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学海无涯 Friendship Reading 学案学案 知识梳理知识梳理 一 词汇拓展 1 German 国名 2 nature adj 3 power adj 4 feeling v 5 power adj 6 spellbind 过去式 二 要点归纳 1 go through 经历 经受 Eg The country has too many wars 这个国 家饱经战火 2 make 使 成为 make 加宾语再加宾语补足语 名词充当宾补 Eg Karl Marx London the base of revolution Karl Marx 使伦敦成为革命的根据地 3 set down 放下 记下 登记 Eg 1 I have everything that happened as I remember it 我已经把所发生的一切根据我的记忆记录下来了 Eg 2 The bus the children just outside the school 公共汽车就在学校门口停下 让孩子们下车 set about 着手干 set aside 拨出 放在一边 set off 出发 动身 set out 开始做 set up 建立 4 a series of 一系列 Eg The team will be playing matches in this country 这个队要在这个国家参加一系列比赛 5 I wonder 我想知道 Eg1 I wonder if she knows we re here 我很想知道她是否晓得 我们在这里 Eg2 I wonder why they didn t arrive 我不明白他们为什么 没到 Eg3 I wonder what really happened 我想知道究竟发生了什 么事 6 so that such that 那样 以致 so that 句子中加形容词或副词 such that 中加名 词 Eg1 He was young you must excuse him 他 是那样年轻 你必须原谅他 Eg2 It is a beautiful story I never forget it 这个故 事那么动人以致于我永远不会忘记它 7 There is was a time when 曾经有那么个时候 Eg There was a time when we could get a good meal for less than 1 yuan 曾经有个时候我们不用花 1 元钱就能饱餐一顿 8 stay awake 不睡觉 stay 在这儿有系动词的功能后面加形容词或名词作补语 表示 维 持某状态 Eg stay single 不结婚 stay young 保持青春 9 on purpose 故意地 Eg She seems to do these things 她似乎是故意做 这些事的 10 in order to so as to to 目的在于做某事 Eg She arrived early get a 学海无涯 good seat 她到得早 图的是得个好座位 so as to 不能放于句首 in order that 意 思相同 但后面加句子 11 far too 过于 得多 Eg1 He was at the station far too early 他太早到车站了 far 也可以修饰比较级 Eg2 There were a number of people out this afternoon far more than last Sunday 今天下午很多人都出去了 远比上星期天多 12 face to face face to face 面对面 前者做状语 后者做定语 Eg1 We had an interview face to face Eg2 We had a face to face interview 13 according to 根据 Eg You have been in prison six times according to our records 根据我们 的记录 你曾入狱六次 解题指导解题指导 1 I didn t dare open a window 解析解析 Dare 有两种用法 一是作为实义动词 否定和疑问由助动词构成 它有时态和数的变 化 后面一般加 to 否定时 to 有时可以省略 Eg1 With his parents help he dares to do everything Eg2 He didn t dare to look up 二是作为情态动词 主要用于否定句和疑问句 不需要助动词 可以直接构成否定和疑问 后 面不加 to Eg1 She dare not go out alone at night Eg2 How dare you say I m unfair 在例句中 dare 是作为一个实义动词 后面省略了 to 这句话相当于 I dare not open a window 名师点拨名师点拨 类似的词还有一个 need 也可以既作情态动词 又作实义动词 Eg1 You needn t telephone him now 情态动词 Eg2 You don t need to do it yourself 实义动词 2 It was the first time in a year and a half that I d seen the night face to face 英语中这个结构习惯用完成时态 解释为 某人第几次做某事 如果前面是一般现在时态 is 后面是现在完成时态 如果前面是一般过去时态 后面则是过去完成时态 Eg1 It s the third time that he have been to America Eg2 It was the second time that we had visited the old hero 名师点拨名师点拨 在句子中应注意前后时态的一致性 同步训练同步训练 A 组 基础达标 一 单词拼写 Complete the word in each sentence according to the first letter 1 He refused to give any r for his action 2 May she s your umbrella 雨伞 3 What is your p in going to Canada 4 It was c of you to go skating on such thin ice 5 He had almost e forgotten what he had done 学海无涯 6 You must t me because I am speaking the truth 7 Don t d your parents he is busy 8 Columbus d America in 1492 9 The sun was h by the clouds 10 It s not in my p to help you 二 英汉对译 Put the following into English 1 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 2 He ll attend a series of important meetings next month 3 Your composition itself is very good except for some spelling mistakes 4 The temperature has stayed hot this week 5 There is very little room on the desk because it has far too many books Put the following into Chinese 6 曾经有段时间我天天早上六点钟起床 7 他等在学校门口为了把书还给我 8 大多数家庭在战争中经历了很多 9 我得去接我女儿了 10 这就是我昨天考试没过的原因 三 完成句子 1 the school rules students can t carry mobile phones 2 Many young people Jay Chou 3 with my stomach 4 Many families to greet the new year 5 We must do we can to make our country more beautiful 6 Tom and his family for over a year no one knew where they were 7 You must tell him his mistake 8 The teacher asked him to his story in the paper 9 She is a beautiful girl we all like her 10 She is beautiful a girl we all like her 四 单句改错 1 My teacher advised me to keep my diary every day 2 He dares not go there alone at night 3 It is the first time that we came to visit the Great Wall 4 We d better think about that if the food will give us the nutrients we need 5 Some children spend on more time watching television than they spend in school B 组 能力提高 五 单项填空 1 Tom kept quiet about the accident lose his job A so not as to B so as not to C so as to not D not so as to 2 How did you find your visit to the museum I thoroughly enjoy it It was than I thought A far more interesting B even much interesting C so more interesting D a lot much interesting 3 Do you know our town at all 学海无涯 No this is the first time I here A was B have been C came D am coming 4 I m sorry to keep you waiting Oh not at all I here only a few minutes A have been B had been C was D will be 5 Can you believe that in a rich country there should be many poor people A such such B such so C so so D so such 6 Allen had to call at taxi because the box was to carry all the way home A much too heavy B too much heavy C heavy too much D too heavy much 7 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