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学 海 无 涯 Period Three Using Language 1 I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside P6 拓展归纳 intend to do doing sth 打算做某事 intend sb for sth 打算 意欲让某人 做 某事 be intended for 专为 而设计的 专供 使用的 intend sb to do sth 打算让某人做某事 intend sb as to be 打算让某人成为 intend mean design 1 intend 强调 意欲 做某一件确定的事 或者 决意 达到 某一确定的目的 2 mean 常常可以和 intend 互换使用 但不强调决心达到某一目的 3 design 强调为达到某目的 事先作过精心安排和仔细考虑 完成句子 1 这种自行车是专为身材过高的人设计的 This kind of bicycle is intended for people who are too tall 2 这本词典是给小孩用的 This dictionary is intended for children 3 我本来不想在这幅画还没完成之前让她看到 I didn t intend her to see this painting until it was finished 4 今天我打算读完这本书 Today I intend to finish reading this book 2What made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients P6 拓展归纳 have sth out of consideration 对某事不予考虑 忽视某事 take into consideration 考虑到 顾及 in consideration of 考虑到 顾及 作为 的报酬 on under no consideration 决不 be under consideration 在考虑中 在审议中 show consideration for sb sth 体谅 关心 considerate adj 考虑周到的 体贴的 体谅的 完成句子 1 你的建议正在被考虑中 Your suggestion is under consideration 2 你的老师在给你的试卷评分时 会考虑你最近生病的情况的 Your teachers will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your papers 3 你在这儿一直等着 真是体贴人 It is so considerate of you to wait here 学 海 无 涯 3 There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi tired after a day s work went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her P6 拓展归纳 deliver sth to sb 把某物交付某人 be delivered of a baby 生小孩 deliver oneself of sth 发言 发表 deliver sth up over to sb 放弃某事物 交出某物 deliver sb from sth 拯救 解救某人 deliver on 不负所望 履行诺言 deliver a speech lecture 发表演讲 完成句子 1 哪位医生接生了这个婴儿 Which doctor delivered the baby 2 一些新书已被送到学校 Some new books have been delivered to the school 3 昨天校长在大会上发言了 The headmaster delivered a speech at the meeting yesterday 4 他向警方自首了 He delivered himself to the police 4It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies P6 拓展归纳 at any rate 不管怎样 无论如何 至少 at the rate of 以 的比例 以 的速度 at this that rate 照这 那情形看来 lower the rate of interest 降低利率 raise the transport rates 提高运费 postal rates 邮资 完成句子 1 The car travels at the rate of 100 km an hour 以 100 千米的时速 2 Night telephone rates 电话收费 are cheaper than day rates 3 Ours is a school of the first rate 一流的 5 By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi a specialist in women s diseases P6 拓展归纳 by any chance 万一 碰巧 或许 have a no chance to do of doing sth 有 没有 机会做 take a chance 冒一冒险 碰碰运气 利用一下机会 chance to do sth happen to do sth 碰巧 偶然做某事 chance on upon sb sth 偶然发现 碰巧遇到 There are chances that从句 There is a chance that从句 Chances are that从句 有 的可能性 完成句子 1 两位老友碰巧在从伦敦飞往巴黎的飞机上相遇了 The two old friends met by chance on the plane from London to Paris 2 我在饭店吃晚饭时 碰巧她也在那里 She chanced to be in the restaurant when I was having supper 3 他冒险把车开得这么快 He is taking a chance by driving his car so fast 6It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for 学 海 无 涯 babies P6 拓展归纳 have a care take care 小心 注意 take care not to do that clause 注意 不 做 take care of 照料 注意 负责 处理 take into care 代为照顾 小孩等 with care 小心地 care about 介意 在乎 care to do sth 喜欢做某事 想做某事 用适当的介词填空 1 Take care of your health 2 Would you please take my little daughter into care while I am out 3 I don t care about what others may say 4 She cares for her sick mother 7Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work P6 拓展归纳 carry about 随身携带 carry away 拿走 冲走 掠走 吸引住 某人 carry back 将 送 带回原地 使某人忆起 carry forward 过账 结转 carry off 运走 带走 获得 奖项 夺得 carry it sth off 成功地应付 困难 局面 carry out 搬出 实施 执行 履行 完成 carry through 达成 贯彻 使渡过难关 完成句子 1 It is a difficult job but she s the person to carry it through 能够顺利完成的 2 After he left I just tried to carry on as usual 像往常一样继续干 3 She s had her hair cut really short but she can carry it off 还是若无其事的样子 8 By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi a specialist in women s diseases P6 拓展归纳 How come 为什么 怎么会 怎么搞的 come about 发生 come along 一起来 一道走 come down to 下垂到 达到 流传下来 come on 得啦 快点 come out 出来 出版 开花 come to 达到 总计为 结果是 come to oneself 昏迷后 苏醒过来 恢复理性 come up 上来 从土中 长出 发芽 come up with 提出 想出 come true 实现 完成句子 1 今天早上我在牛津大街碰见一位老校友 I came across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning 2 公司的事情已经到了这种地步 因此他正在考虑辞职 Things have come to such a state in the company that he s thinking of resigning 3 他想出了一个绝好的办法 He s come up with a great idea 4 你究竟为什么总不来看我呢 How come you never visit me any more 学 海 无 涯 1 It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career travelling abroad to study as well as writing books and articles 她似乎一直都在为自己选择的事业而奔忙 去国外留学 写了很 多书和文章 用法点拨 It seems seemed that 句型意为 似乎 好像 该句型常可转换成 sb sth seem 动词不定式 形式 本句可改为 She seemed to have been busy in It seems that he is quite happy He seems to be quite happy 他似乎很开心 拓展归纳 1 There seems 结构也经常使用 后接 to be There seems to be a mistake 好像有一个错误 2 It seems seemed as if 表示 仿佛 as if 从句常用虚拟语气来表示事情不可能发生 但如果从句中的情况有可能发生或可能是事实 则用陈述语气 It seems as if he were in a dream 他似乎在做梦 It see
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