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学海无涯 Unit 2 The Olympic Games part one words 1 compete 用法指南 vi 比赛 对抗 典型例句 1 John competed for a place at the school but he didn t give in 约翰在学校里竞争一个职位 但没有成功 2 Five children competed in the race 五个孩子参加赛跑 3 Although there only four horsed competing it was an exciting race 虽然只有四匹马赛跑 但比赛很精彩 拓展 1 competition n 况赛 competitor n 参赛者 competitive adj 竞赛的 2 compete in 在某一方面竞争 compete for 为 而竞争 compete with against 与 竞争 compete with against sb for sth 为得到某物与某人竞争 类比延伸 1 compete 的含义仅仅是为了争得名次 奖品 合同 并不含有将对手征服得意思 例如 The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool 孩子们互相竞争着抵 达池子的另一端 2 vie with 与 compete 相比 词义弱得多 包含着争夺得兴奋 激动 因此这种竞 争与其说是 争夺 不如说是嬉戏 或者争先恐后 如 The two boys vie with each other for the first place 3 contest 所表示的 竞争 可以是友谊赛 也可以是有故意的竞赛 旨在比试技能 能力 力气 耐力等 如 The two armies are contesting every inch of ground 两军正争夺每一寸土地 过关练习 1 汉译英 1 几家公司正在为争取一项合同而相互竞争 2 他相信没有人能与他抗衡 3 有多少人参加马拉松比赛 学海无涯 4 他们为了赢得奖牌而相互竞争 5 He s going to his old rival in the second round A compete B compete for C compete with D be competitor 6 More than thirty students competed each other in the English competition But they could only compete three medals A against with B against on C with for D on for 2 host 用法指南 1 vt 主人招待 主办或主持某项活动 2 n 主人 电视等 节目主持人 典型例句 1 China will host the 29th Olympic Gamers in 2008 中国将在 2008 年主办第 29 届奥运会 2 Hosting our show this evening is the lovely Mary 我们今晚得演出由美丽得玛丽主持 3 He acted as host to his father s friends 他当主人款待父亲的朋友 拓展 1 host country 比喻 奥林匹克运动会的主办国 2 be play host to sb 作为主人 招待或款待某人 3 host vt 做东 主办 主持 n 主人 东道主 hostess n 女主人 类比延伸 host hold own host 指作为主人来主办或主持某项活动 hold 只单纯的表示 举办 举行 own 表示 拥有 或 承认 学海无涯 过关练习 完成句子 1 Mr Brown was 我们晚会的主人 2 客队和主队 won each of the games so they were even with each other 3 Which country 将主办今年的运动会 4 He first came to China and I 作为主人款待他 5 the Olympic Games is a great honor for a country A Host B Hosting C Hold D Holding 3 admit 用法指南 1 vt 让 进入 允许 进入 常 to 和 into 或连用 2 vt 接纳 招待 容纳 3 vt 承认 后接名词 v ing 形式 that 从句 sb sth to be 等 4 vi 容许有 常与 of 连用 5 vi 承认 常与 to 连用 典型例句 1 This ticket admits two people to the basketball match 这张票可供两人入场看篮球赛 2 The college admits two thousand new boys and girls every year 这所大学每年招收 2 000 男女新生 3 The cinema admits about 3 000 people 这座电影院大约可坐 3 000 人 4 He admitted to the teacher that he was wrong 他向老师承认他错了 拓展 1 be admitted to into 获准进入 参加 2 be admitted as 作为 被接受 3 admit doing 承认 公认 招认 过关练习 3 1 I admitted done wrong A to have B being C that he D having 2 By the way how about your salary last month The boss had to admit back 200 from my salary for no good reason A keep B keeping C kept D to have kept 完成句子 3 He 被接受称为 a member of the baseball team 4 You were supposed to 承认冤枉了她 5 He 入院 with minor burns 6 George would never 认错 4 allow 用法指南 1 vt 允许 准许 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 学海无涯 allow doing sth 允许做某事 allow sb in out 允许某人进入 出去 allow sb sth 允许某人某事 不能说 allow to do sth 2 vi 考虑到 估计 常与 for 连用 典型例句 1 We don t allow smoking in the office 我们不允许在办公室吸烟 2 She allowed her daughter to go to the party 她允许她得女儿去参加晚会 3 You are allowed to speak loudly in class 你们不允许在课堂上大声说话 4 Has everything been allowed for in your plan 你得计划是否把各种情况都考虑进去了 类比延伸 allow permit let allow 和 permit 都表示允许 用法也一样 在许多情况下可以相互替换 只是词义的强 弱上有些差别 allow 词义较弱 含有 听任 默许 不加阻止 的意思 permit 词义较强 强调 正式认可 批准 的意思 let 表示 让 词义罪最弱 较口语化 用法也不同与 allow 和 permit let 后的宾语不足 语为不带 to 的不定式 let 一般不用于被动语态 过关练习 4 完成句子 1 Your gift 使我可以买一部车 2 She 不允许房子内有狗 3 My father 给我一些钱买书 4 The facts 不容另作解释 5 Teachers usually 不允许学生查字典 in the exam 6 He is said to to his country because a new president comes to power A be allowed to return B allow to return C allow returning D be allowed returning 5 promise 用法指南 1 vt 许诺 答应 常与 to that 连用 promise n 许诺某事 promise sb to do sth 向某人许诺做某事 promise sb that 向某人许诺 2 n 诺言 make a promise give a promise keep carry out a promise break a promise 典型例句 1 He has given a promise to write to me 他答应要给我写信 2 I promised him to behave better henceforth 我答应他今后表现得好些 3 This year promises to be another good one for harvests 今年看来又是个丰收年 学海无涯 过关练习 1 Early mist 预示好天气 2 She 答应弟弟 that she would write to him 3 He 不遵守诺言 and did not come to see me 4 Remember to 履行你得诺言 5 If you 许下诺言 0 you should You shouldn t 违背诺言 Part two phrase 1 find out 用法指南 1 查明 如通过观察或询问查明 某事 I found out the phone number by looking it up If you are no sure find out 通过查找 我查到了电 话号码 如果你不肯定 查一查 Please find out when the ship sails for New York 2 发现 揭露 I ve found you out at last 我终于把你揭露了 The criminals tried to run away but the police found out 犯罪企图逃跑 但警察发现了 过关练习 1 1 If you want to do the job well you must how to do it fast first A find B B find out C look for D look at 2 Don t worry You ll soon how to solve the problem A find B discover C find out D look for 3 Did you where she lived No I didn t A find B discover C look at D find out 4 I am my book everywhere but I haven t it yet A found found B looking for looked at C looking for found D looking for found out 2 a set of 用法指南 一组 一套 1 a set of tools 一套工具 学海无涯 2 a set of six dining chairs 一套六把得餐椅 3 a set of false teeth 一套假牙 4 a set of Dickens n
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