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学海无涯 Unit 4 一 完成句子 1 昨晚雨很大 河堤决口了 It rained heavily last night and the dam under the weight of water 2 女人的活干不完 A woman s work is never 3 所有的河还是流到了大海 All rivers flow to the sea 3 地震后许多楼房成了废墟 After the earthquake lots of buildings have fallen into 4 那场官司使他倾家荡产 The lawsuit brought him to ruin 5 煤矿塌陷后 救援队奔赴现场营救遇难者 After the coal mine caved in a rescue team went to the scene the victims 6 玛丽给汤姆设了个圈套 而他真的中计了 Marry set a trap for Tom and he really fell into the 7 国庆节是中国的一件大事 National Day is a great in China 8 我向他的的成功我表示热烈的祝贺 I send him my warmest on his success 9 在信中我真诚地表达了我的谢意 I expressed my gratitude in the letter 10 我们没想到这么多的人参加了晚会 We didn t so many people come to the party 二 选择 1 We visited a place This country abounds with fruit A that B which C in which D at which 2 The foreign teacher was a friend of mine A you just talked B whom you just talked to C who you just talked to him D which you just talked to 3 Finally the thief handed everything he had stolen to the police A the thing B what C that D which 4 What s happening I feel the house An earthquake A shake B to shake C shaking D shaken 5 The sun in the east and in the west A raises falls B rises sets C rising falling D goes comes 6 Scientists says a big earthquake might a whole city in thirty minutes A ruin B be destroyed C be stopped in D not ruin 7 When the girl learnt that her boy friend was in the earthquake she A injured burst in tear B killed burst into tears C still alive burst into tears C missing burst into laughter 8 people killed and injured in the earthquake reached several million A A number of B The number of C A lot of D A great many 学海无涯 9 that glitters 闪光 is not gold doesn t mean that none that glitters is gold A Both B Either C None D All 10 Hardly the room when it began to rain A did we enter B had we entered C we had entered D We entered 11 The old man she takes care of is the former football player A who B which C whom D of whom 12 he can deal with all the housework A Child as he is B As he is child C As he is a child D A child though he is 13 A car exploded 爆炸 near the store Luckily nobody was reported A hurt B wounded C harmed D injured 14 Open the windows Jack and let in some air A new B different C fresh D proper 15 Why don t you a club That will make you stronger and help you achieve goal more quickly A organize B make C build D discuss 16 trees are planted each year on the Tree Planting Day all over the country A Tens of thousand B Tens of thousands of C Ten of thousands of D Tens and thousands 17 He thought highly of the way we treat out difficulties A which B where C why D 18 he likes to play with girls A A boy he is B A boy as he is C As he is a boy D Boy as he is 19 He didn t come on time we didn t expected A it B hen C s D which 20 The boy that you met just now is my brother just graduated from a university A who B that C whom D whose 三 句型转换 1 The chickens and pigs were too nervous to eat The chickens and pigs were nervous they didn t eat 2 It seems that they will arrive in the city before dark They the city before dark 3 Could you take a message to Lily You work with her mother Could you take a message to Lily 合并成定语从句 4 警察不能从他那弄出真相 The police could not the truth him 5 We must start off at once It s already 9 o clock We must start off It s already 9 o clock 6 I want to know how terrible the disaster is I how terrible the disaster is 7 I don t know any of them I know all of theme most of them everyone of them none of them 学海无涯 8 The food can carry us for a week The food can us for a week 9 When the bombing started most people ran to the bomb shelter When the bombing started most people took in the bomb shelter 10 She is afraid of seeing blood She is seeing blood 四 单词拼写 1 You have put your family through much 痛苦 2 The earthquake caused great 损害 3 We can t imagine what life would be like without 电 4 Floods droughts and earthquakes are all 灾难 5 It s 难闻的 The fish must have gone bad 6 Make an 提纲 before you write a composition 参考答案 一 完成句子 1 Burst 2 at an end 3 in the end 4 ruins 5 to rescue 6 trap 7 event 8 congratulations 9 sincerely 10 expect 二 选择 1 5 CBCCB 6 10ACBDB 11 15CADCA 16 20BDDDA 二 句型转换 1 so that 2 seem to reach 3 whose mother you work with with whose mother you work 4 dig out of 5 right away 6 wonder 7 none of them 8 last 9 shelter 10 frightened of 四 单词拼写 1 suffering 2 damage 3 electricity 4 disasters 5 smelly 6 out line
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