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8B Unit l Past and Present达标检测卷 满分:100分 时间:90分钟 得分:_一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共9分)( )1Do your parents have the same hobby? NoMy father likes playing_ chess while my mother enjoys playing piano A;the B; Cthe; Dthe;the( )2I was born there and have known that old museum_ I was very young Afor Bsince Cbecause Dso( )3Noise pollution was a serious problem here_ Asince then Bin the future Conce a week Din the past( )4There are about live_ young trees on the hill Ahundred Bhundreds Chundred of Dhundreds of( )5We cant find Zhang HongWhere_ he_? Adoes;go Bdoes;gone Cdid;gone Dhas;gone( )6(2009苏州)It took the firemen two hours to_ the fire Aput out Bput up Cput on Dput away( )7_have you known each other? Since we were in our childhood AHow far BHow often CHow long DHow soon( )8My grandfather lives in a village_,but he never feels_ Aalone;alone Blonely;alone Clonely;lonely Dalone;lonely( )9With the help of the Internet,news can_ every corner of the world easily Areach Barrive Cget Dgo二、完形填空(每小题15分,共15分) Mr Li had never been up in an airplane before and he had read a lot about accidentsSo one day when a friend came to his house and wanted to take him for a ride in his own small plane,Mr Li was very 1 He thought to 2 ,If I dont agree,my friend may not be happy 3 if I agree,I am really afraid that there might be some danger 4 ,however,his friend made him believe that it was very 5 ,and Mr Li got on the plane His friend 6 the engine(发动机)and the plane began to move along on the ground of the 7 Mr Li was very frightened and 8 his eyesAfter a minute or two he opened them,looked out of the window of the plane,and said to his friend,Look 9 those people down thereThey look as 10 as ants(蚂蚁),dont they?Those are ants,answered his friendWe are still on the ground( )1Aexcited Bpleased Cworried Dglad( )2Ahim Bhimself Che Dhis( )3AAnd BFor CSo DBut( )4AFinally BFirst CLast DSlowly( )5Ainteresting Bsafe Ccomfortable Ddangerous( )6Abegan Bcarried Cmoved Dstarted( )7Aairport Btown Cstation Dgarden( )8Aopened Bclosed Cwith Dlooked( )9Aup Bover Cat Dafter( )10Aslow Bbig Cstrange Dsmall三、阅读理解(每小题1分,共15分)(A) Three people were walking along the street,first a big man,then a pretty womanand then an old gentlemanThe first two went around the cornerSuddenly the gentleman saw a piece of paper on the groundHe picked it upIt was fire poundsA few seconds later,the young womancame backShe was cryingI have lost five pounds,she said Dont cry,said the gentlemanHere it isThe young woman thanked him and went awayAfter a few seconds,the big man came backHe was looking for somethingSuddenly a window opened and a short man looked outI saw five pounds fall from your pocket,he said,but that man gave it to a young womanThe big man was very angryThe gentleman was frightened and gave him another five poundsWhen the gentleman had gone,the young woman came back to get her one pound and sixty-seven pence,and the short man came out to get his( )1The short man said_ Ahe saw the big man drop five pounds Bthe old mart kept the lost money Cthe pretty woman drop five pounds Dhe found himself drop five pounds( )2_really lost money AThe big man BThe pretty woman CThe short man DThe old gentleman( )3How many pounds did they get by cheating(期骗)? ASix BFive CFour DThree( )4The gentleman_ Awas very clever and strong Bdid a very good deed(好事) Cwas very kind but not brave Dhad plenty of money( )5The young woman only get_ at last Aseven pounds Bfive pounds and ten pence Cten poundsDone pound and sixty-seven pence (B) Six years ago,Ann graduated(毕业)from college with a degree in ArtNow she is twenty-nine and works for a large computer companyShe takes classes twice a week after workShe is learning to use the computer program P
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