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译林版(三起)五年级上册期中考试英语试卷评卷人得分一、选择题(题型注释)1.There _a tree and some flowers in the park. ( )A.beB.isC.are2.How many _are there in your school? ( )A.librariesB.libraryC.librarys3.I have two pens, one is red and _is blue. ( )A.oneB.the otherC.second4.My animal friend has no legs _arms. ( )A.withB.andC.or5.My English teacher likes reading books. She _likes watching films. ( )A.tooB.bothC.also6.A bird is good at _. ( )A.singingB.swimmingC.running7.-_you have a rabbit? ( )-No, I_.A.Do; doB.Do; haventC.Do; dont8.-Can I play _you? ( )-Sure.A.andB.forC.with9.Look at these cats. cute and fat. ( )A.ItsB.TheyreC.They10.You can see many pandas in_. ( )A.the USB.CanadaC.China评卷人得分二、阅读理解阅读短文,根据短文内容选择合适的答案。Hello, my name is Kevin. I have three good friends. Theyre Colin, Kitty and John. We have some hobbies. I like reading stories very much. I often read them in the evening. Colin likes playing the piano. She can play it very well. Sometimes she plays the piano for us. Does Kitty like playing the piano? No, she doesnt. She likes drawing pictures. There are some nice pictures in her room. What about John? He likes watching films. He often watches films with his mother on Sundays.11.Kevin likes . ( )A.playing the pianoB.dancingC.reading stories12.Sometimes Colin for her friends. ( )A.dancesB.plays the pianoC.sings13.Kitty likes . ( )A.drawing picturesB.skatingC.swimming14.We can see in Kittys room. ( )A.some stickersB.a toy rabbitC.some pictures15.John often watches films . ( )A.on SundaysB.on SaturdaysC.in the evening评卷人得分三、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。16.There isnt _( some; any ) soup on the table.17.They are on the _( three; third ) floor.18.My grandma _( have; has ) a lovely dog. It _( have; has ) a small face and two big eyes.19.Yang Ling likes _( swim; swimming ), but she cant _( swim; swimming ) well.20._(Does; Do ) Nancy have two fish? No, she _( doesnt; dont ).评卷人得分四、匹配题给下列句子选择相应的答语,并将其序号填入括号内。A. Yes, there are.B. No, there isnt.C. There are six.D. It has four. E. Theyre in the fridge.21.Is there a music room in this school? (_)22.Where are the cakes? (_)23.Are there any flowers in the park? (_)24.How many pictures are there on the desk? (_)25.How many legs does a dog have? (_)评卷人得分五、判断题判断下面单词中画线部分的读音是(T)否(F)相同。26.coat cake (_)27.juice dance (_)28.sun student (_)29.yes fly (_)30.heavy hobby (_)31.cute but (_)评卷人得分六、翻译英汉词组互译。32.在教室的前面_33.just right _34.在二楼_35.in the playground_36.许多学生_37.look out _38.弹钢琴_39.like skating_根据所给中文提示,完成下列句子对话 。40.森林里有一幢房子。There _ a _ in the forest.41.-你能带我参观你们的电脑室吗? -当然可以。-Can you _ _ _ your _ room?-Sure.42.汤太凉了,你可以加些热水。The _ is _ _, you can put some _ water in it.43.杨玲喜欢读故事书。Yang Ling likes _ _.44.我的鹦鹉有一个大嘴,她擅长唱歌。My parrot _ a big mouth, it _ good at _.参数答案1.B【解析】1.略2.A【解析】2.略3.B【解析】3.略4.C【解析】4.略5.C【解析】5.略6.A【解析】6.略7.C【解析】7.略8.C【解析】8.略9.B【解析】9.略10.C【解析】10.略11.C12.B13.A14.C15.A略16.any17.third18. has has 19. swimming swim 20. does doesnt 略21.B22.E23.A24.C25.D略26.F27.T28.F29.F30.T31.F略32.in the front of the classroom33.正合适34.on the second floor35.在操场36.many students37.当心38.play the piano39.喜欢滑冰略40. is house 41. show me around computer 42. soup too cold hot 43. reading stories 44. has is singing 略
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