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SectionA 基础知识训练一. 根据首字母或括号中所给词的提示写出单词。1. Mickey Mouse is a famous c character in Disneyland.2. You need to make friends (wide), because your business needs you to do so.3. As a f , Mike can enjoy Chinese culture like us.4. Mr. Smith was (please) with his paintings, and gave many of them to his friends.5. This kind of tree is green t the year.二. 单项选择。( ) 1. Im so lucky because I see more cartoon characters next month. A. is able to B. will be able to C. be able to C. was able to( ) 2. Are you your birthday party? Yes. Everything is ready. A. ready to B. ready for C. be ready to D. be ready for( ) 3. A teacher from the USA will come to our school. Oh, well have a good chance to practice English.A. speaking B. speak C. to speak D. speaks( ) 4. Beijing Opera sounds beautiful. So it is, and it by people from throughout the world.A. is enjoyable B. is enjoyed C. are enjoyed D. enjoys( ) 5. English is also used the main business language.A. with B. for C. to D. as三. 完形填空。The History of Cartoon Film There are very few limits (限制) about cartoon films. If you can draw something, you can make it 1 on the cinema screen (银幕). The use of new ideas and modern computer programs means that cartoons are becoming exciting again for people of 2 ages. By 1970, the cinema world had decided that 3 were only for children. But soon after that, one or two 4 had some new ideas. They proved (证明) that it was 5 to make films which both grown-ups(成年人)and children could enjoy. However, not every cartoon film was successful. The Black Cauldron, for failed mainly because it was too 6 for children and too childish.(幼稚的)for grown-ups. Film makers 7 from this mistake, and then cartoons were 8 by both children 9 grown-ups. And the film companies could make much 10 . Do you like watching cartoon films?( ) 1. A. arrive B. stay C. stand D. move( ) 2. A. some B. eitherC. all D. both( ) 3. A. characters B. cartoonsC. animals D. mouse( ) 4. A. editors B. makersC. film makers D. producer( ) 5. A. hard B. completeC. possible D. interesting( ) 6. A. interesting B. popularC. relaxing D. frightening( ) 7. A. learn B. are learntC. learnt D. are learning( ) 8. A. welcome B. welcomedC. make D. made( ) 9. A. and B. orC. but D. nor( ) 10. A. films B. charactersC. money D. history参考答案:一. 1. cartoon 2. widely 3. foreigner 4. pleased 5. throughout二. 1. B next month表将来,因此用will be able to。2. B3. A practice doing 固定搭配。4. B一般现在时的被动语态。5. D be used as.被用作。三. l.D 这里的move意为“动”,make it move意为“使它动起来”。2. C people of all ages各个年龄段的人们。3. B only for children 仅仅为孩子们。4. C editors意为“编辑”;makers意为“制造者”;film makers 意为“影片制作人”;producers意为“制片人”,根据题意,故选C。5. C it was possible to do做。是可能的。句意为“他们证实,让大人和孩子们都喜欢卡通片是可能的”。6. D 前文说到失败,失败的原因是“对孩子来说太吓人,对成人来说又太幼稚”。7. C learn from.从。得到启发,固定搭配。8. B 此处是被动语态,受欢迎的。9. A bothand固定搭配。10.C 这种新尝试又使影片公司大赚一笔。
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