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药理学 (2)(pharmacology (2))2. following the description of the placental barrier, the error isA. is the barrier between placental villi and uterine sinusoidsB. permeability is the same as that of normal capillariesC. almost all drugs can passD. prevents the drug from entering the fetal blood circulation from the motherE. pregnant women should, in principle, disable all drugs that affect the development of the fetus3., the elimination of drugs by zero order kinetics refers toA. absorption and metabolism balanceB. removes the constant proportion of drugs per unit timeC. eliminates constant amounts of drugs per unit timeThe plasma concentration of D. reached a stable levelE. drugs are completely eliminated4. atropine eye drops can causeA. dilated pupil, raised intraocular pressure, adjusted paralysisB. dilated the pupil, increased intraocular pressure, and adjusted spasmC. dilation, reduction of intraocular pressure, and adjustment of paralysisD. miosis, intraocular pressure, reduce control paralysisE. miosis, intraocular pressure, reducing spasm of accommodation5., treatment of biliary colic should be preferredA. atropineB. pethidineC. aspirinD. atropine + pethidineE. atropine + aspirin6. which of the following is not an adverse reaction to atropine?A. mouth parched and tongue scorchedB. nausea and vomitingC. tachycardiaD. skin flushE. blurred vision7. following the incorrect description of the local anaestheticThe local anesthetic effect of A. is reversibleB. blocked the Na+ channel of the cell membraneC. can reduce the amplitude of action potential and slow the conductionD. can only inhibit sensory nerve fibersThe sensitivity of E. is inversely proportional to the diameter of the nerve fiber8. should be done before the skin allergy test local anesthetic is?A. procaineB. lidocaineC. tetracaineD. bupivacaineE. ropivacaine9. ears, nose and throat surgery, surface anesthesia is often usedA. tetracaineB. procaineC. codeineD. lidocaineE. bupivacaine10., the effect of levodopa on the treatment of Parkinsons disease is wrongA. is effective against extrapyramidal effects caused by antipsychotic drugsB. has a good effect on mild diseaseC. has a good effect on young patientsD. has poor efficacy in critically ill and elderly patientsThe effect of E. on dementia is not improved11. characteristics of trihexyphenidyl for the treatment of Parkinsons disease isA. applies to critically ill patientsB. is generally not in combination with levodopaC. is effective against neuroleptic induced Parkinson syndromeD. has a good effect on glaucoma in patients with Parkinsons diseaseE. has no atropine like adverse reaction12. the following statement about the action of aspirin is wrongA. antipyreticB. analgesiaC. antiplatelet aggregationD. anti inflammation and rheumatismE. promotes the synthesis of bradykinin and ILs13., the mechanism of low dose aspirin in preventing thrombosis isA. inhibits prothrombin formationB. directly inhibits platelet aggregationC. inhibits the formation of PGEsD. inhibits the synthesis of TXA2 (thromboxane)E. directly dissolves thrombus14., acetaminophen is often used in clinicA. has a cold and a feverB. acute goutC. rheumatoid arthritisD. acute rheumatic feverE. prevents thrombosis15., the most appropriate choice of aspirin treatment isA. spastic gastrointestinal crampsB. menstrual painC. angina pectorisD. renal colicE. biliary colic16. cardiac glycosides reduce the ventricular rate in patients with atrial fibrillation becauseA.Lower ventricular automaticityB. improves myocardial ischemiaC. decreases atrial automaticityD. is excited by vagal nerves and inhibits atrioventricular conductionE. inhibits vagus nerve17., the most basic role of cardiac glycosides in the treatment of chronic heart failure isA. reduced the enlarged volume of the ventriclesB. increases myocardial contractilityC. increases ventricular work efficiencyD. reduces heart rateE. increases heart rate18., a patient who does not take the medicine prescribed two times is considered to be doubling his first dose. As a result, excessive use of cardiac glycosides causes ventricular tachycardia. How should be treated at this time?A. decrementB. uses diureticsC. lidocaineD. oxygen therapyE. coadministration quinidine19. which of the following antihypertensive drugs is likely to cause a irritative dry cough?A. verapamilB. captoprilC. LosartanD. nifedipineE. propranolol20. adverse effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were not includedA. elevated blood sugarB. vascular edemaC. of renal artery st
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