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学海无涯 话题语言应用话题语言应用 多元文化的美国多元文化的美国 编稿 牛新阁 审稿 王春霞 语言积累语言积累 交际用语交际用语 1 鼓励别人说话鼓励别人说话 Cool 太好了 Good 好 Really Indeed 真的吗 哦 真的 Yes that s right 对 Lucky you 你真幸运 Mmm sounds interesting 嗯 有意思 That surprises me 真让我吃惊 That me 没让我吃惊 Such as 例如 Give an example 举个例子 Is that so 是那样吗 Oh I see 噢 我明白了 Sounds great 听起来不错呀 Ah ha 啊哈 Gosh George 哎呀 乔治 And what about 怎么样呢 注意 注意 1 sound 在此处是系动词 表示 听起来 后接形容词作表语 2 动词 surprise 意思是 使 某人 吃惊 surprising 表示 令人惊讶的 表示事物 的性质和特点 surprised 表示 感到惊讶的 表示人的感觉 3 what about 也可用 how about 接动词时要用动词 ing 形式 2 方向和位置 方向和位置 on the east west coast 在东 西海岸 to the north south of USA 在美国以北 南 along the northwest coast of 沿西北海岸 from the west to the east coast 从西海岸到东海岸 in southern China 在中国南部 in San Francisco Bay 在圣弗朗西斯科湾 in southeastern part of California 在加利福尼亚东南部 around the state of California 环加利福尼亚州 near the beach coast 海滨附近 in the central part 在中心区 go further southeast 深入东南部 in South America 在南美洲 on the Mississippi River 在密西西比河上 not far from the Gulf of Mexico 离墨西哥湾不远 话题语句话题语句 1 1 美国地理美国地理概况概况 Ocean on the east west coast Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean 东 西海岸 大西洋 太平洋 Country to the north south of USA Canada Mexico 美国以北 南 加拿大 墨西哥 Mountains range in the west Rocky Mountains 西部山脉 落基山脉 Great Lakes Superior Michigan Huron Erie and Ontario 五大湖 苏必利尔湖 密歇根湖 休伦湖 伊利湖和安大略湖 Longest river in the USA Mississippi River 美国最长的河流 密西西比河 学海无涯 2 Important cities 重要城市重要城市 New York Big Apple 纽约 Los Angeles 洛杉矶 San Francisco 旧金山 Chicago 芝加哥 New Orleans 新奥尔良 Boston 波士顿 Washington D C capital of the USA 华盛顿特区 美国首都 3 Nicknames for some of 50 states of the USA 美国部分州郡的别名美国部分州郡的别名 加利福尼亚 California 黄金州 Golden State 阿拉斯加 Alaska 午夜出太阳之乡 Land of Midnight Sun 最后的边疆 the Last Frontier 半岛州 Peninsula State 宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania 基石州 Keystone State 得克萨斯 Texas 孤星州 Lone Star State 佛罗里达 Florida 阳光州 Sunshine State 弗吉尼亚 Virginia 总统的母亲 Mother of Presidents 骑兵州 Cavalier State 华盛顿 Washington 奇努克州 Chinook State 常青州 Evergreen State 肯塔基 Kentucky 六月禾州 Bluegrass State 密苏里 Missouri 别哄我州 Show Me State 密执安 Michigan 貂熊州 Wolverine State 纽约 New York 帝国州 Empire State 夏威夷 Hawaii 太平洋上的天堂 Paradise of Pacific 阿洛哈州 Aloha State 新泽西 New Jersey 花园州 Garden State 话题语句话题语句 2 1 About California 加州简介加州简介 Lying on the Pacific Ocean California is on the west coast of the United States which is diverse in topography 地形 climate and ecological environment It has an area of 411 square kilometers and it is one of the US states of the largest population with the most developed economy Meanwhile its pleasant weather long beaches and graceful natural landscape make the tourism prosperous 繁荣的 Its capital Los Angeles is California s largest and the nation s second largest city 要点提示要点提示 lie lying 位于 diverse 多种多样的 ecological 生态的 graceful 优美的 landscape 风景 2 Immigrants 移民移民 Native Americans 美洲土著人 Indians 印第安人 the Spanish 西班牙人 Russians 俄罗斯人 gold miners 金矿工 Italians 意大利人 the Danish 丹麦人 Denmark 丹麦 Jewish 犹太人 Cambodians 柬埔寨人 Koreans 韩国 朝鲜人 Korea 韩国 朝鲜 Vietnamese 越南人 Pakistanis 巴基斯坦人 Europeans 欧洲人 1 Native American Indians one of the first people to live in California 2 Gold miners the discovery of gold in California created a gold rush which brought people from all over the world to California 3 Chinatown San Francisco Many Chinese have settled in California and many of them live 学海无涯 in Chinatown in San Francisco 3 Why is California such a multicultural community The state of California is a multicultural community because European African and Asian people have been immigrating to the state for the last 200 years Before their arrival Native American people had lived there for thousands of years People from all over the world are still coming to settle in California because of its good climate and the lifestyle it offers It is this mix of peoples with their own customs culture and food that have given California its multicultural flavor 特色 Problems that might arise include intercultural conflict or competition discrimination or misunderstanding It is to the credit of Californians that such problems do not arise very often 要点提示要点提示 intercultural conflict 不同文化间的冲突 discrimination 歧视 to the credit 值得赞扬 为某人增光 4 About travelling go straight to hotel and drop luggage then go exploring 径直去了旅馆 放下行李 然后去观光 ride on a cable car 坐缆车 visit Fisherman s Wharf the prison 游览渔人码头 监狱 team up with a couple from hotel and hire a car 同旅馆里的一对夫妻作伴 一起租了一辆小汽车 spend all day driving around the city 一整天驱车游览城市 take ferry to Angel Island 坐渡船去了天使岛 have a good view of Golden Gate Bridge 观赏了金门大桥 admire the view of the city from different angles 从不同角度欣赏城市风景 have a really good idea of what the city s like 对城市的面貌有了一个好的了解 share the cost 分担费用 enjoy being in the company of other tourists 喜欢别的游客的陪伴 话题语句话题语句 3 高清课堂 高清课堂 Living well 语言应用语言应用 A Brief History of U S Immigration The United States was created by successive 连续的 waves of immigration from all corners of the globe But public and political attitudes towards immigrants have always been contradictory and sometimes hostile 敌对的 The early immigrants to colonial 殖民地的 America from England France Germa
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