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7B Unit 5 Amazing things Test paper一、根据句子意思及首字母完成单词。(15分)1. Its a_ that fish sleep in the water with their eyes open.2. He said it in a w_, so I couldnt hear him.3. Max has a bad cold. He is s_ in hospital today.4. Is that an English name? It sounds s_ to me.5. Sorry, I didnt hear you. Could you say it a_?6. He is c_ about English. He reads English for two hours every day.7. In Hawaii its very hot in summer. So there are a lot of s_. They like biting people.8. Mary i_ me to her birthday party yesterday.9. Emperor Qin is the first Emperor in Chinas h_.10. People can not live w_ water.11. Toms father often t_ from one country to another.12. He came to school early as u_.13. Mary is f_ of snakes.14. Tim is f_ of football. He practices it every day.15. Sandwich is named a_ a man.二、根据括号里所给单词的正确形式填空。(15分)1. This Maths problem is _(easy). I can work it out _(easy).2. Most computer games are very _(interest). So Im _(interest) in them. 3. Tom draws pictures as _(good ) as Helen does.4. He got up late yesterday, so he went to school _ breakfast. (with)5.This is an _ story, do you want to listen to it? (usual)6. The cars are moving _ in these busy streets. (slow)7. Shirley is a very _ girl, she often gets 100 points in her Maths exams. (care) 8. Can you tell me the _ between British English and American English? (different)9. Some _ will visit Shanghai next year. (visit)10. The boys _ (go) on a trip last month.11. The boys _ (enjoy) on a trip last month.12. They said it _ _ (be) a busy and interesting day.13. I m looking forward to _ (receive) your e-mail.14. Kitty is afraid of _ (swim) in the sea.15. He _(can) ride a bike when he was ten years old.三选择题10( )1.Wang Fang thanked her schoolmates and teachers who helped her _.A. many B. a lot C. lots of D. a lot of( ) 2. UN Secretary(联合国秘书长) Pan Jiwen_ China last month, and there _ another visit to Iran for him next month. A. visited; was B. visited; will be C. will visit; will have D. will visit; has( ) 3. -Why are you so_? - I read a_ story just now. Have a look!Asurprised; surprised Bsurprising; surprised Csurprising; surprising Dsurprised; surprising ( ) 4. -You look beautiful in this sweater! How much did you _ for it?-198 yuan.A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend( ) 5. -Im terribly sorry to keep you waiting so long. -_. A. You are welcome B. Never mind C. Thank you D. No problem ( ) 6. Who taught you a bike?A. ride B. rides C. to ride D. can ride( ) 7. I felt sorry that you stay in hospital for three weeks .A. had to B. could C. may D. need( ) 8. We will be able an unusual plan for you .A. work B. work out C. to work out D. to work( ) 9. Can you see the students trees on the hill now?A. are planting B. planting C. to plant D. plant( )10. My grandpa is looking forward 100 years old.A. to live to B. to living up to C. living to D. live up to 四、句型转换 根据括号内的要求改写句子 101It takes 10-12 days to travel from Earth to the moon by rocket. ( 划线提问)_ _ _ it _ to travel from Earth to the moon by rocket?2What beautiful flowers they are! (改为同义句)_ _ _ flowers are!3Those are their keys. (改为同义句)Those keys _ _ _.4Sandy likes studying .(改为同义句) Sandy _ _ _ studying.5The little cat sounded like a ghost because it is very weak. (划线提问) _ _ the little cat _ like a ghost?6Amy had a good time in Sunshine Park.( 改为一般疑问句) _ Amy _ a good time in Sunshine Park? 7. Theres nothing in the bottle.( 反意疑问句)Theres nothing in the bottle, _ _五、完形填空。(10分) Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist. He was born 1 1847. When he was a child, he liked to find out 2 things worked. He was in school for only three months. He asked his teacher a lot 3 strange questions. Most of them 4 not about his lessons. His teacher did not 5 his new pupil. So he wanted to send Tom 6 school. When he told this to Edisons mother, she took her son 7 school. She taught him 8 . The boy read a lot. Soon he became very 9 in science.
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