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合同范本编号: _可编辑可打印,也可以直接使用,欢迎您的下载商品房买卖合同翻译模板甲 方:_乙 方:_签订日期:_年_月_日商品房买卖合同翻译模板:_SerialNo.:_327338;CommercialHousingSalesCo;SupervisedandmadebyBeiji;StateLandandResourcesand;InstructionsofCommercial;1.Thecontractisasampleco;ConstructionCommitteeand;Commerce.;2.TSerial No. :_327338Commercial Housing Sales ContractSupervised and made by Beijing Municipal Bureau ofState Land and Resources and House ManagementInstructions of Commercial Housing Sales Contract1. The contract is a sample contract; hich is made together by BeijingConstruction Committee and Beijing Administration for Industry andCommerce.2. The commercial house in the contract refers to the house built and sold bythe enterprise of real estate development.3. Party involved should sign the contract based on illingness, justice,honesty and reputation. Any party cannot give the la to the counterpart. Bothparties can carry out amendment, supplement and deletion to clauses in thecontract. After the contract taking effect, as to the printed ords ithoutalteration, it can be considered that both parties agree ith the contents.4. As for the selected options, handriting is preferential.5. As to options, blank filling and other contents needed to be deleted oradded in the contract, both parties should make a decision by negotiation. Use to choose options; ith regard to the practical conditions not happenedor unlimited by the to parties, use to denote deletion.6. Before signing, vendor should sho license of presale of commercialhousing and other related certificates and documentary evidence to buyer.7. The contract articles are explained by Ministry of Construction of the P.R.C.and State Administration for Industry and Commerce.Commercial Housing Sales ContractThe to parties concerned in this contract:_The Seller:_Enterprise Qualification Certificate No.:_Entrusted Agent:_ Postcode:_ Telephones No.:_Postcode:_The Purchaser:_【Individual】【Legal Representative】Name:_ LIANG Qiuling【ID Card】【Passport】【Business License Registered No.】【 】【Authorized Agent】【 】Name:_ Nationality:_Address:_ Postcode:_Telephone No.:_According to Contract La of the Peoples Republic of China, Urban RealEstate Management La of the Peoples Republic of China, and other relatedrules and regulations, Party A and Party B come to the folloing agreement onthe commercial housing sales based on the principle of equality, free ill, andnegotiation:_Article One Basis for the Project Construction The【remise of land use right contract No.】【allocation of land use rightapproval document No.】【Transfer of Land Use Right approval document No.】isThe land area is After the approval, the seller constructed commercial houses on theaforementioned land. 【qualified name】【temporary name】Number of the Construction Project Planning Permit isArticle To Basis for Sales of the Commercial HouseThe commercial house bought by the purchaser is 【house completed】【commercial house for advance sale】。 The administration that authorizedthe advance sale of commercial houses is the number of the Article Three Basic Conditions of the Commercial House Bought by thePurchaserThe commercial house bought by the purchaser (hereinafter abbreviated asthe commercial house. Its floor plan is specified in annex one of the contractand the room number is subject to annex one) is located in the project asstated in the first article of the contract, details as belo:_【Building】1 【Floor】18 【Room】2019 The balcony of the commercial house is 【close】【semi-close】。The commercial houses construction area【stipulated in the contract】【inproperty onership registration】square meters. (Instructionson the constitution apportioned construction area of public area and publichouses are specified in annex to)actual floor. The sold floors exclude Floor 4, 2019, 2019, 24.Article Four Pricing Measures and PaymentThe seller and the purchaser agree to count the commercial house paymentof the folloing measures. (the cost of natural gas andheat energy is not included)1. According to construction area. The unit price of the commercial house is eighty only.2.Accordingtoindoorconst;4.;ArticleFiveAreaConfirmat;Accordingtothecountingme;【indoorconstructionarea】;Thisarticledoesnotapplyt;Incaseofdiscrepancybete;Afterdeliveryofthecommer;1.2. According to indoor construction area. The unit pric
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