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新概念lesson61-66单元测试 Name _ Score _一、 辨别下面每组单词划线部分的发音,相同的打“”,不同的打“”(10分) 1.news noise ( ) 2.flu mumps ( ) 3.break meat ( ) 4.bad match ( ) 5.play remain ( ) 6.drive library ( ) 7.food foot ( ) 8.talk call ( ) 9.rich earache ( ) 10.key feel ( )二、英汉互译 (12分) 1.得重感冒 2.another two days _ 3.油腻食物 4.keep the room warm _ 5.看病 6.to call the doctor _ 7.吃些药 8.enjoy oneself _ 9.起床 10.have a temperature _11. 卧床休息 12.some good news _3、 根据句子含义填入正确单词,单词首字母已给出。(10分) 1. Whats the m with Jimmy? Hes in bed. 2. Jane has a stomach a . So she must take some m . 3. Susan has measles. So we must c the doctor. 4. Jimmy f very well. He is better now. 5. Does Jane has a t , doctor? No ,he doesnt. 6. You h a bad cold . So you must k yourself warm. 7. I have a headache . I should t some aspirins. 8. Its about five p seven. Dont worry . We wont be late. 9. We a enjoy ourselves. 10. You look ill . So you must s in bed for a moment.4、 填入句中所缺单词。(14分) 1. Thats good news _ Jimmy. 2. Sam has _ earache. So he must see a doctor. 3. I am going to see him _ ten oclock. 4. It often rains _ November. 5. Children mustnt play _ matches. 6. Jill has a key _ the back door. 7. What are you going _ do this afternoon ,Jimmy? 8. I always go to work _ the morning. 9. Jimmy is better now . But he mustnt get _ yet. 10. Where do you come _ ? I come _ France. 11. Jane is ill. She must stay in bed _ about two hours each day. 12. Its cold _ winter and hot _ summer.5、 选择 (30分) ( )1. Whats the matter _ Jimmy? He feels ill.A. about B. of C.to D. with ( )2. My mother _ a bad cold now. Im sorry to hear that.A. had B.have C. has D. have had ( )3. George has a headache . So he must _ an aspirin. Which two words following are both right?A. takes eats B. eat have C. taking having D. have ake ( )4. Sam looks ill. I think he _ a temperature .A. takes B. makes C. has D.is ( )5.-_ Jimmy today? - Hes better. Thank you. A. Whats B. Hows C. Wheres D. Whys ( )6. You have a bad cold . You mustnt get up _.A. now B. still C. then D. yet ( )7. Jimmys mother tells him ,“ You mustnt play _ matches!”A. with B. of C. about D. for ( )8. Mr. William is ill now, so he must _ this medicine.A. takes B. taken C. taking D. take ( )9. Jill has a key _ the back yard door.A. of B. about C.to D. for ( )10.- Welcome to my birthday party, please enjoy yourself! - We always enjoy _ .A. myself B. yourselves C. ourself D. ourselves ( )11.I often go to school _ half _ seven.A. past at B.at past C.past to D.to past ( )12.He enjoys _ basketball.A. playing B.to play C.to playing D.play ( )13.Can you hear _ , Tom?A. myself B. I C.me D.my ( )14.You must _ home before 10.A. are B.be C.is D. being ( )15.Show your homework _ me. A.to B. for C. with D.in6、 下列句子中都有一处错误,用“ ”画出来并在后面横线上改正(12分)。 1.Thats a good news for Jane. 2. Jimmy dont like go to school. _ 3. Sam must takes some medicine. _ 4. Jimmy have a toothache. _ 5. Linda is eighteen year old. _ 6. You must are home at half past ten. _7、 用所给词的适当形式组成句子,注意正确使用标点符号(12分)。 1.he for stay two in bed week _ 2.have Susan so she call the measles doctor _3. Jimmy very good look today _4. I the have can key the door front to please _5. the must to yet school go boy _自我评价_
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