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Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show.重点句型。Section A 1.My father says that its a Chinese Tang costume. 我爸爸说这是中国唐装。 a Chinese Tang costume 一件唐装;e.g. Do you want to buy a Chinese Tang costume? 你想买一件唐装吗?2.I liked it so much that my father bought it for me. 我非常喜欢,所以我爸爸就给我买了。so.that. 如此以至于,引导结果状语从句。e.g. The room is so quiet that one can even hear a pin drop. 这房间安静得能听见一根针落地的声音。注意:有时so.that.引导的结果状语从句中的that在口语中常省略。e.g. The climber was so tired, he could hardly stand alone. 这位爬山者很累,他几乎都站不住了。3.And you know we will have a class fashion show next Monday. 而且你知道我们下周一将举行一场班级服装秀。1)A. show n. 展览,演出e.g. a flower show 花展;B. show v. 给看,显示;e.g. Many famous models are going there to show the clothes. 许多著名模特将去那儿展示服装。 The clock shows a quarter to ten.时钟显示差一刻10点。短语:(be) on show展出,陈列;show sb. around带某人参观; show sb. in带某人进来。2) have a class fashion show 举办一场班级服装秀;4.Do you have time tomorrow? 你明天有时间吗?此句也可以说:Are you free tomorrow?have time 有时间; have no time 没有时间;n. 领带。e.g. a silk tie 一条真丝领带;tie. 领带。 tiev. (用线、绳等)系,捆。通常接副词或介词。固定搭配: tie sth. / sb. to sth. 意为“把某物/ 某人绑在某物上”。e.g. They tied him to a chair. 他们把他绑在一把椅子上。 I tie back my hair when I am cooking. 我做饭时把头发束在后面。5. Is it a cotton one? 句中one/ones是代词,one代替前文提到的可数名词单数; ones代替前文提到的可数名词复数。 1)Thisstoryisasinterestingasthat_. 2)Theapplesonthetablearebiggerthatthe_inthebasket. 区别:it指同一个,而one指同一类1) MypenislostandIcantfind _anywhere.SoIhavetobuy_.2)Thepearsinmybasketaresmallerthanthe_inJims.3)-Yourwatchisquitenice.Wheredidyoubuy_? -InShanghai.Doyouwanttohave_likethis?6.Excuse me,could you tell me where to buy a scarf?劳驾,你能告诉我在哪里可以买到围巾吗?疑问词+to do作宾语相当于宾语从句。 1) 疑问代词what/who(m)/which/where/when/how+不定式, 2) 连词whether+不定式。 Idontknowwhattodonext.我不知道下一步该做什么。 Willyoupleaseshowmehowtouseit?请你给我示范一下怎样使用它好吗? Mens Wear Section 男装区; Womens Wear Section 女装区; Sports Wear Section 运动装区;Shoes and Hats Section 鞋帽区; 这些都是由普通名词构成的专有名词,实词的首字母大写。Section B 1.What do you think of them?你觉得怎么样?此句的同义句: How do you like them?2.I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look great. 为了显得英俊,我想买一件风衣。so that 意为“以便,为的是”,引导目的状语从句。e.g. I got up very early so that I could catch the early bus. 我起得很早,以便能赶上早班车。3.What size do you take? Size M. 你要多大号的? 中码。M是medium(中等的,中间的)的缩写,Size S小号(S=small), Size L大号(L=large), Size XL特大号(XL= extra large)。对型号提问:What size.? 多大号?e.g. What size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大号的鞋? Size 37. 37码。4.Perfect! 太好了!perfect 可视为感叹词,在英语中,一些表示情绪的单词或词组可构成感叹句。e.g. Wonderful! 太好了! Great! 太棒了! Oh, dear! 天哪!5.Its such a cool windbreaker that you should buy it at once. 这件风衣很酷,你应该立刻买下它。such.that. 如此以至于,引导结果状语从句。e.g. He told us such a funny story that we all laughed. (后面是a,一定是用such a.,不能so a.)他给我们讲了一个如此滑稽的故事,引得大家都笑起来。such.that 与so.that的区别:so后接形容词或副词,such后接名词。但如果名词前有表示数量多少的形容词many, much, few, little修饰时,则要用so,而不用such。e.g. There were so few people on the street that the street seemed lonely. 街上没几个人,显得冷清。另外,“such+a(n)形容词+名词单数”=“so+形容词+a(n)+名词单数”。e.g. Mr. Miller is such a busy man that he cant leave his office. = Mr. Miller is so busy a man that he cant leave his office. 米勒先生是个大忙人,离不开办公室。6.Beautiful!真美!beautiful, pretty, handsome 均有“漂亮的”之意,但用法有所不同。(一)、当它们都指“人”的美时,有四点区别: a. 指女性美时,一般多用beautiful 与pretty,但beautiful比pretty语气强。 e.g. Nearly all girls are good-looking; some are pretty, a few, but very few are beautiful. 少女们几乎都好看,有些长得标致,但算得上美丽的为数不是很多,甚至没有。 b. handsome一般都形容男性美,形容女性时一般表示“五官端正”的意思。e.g. Mr Li is a young handsome man. 李先生既年轻,又英俊。 Do you describe her as beautiful or handsome? 你说她是长得美丽呢,还是五官端正? 注意:形容男性美一般很少用beautiful或pretty,若偶尔使用或者指这种男人没有男子气,要么就是指这种男人长的极美。 c. 形容小孩美用beautiful或pretty均可。 e.g. Kate is a beautiful / pretty girl. 凯特是个漂亮的女孩。 d. 指老人,不论男女,都可用handsome,但其含义不是“美丽”或“漂亮”,而是“老而健壮”。e.g. a handsome old man 精神矍铄的老人; (二)其他用法 a. 一般形容看起来美的东西用beautiful语气最强。 e.g. Beijing, the capital of China is a beautiful city. 中国首都北京是一座美丽的城市。 b. 形容灵巧、小巧的美用pretty。e.g. a pretty bonnet 一顶漂亮的女式无边帽; c. 中国人习惯说的“很有派头”、“很有样子”一般用handsome。 e.g. a handsome dress 笔挺的衣服; a handsome building富丽堂皇的建筑; a handsome horse 一匹高头大马;d. 如表示听起来美,用beautiful或pretty都可,但用beautiful语气更强。 a beautiful / petty voice 动听的声音; a beautiful / pretty song 动听的歌曲;7.After looking around, she buys a cotton skirt and it costs her 20 dollars. 四处浏览之后,她买了一件棉质短裙,花了20 美元。look around意为“环视,环顾,四下察看”。e.g. People came out of their homes and look around. 人们走出家门四处察看。Section C1. Congratulations ! You opened your own clothing store.I hope you will succeed.祝贺你!你的服装店开始营业了!我希望你取得成功。1)Congratulations! 恭喜!/ 祝贺你! congratulations “祝贺”,用于对别人取得进步或成功时表示祝贺。2)own 自己的
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