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Unit3Iammoreoutgoingthanmysister SectionA1a 2d LanguageGoals Talkaboutpersonaltraits Comparepeople LinXinruisthin LiuYifeiisthinner LiuYifeiisthinnerthanLinXinru 45kg 48kg LiYongismoreoutgoingthanChenglong ChengLongisoutgoing LiYongismoreoutgoing A IsthatLihua B No itisn t It sYaoMing HeistallerthanLihua Thewomenarefat Themanandthewomanarethin Thewomenarefatterthanthemanandthewoman Theredboxisbig Thegreenboxissmall Theredboxisbiggerthanthegreenbox Thepurplerulerislong Thebluerulerisshort Thepurplerulerislongerthantheblueruler outgoing longhair shorthair tallloudlythinshorthairlonghairheavyquietlyshort 1aMatcheachwordwithitsopposite 1bListenandnumberthepairsoftwinsinthepicture 1 3 1 2 3 Tapescript A IsthatSamplayingtheguitar B No that sTom SamhaslongerhairthanTom C BothTomandSamcanplaythedrums butSamplaysthembetterthanTom Conversation1 A That sTara isn tit B No itisn t It sTina TinaistallerthanTara AndshealsosingsmoreloudlythanTara Conversation2 A IsthatPaul B No that sPeter Peter sheavierthanPaul AndPaul sshorterthanPeter Conversation3 1cPracticetheconversationinthepictureabove Thenmakeconversationsabouttheothertwins A That sTara isn tit B No itisn t It sTina TinaistallerthanTara AndshealsosingsmoreloudlythanTara Let spractice IsthatTara No itisn t It sTina Tara sshorterthanTina Tara Tina No itisn t It sPaul Paul sthinnerthanPeter Peter stallerthanPaul IsthatPeter 2aListen Arethewordsintheboxusedwith i erormore Completethechart funny run fastfriendly jump highoutgoing work hardhard working getup earlysmartlazy funnysmartlazy run fast jump high work hard getup early hard working 2bListenagain HowareTinaandTaradifferent Fillintheboxes friendlier funnier runfaster jumphigher smarter getupearlier Tapescript Interviewer Tina doyouthinkyouaredifferentfromyoursisterTara Tina Oh sure Welooksimilarbutwe reverydifferent Interviewer Really Inwhatwaysareyoudifferent Tina Well I mmoreoutgoingthanTara I mfriendlierandfunnier too AndIlovesports Tara yes shecanrunfasterandjumphigherthanme Interviewer Who smorehard workingatschool Tara Tinathinkssheworksharderthanme butIworkashardasTina Butshe ssmarterthanme Tina Notreally IthinkI mlazierthanTara Shealwaysgetsupearlierthanme 2cStudentA lookatthechartontheright StudentB lookatthechartonpage81 Askandanswerquestions Note MeansSamistallerthanTom 2dRole playtheconversation Julie Didyoulikethesingingcompetitionyesterday Anna Anna oh itwasfantastic Nellysangsowell Julie Yes butIthinkLisasangbetterthanNelly Anna Oh whichoneisLisa Julie Theonewithshorterhair IthinkshesangmoreclearlythanNelly Anna Yes butNellydancedbetterthanLisa Julie YoucantellthatLisareallywantedtowin though Anna Well everyonewantstowin Butthemostimportantthingistolearnsomethingnewandhavefun 1 doyouthinkyouaredifferentfromyoursister 你认为你不同于你的姐姐吗 bedifferentfrom与differfrom同义 同时是differfrom的另一种表达方式 并且比differfrom更为口语化 如 Americancarsaredifferentfromours Americancarsdifferfromours Explanation 2 welooksimilar butwe reverydifferent looksimilar看上去相似lookthesame看上去一样looklike 看上去像 lookalike看上去相像 3 BothTomandSamcanplaythedrums butSamplaysthembetterthanTom 1 both 两个 两者都 在句中可作代词 形容词 副词 连词 作副词时常放在be动词之后 实义动词之前 e g Both of hisparentsaredoctors 作代词或形容词 Hisparentsarebothdoctors 作副词 Theybothwentcampingintheholiday 作副词 BothEnglishandmathareveryimportant both and 短语常连接两个并列的成分 可连接名词 动词 形容词和代词等 注 both指两者都 all指三者或三者以上都 一 按要求写出下列各词的正确形式1easy 比较级 2different 名词 3many 比较级 4serious 比较级 5friendly 比较级 easier difference more moreserious friendlier 练习 6funny 比较级 7outgoing 比较级 8quiet 反义词 9tall 反义词 10beautiful 比较级 morebeautiful moreoutgoing loud short funnier 二 句型转换 Thispicturelooksbeautiful butthatonelooksmorebeautiful 同义句 Thatpicturelooks thisone 2 ShehaslongerhairthanEmma 同义句 Herhairis 3 Helenstudieshardestinherclass 同义句 Helenstudies than studentinherclass morebeautifulthan longerthanEmma s harderanyother 4 Myfatheristwoyearsolderthanmymother 同义句 Mymotheris thanmyfather 5 LiLeiistallerthanhistwinbrother 同义句 LiLeiis ofthetwins 6 Daveisheavy buthecanrunveryfast 上同 Daveisheavy hecanrunveryfast twoyearsyounger thetaller Though 1 Ifyouwanttobethinnerandhealthier you dbettereat foodandtake exercise more fewerB more lessC fewer moreD less more 三 选择 2 He s thanhisbrother strongB strongerC thestrongerD thestrongest 3 Whichdoyoulike teaorcoffee goodB betterC bestD thebetter 4 Mum thisT shirtismuchtoosmallforme Wouldyoubuymea one goodB betterC largeD larger Unit3Iammoreoutgoingthanmysister SectionAGrammarFocus GrammarFocus 3aUsethewordstowritequestionsandanswers 1 Julie tall youQ A No sheisn t She s thanme 2 Jack run fast SamQ A No hedoesn t Heruns thanSam IsJulieastallasyou taller DoesJackrunfasterthanSam slower 3 yourcousin outgoing youQ A No sheisn t She s thanme 4 Paul funny CarolQ A No heisn t He s thanCarol Isyourcousinmoreoutgoingthanyou moreserious IsPaulasfunnyasCarol funnier 3bThinkofyourselftwoyearsago Writeabouthowyouaredifferentnow 1 Areyoutaller 2 Areyoufunnier Yes Iam I mtallernowthanIwastwoyearsago Yes Iam I mfunniernowthanIwastwoyearsago 3
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