeat Task3 UncountableNouns acupoftea apacketofsalt abowlofrice apacketofsalt twopacketsofsalt akilooffish threekilosoffish threecartonsofmilk fivebagsofmilk abasketofeggs twobasketsofeggs threeeggs apacketofsalt packetsofsugar twocupsoftea fourbottlesofwater twocartonsofmilk onecartonofmilk abottleofwater 量词 HobowantstobuysomethingsforChristmas Lookathisshoppinglistbelow Helphimcompletethelist bottle can plate bowl carton cup tea milk Coke soup milk threecupsof twobottlesof plate abowlof acanof threecartonsof a chicken Fillintheblanks Millie Mum whatdoweneedtobuy Mum Weneedsome a of anda of Millie Doweneedtobuysome Mum Yes Let sbuysome and Millie Iwanttobuysome TheyareGrandpa sfavourite Andwehaveonlyone Weneedtobuysometoo Mum OK Wecanalsobuyafew of chicken bag rice packet salt vegetables carrots potatoes mangoes apple bottles juice P74 1十二个鸡蛋一个橘子三碗米饭七瓶牛奶五千克肉六把小刀两篮土豆四袋盐 twelveeggs anorange threebowlsofrice sevenbottlesofmilk fivekilosofmeat sixknives twobasketsofpotatoes fourpacketsofsalt Task4 Practise 一些牛奶一个小时两袋大米五公斤肉几袋盐一杯茶三碗汤两瓶牛奶一篮水果 somemilk anhour twobagsofrice fivekilosofmeat somepacketsofsalt acupoftea threebowlsofsoup twoglassesofmilk abasketoffruit Whatisontheteacher sdesk Thereis are What swrongwiththesentences 1 Thereissomenicephotoonthewall 2 ThereisaartbookandaMathbookonthetable 6 TodayisSeptember10th It sTeacher sDay 4 Ihavetwopencil box 5 Thesetomatoarered 3 Myfatherlikestoeatpotatos What swrongwiththesentences 1 Thereissomeorangesjuiceintheglass 2 Therearenobreadonthetable 6 Thereareanorangeandtwobagsofricethere 4 Thereissomeporkandbeefsonthetable 5 Thereisanmeatinthebox 3 Istheretwoglassesofmilkinourclassroom 我早饭很少吃鸡蛋和面包 I have and forbreakfast 2 我们晚饭买些土豆和牛肉吧 Let sbuysome and for 3 我需要两盒牛奶和一袋糖 Ineed and 4 你最喜欢的蔬菜是什么 西红柿和大白菜 What syourfavourite Ilike and best seldomeggsbread potatoesbeefsupper twocartonsofmilk a bagofsugar vegetables tomatoes cabbages this that I you he she it am is these those we you they are singularplural ChangethesentenceintoonesofsingularformsThisisabook Thatisaneraser Itisaredapple Iamaboy He Sheisateacher What sthis Thesearebooks Thoseareerasers Theyareredapples Weareboys Theyareteachers What rethese
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