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编号中文名称英文名称NF A03-720-2-2002混凝土的钢筋和预应力用钢.试验方法.第2部分:焊接纤维(Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Test methods - Part 2 : welded fabric.)NF A35-018-1984钢筋混凝土用钢筋.焊接的适合性(Concrete reinforcing bars. Suitability for welding.)NF A35-019-2-1996钢筋混凝土用钢筋.可焊刻痕丝制钢筋.第2部分:焊接钢筋网(Concrete reinforcing steels. Reinforcing steels made of weldable indented wires. Part 2 : welded fabric.)NF A35-021-1998混凝土用钢材.用于增强钢制备的可焊接金属线(STEELS FOR CONCRETE. WELDABLE WIRES USED FOR THE FABRICATION OF REINFORCING STEELS.)NF A35-052-1987钢铁产品.带改进粘附性的焊接钢丝网和钢丝用非合金钢线材(Iron and steel. Unalloyed steel wire rod for welded fabric and wire with improved adherence.)NF A36-000-1979结构钢和锅炉与压力容器用钢的焊接特性的推荐规范(RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING THE WELDABILITY OF STRUCTURAL STEEL AND OF BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSELS STEEL.)NF A36-205-5-2003压力容器用钢制扁平产品.第5部分:热机轧制的可焊接细粒钢(Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 5 : weldable fine grain steels, thermomechanically rolled.)NF A36-205-6-2003压力容器用钢制扁平产品.第6部分:可焊接淬火和回火细粒钢(Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 6 : weldable fine grain steels, quenched and tempered.)NF A36-211-1997焊接气体气缸用薄钢板和条带(Steel sheet and strip for welded gas cylinders.)NF A36-212-2002固定近海结构的可焊接结构钢.技术交货条件(Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore structures - Technical delivery conditions.)NF A36-226-2001具有规定的高温特性的压力容器用热轧可焊接钢棒(Hot rolled weldable steel bars for pressure purposes with specified elevated temperature properties.)NF A36-605-1982锅炉和压力容器用焊接钢冲压锻件.碳钢和碳锰钢.牌号与型号(Weldable steel drip forged articles for boilers and pressure vessels. Carbon and carbon-manganese steels. Grades and types .)NF A36-606-1982锅炉和压力容器用焊接钢冲压锻件.钼、锰钼和铬钼合金钢.牌号和型号(Weldable steel drop forged articles for boilers and pressure vessels. Mo, Mn/Mo and Cr/Mo alloy steels. Grades and types.)NF A36-620-4-1999承压用钢锻件.第4部分:高弹性强度的可焊接细粒钢(STEEL FORGINGS FOR PRESSURE PURPOSES. PART 4 : WELDABLE FINE GRAIN STEELS WITH HIGH PROOF STRENGTH. (EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 10222-4).)NF A36-620-4/A1-2002承压用钢锻件.第4部分:高弹性强度的可焊接细晶粒钢(Steel forgings for pressure purposes - Part 4 : weldable fine grain steels with high proof strength.)NF A49-004-1984钢管.无缝管和圆截面焊接管及焊接配件.尺寸总图及优选(Steel tubes. Seamless and welded tubes with circular section and supplies to be welded. General outlay of dimensions. Preferential selection.)NF A49-005-2003焊接和无缝钢管.管的尺寸和单位长度重量的一览表(Seamless and welded steel tubes - General tables of dimensions and masses per unit length.)NF A49-141-1978钢管.一般商业用中压平端焊接钢管.(尺寸.交货技术条件.)(STEEL TUBES. WELDED PLAIN END TUBES OF COMMERCIAL QUALITY FOR GENERAL PURPOSES AT MEAN PRESSURE. DIMENSIONS TECHNICAL DELIVERY CONDITIONS.)NF A49-145-1978钢管.热加工细螺纹焊接钢管.(尺寸.交货技术条件.)(STEEL TUBES. HOT-FINISHED WELDED TUBES SUITABLE FOR THREADING.DIMENSIONS. TECHNICAL DELIVERY CONDITIONS.)NF A49-147-1980钢管.一般用和管道用光端纵向焊接钢管.奥氏体不锈钢.(尺寸.交货技术条件.)(STEEL TUBES. PLAIN END LONGITUDINALLY WELDED TUBES FOR PIPE LINES AND GENERAL USE. AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEELS. DIMENSIONS. TECHNICAL DELIVERY CONDITIONS.)NF A49-148-1980钢管.一般用和管道用光端纵向焊接钢管.铁素体不锈钢.(尺寸.交货技术条件.)(STEEL TUBES. PLAIN END LONGITUDINALLY WELDED TUBES FOR PIPE LINES AND GENERAL USE. FERRITIC STAINLESS STEELS. DIMENSIONS. TECHNICAL DELIVERY CONDITIONS.)NF A49-150-1985钢管.水管系统用涂覆或保护焊接管.尺寸.交货技术条件(Steel tubes. Welded tubes intended to be coated or protected for use in water piping systems. Dimensions. Technical delivery conditions.)NF A49-151-2003包括饮用水在内的含水液体输送用焊接不锈钢管.交货技术件(Welded stainless steel tubes for the conveyance of aqueous liquids including water for human consumption - Technical delivery conditions.)NF A49-160-1979钢管.混凝土包的加热板用的焊接钢管.(尺寸.交货技术条件.)(STEEL TUBES. WELDED TUBES FOR HEATING PANELS ENCASED IN CONCRETE. DIMENSIONS. TECHNICAL DELIVERY CONDITIONS.)NF A49-170-1-1999对缝焊接管道配件.第1部分:一般使用和无特殊检验要求的锻碳钢(Butt-welding pipe fittings - Part 1 : Wrought carbon steel for general use and without specific inspection requirements.)NF A49-189-1980钢管.90度镀锌3d样式的焊接曲线.(尺寸.交货技术条件.)(STEEL TUBES. BUTT WELDING,NIGHT-ANGLED BENDS,3D,GALVANIZED DIMENSIONS. TECHNICAL DELIVERY CONDITIONS.)NF A49-191-1975钢管.毛细管焊接或焊接钎接用钢或铸铁接头.(尺寸.交货技术条件.)(STEEL TUBES. SPIGOT OR MIXED CONNECTIONS MADE OF STEEL OR CAST IRON FOR CAPILLARY BRAZING OR BRAZE WELDING. DIMENSIONS. TECHNICAL DELIVERY CONDITIONS.)NF A49-192-1981钢管.压力容器用内螺纹非合金钢焊接套管(STEEL TUBES. WELDED RINGS,INTERNALLY THREADED,FOR PRESSURE EQUIPMENT.)NF A49-201-1-2002焊接压力钢管.交货技术条件.第1部分:规定室温特性的非合金钢管(Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1 : non-alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature properties.)NF A49-201-2-2002焊接压力钢管.交货技术条件.第2部分:规定高温特性的电焊合金和非合金钢管(Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2 : electric welded non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties.)NF A49-201-3-2002焊接压力钢管.交货技术条件.第3部分:合金细晶粒结构钢管(Welded steel tubes fo
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