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(人教PEP)四年级英语下册期末质量检测 小学资源网http:/www.xj5u.com/听力部分(50%).Listen and number.听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片,并标上序号。(10%).Listen and choose.听录音,从A、B两个选项中选择图片。(10%).Listen and draw.听录音,画出正确的时间。(10%).Listen and choose.(10%)根据对话内容,选择正确的图片。 .Listen and match.听录音,把你听到的时间和相符的图片连线。(10%)1.Its six thirty.Its time to get up.2.Its seven oclock.Its time for breakfast.3.Its ten thirty-five.Its time for Chinese class.4.Its four thirty.Its time for art class.5.Its eight forty.Its time to go to bed.笔试部分(50%).Look and choose.根据图片内容,在图片的下面,填入单词的序号。(20%)A.Slippers B.Onion C.Horse D.Play footballE.Rainy F.Thirteen G.Music H.Go to school.Read and Circle.圈出各题中与其它单词不同类型的一个单词。5%1.bedroomliving room(shelf)kitchen2.paintingstrongthinquiet3.English bookpictureChinese bookmath book4.parentsbabyuncleplate5.floorfandoorhamburger.Look,read and write.看图读句子,根据提示填上单词把句子补充完整。(10%)1.Its 9:20.Amy has an _ class.(music)2.Its 8:15.Amy has a _ class.(Chinese)3.Its 11:05.Amy has a _ class.(P.E.)4.Its 1:35.Amy has a _ class.(English)5.Its 10:10.Amy has a _ class.(math).Look,read,and circle.看图读句子,圈出正确的单词。(10%)1.Its windy / sunny in Hangzhou. 2.Itscloudy / snowy in Harbin. 3.Its windy / rainy in Beijing. 4.Its cloudy / sunny in Sydney.Read and choose.根据图示,把对应句子的序号填在图下的括号内。(5%)1.It is rainy.Open your umbrella2.It is snowy.Put on your boots.3.It is cloudy.Take your raincoat.4.It is windy.Hold on so your hat.5.It is sunny.Put on your sunglasses.(一) 听力测试.Listen and number.听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片,并标上序号。1.dress 2.playground 3.fan 4.library5.cloudy 6.hot 7.cucumbers 8.cows.Listen and choose.听录音,从A、B两个选项中选择图片1.Go to the playground 2.Have breakfast 3.computer class4.math class 5.Go to the washroom.Listen and draw.听录音,画出正确的时间。1.It is twelve.Lets have lunch. 2.It is seven.Lets have dinner.3.It s seven thirty.Lets go to school.4.It s five.Lets go to the gym.5.It s six.Lets go home.Listen and choose.根据对话内容,选择正确的图片。1.Is this a computer? No,its a picture.2.School is over,let s go to the gym. OK,lets go.3.Its rainy.Its rainy.Open up your umbrella.4.Whats the weather like today? Its snowy.5.Can I help you? Yes,I want a pair of jeans.Listen and match.听录音,把你听到的时间和相符的图片连线。1.Its six thirty.Its time to get up.2.Its seven oclock.Its time for breakfast.3.Its ten thirty-five.Its time for Chinese class,4.Its four thirty.Its time for art class.5.Its eight forty.Its time to go to bed. 小学资源网http:/www.xj5u.com/
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