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U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health Bureau Division of Healthy Start and Perinatal Services The Community based Doula Program Announcement Type Non Competing Continuation Announcement No 5 G30 09 001 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA No 93 110 PROGRAM GUIDANCE Fiscal Year 2009 Application Due Date in Grants gov July 13 2009 Supplemental Information Due Date in EHBs July 27 2009 2 weeks after Grants gov deadline Release Date June 12 2009 Date of Issuance June 12 2009 Contact Name Angela Hayes Toliver Title Public Health Analyst Office Division of Healthy Start and Perinatal Services Telephone No 301 443 0543 Fax 301 594 0186 Authority Social Security Act Title V Section 501 a 2 5 G30 09 0011 Table of Contents I FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION 2 PURPOSE 2 II AWARD INFORMATION 2 1 TYPE OF AWARD 2 2 SUMMARY OF FUNDING 2 III ELIGIBLITY INFORMATION 2 1 ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS 2 IV APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION 2 1 ADDRESS TO REQUEST APPLICATION SUMMARY PROGRESS REPORT PACKAGE 2 2 CONTENT AND FORM OF APPLICATION SUBMISSION 2 i Application Face Page Grants gov 2 ii Table of Contents 2 iii Application Checklist Grants gov 2 iv Budget EHBs 2 v Budget Justification EHBs 2 vi Staffing Plan and Personnel Requirements EHBs 2 vii Assurances and Certifications 2 viii Project Abstract Grants gov 2 ix Program Narrative Full narrative and attachments in EHBs 2 x Program Specific Forms 2 1 Program Specific Information Performance Measures and Data Collection EHBs 2 xi Attachments in EHBs 2 3 SUBMISSION DATES AND TIMES 2 A APPLICATION DUE DATE 2 B OTHER SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 2 V APPLICATION REVIEW INFORMATION 2 1 REVIEW PROCESS 2 2 ANTICIPATED AWARD DATE 2 VI AWARD ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION 2 1 AWARD NOTICES 2 2 ADMINISTRATIVE AND NATIONAL POLICY REQUIREMENTS 2 3 PERFORMANCE REVIEW 2 VII POST AWARD REPORTING 2 a Audit Requirements 2 b Payment Management Requirements 2 c Status Reports 2 VIII CONTACT INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE 2 A BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE AND FISCAL INQUIRIES 2 B PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 2 C ELECTRONIC APPLICATION GRANTS GOV ASSISTANCE 2 D ELECTRONIC APPLICATION HRSA EHBS ASSISTANCE 2 E EASY REFERENCE CONTACT INFORMATION TABLE 2 IX TIPS TO WRITING A STRONG APPLICATION 2 GUIDANCE APPENDICES 2 5 G30 09 0012 APPENDIX A HRSA S ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION USER GUIDE 2 APPENDIX B REGISTERING AND APPLYING THROUGH GRANTS GOV 2 APPENDIX C MCH PYRAMID OF CORE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES DELIVERED BY MCH AGENCIES 2 APPENDIX D SAMPLE COMPLETED STATUS PAGE 2 APPENDIX E ABSTRACT 2 APPENDIX F KEYWORDS 2 APPENDIX G PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION MCH PERFORMANCE MEASURES 2 APPENDIX H PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION MCH FINANCIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC FORMS 2 APPENDIX I ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 2 APPENDIX J BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 2 5 G30 09 0013 I FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION Purpose A non competing continuation application is required for continuation of grant funding for a second or subsequent budget period within an approved project period The continuation application also referred to as a summary progress report submits the budget request for the next year of funding and serves as the primary source of information regarding activities accomplishments outcomes and obstacles related to achieving project outcomes during the current budget period It also provides documentation necessary to justify continuation of the project The purpose of The Community based Doula Program demonstration grant program is to provide funding to urban and rural community based organizations to support community based Doulas This approach identifies and trains indigenous community workers to mentor pregnant women during the months of pregnancy birth and at least twelve 12 weeks post partum optimally one year post partum Rural programs are expected to focus on the best ways of delivering supportive services including delivery outside the hospital setting both before and after the birth of the child Breastfeeding initiation and retention should also be emphasized In addition funding is provided to an organization with expertise in replicating community based Doula programs to offer outreach training technical assistance and evaluation services to Doula grantees in order to maximize project effectiveness and care quality across all projects II AWARD INFORMATION 1 Type of Award Funding will be provided in the form of a grant 2 Summary of Funding HRSA expects to provide funding for the budget period beginning September 1 2009 through August 31 2010 in the amount of 1 473 602 The continuation budget request should not exceed the recommended level of support found on line 13 of the Notice of Grant Award The funding level can also be verified by contacting the Grants Management Specialist identified on your Notice of Grant Award The approved level of funding will be dependent upon the availability of appropriated funds satisfactory progress adequate justification for all projected costs and
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