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M2Unit1-3课本workbook 翻译句子Unit1:P891. 在我们还没来得及认真考虑之前,请不要排除这一建议。(dismiss) Lets not dismiss the suggestion before weve even thought about it carefully.2. 我记得在看完头两页之后就把书收起来了,可是现在书不见了。(go missing) I remember I put the book away after reading the first two pages, but now it has gone missing.3. 警方调查了这次事故,认为事故大约发生在午夜时分。(look into, occur) The police looked into the accident and believed it occurred around midnight.4. 由于天气恶劣,机场被关闭了。(because of/due to) The airport was closed because of / due to the bad weather.5. 邻居们报告说看到他身穿一件黑色大衣离开了房子。(report doing, see.do) The neighbours reported seeing him leave the house in a black coat.6. 据说这种植物能在非常寒冷的天气里存活下来。(be said to, survive) This kind of plant is said to be able to survive in very cold weather.7. 虽然玛丽什么也没说,但约翰认为这件事肯定和她有关。(assume, be linked to) Although Mary did not say anything, John assumed that she was linked to the incident.8. 一个孩子能在互联网上创建一家玩具公司,这有可能吗?(possibility) Is there any possibility that a child can start a toy company on the Internet?Unit2: P971. 你最好在旅行的时候带张地图,这样你就不会迷路了。(so that) Youd better take a map with you while travelling so that you wont get lost.2. 她热衷于打羽毛球,正在组织一次学校联赛。(enthusiastic about, organize) She is enthusiastic about playing badminton and is now organizing a school tournament.3. 他打算独自一人去山里野营,尽管他的朋友都叫他不要去。(even though) He is going camping in the mountains alone, even though his friends have told him not to.4. 请记下我的电话号码。万一有什么重要事情,可以打电话给我。(in case) Please write down my telephone number. You can call me in case anything important happens.5. 我们学校建了一个有半个足球场那么大的游泳池。(the size of) Our school has built a swimming pool half the size of a football field.6. 他先给火车站打了电话,以确认开往纽约的火车十点发车,然后立刻打车去火车站。(make sure, afterwards) He called the railway station first, so as to make sure that the train to New York would leave at ten oclock. Afterwards, he took a taxi there immediately.7. 2002年该国的森林覆盖率只有16.55%.(cover.with) In 2002,only 16.55% of this country was covered with trees.8. 如果你打算来,请提前告诉我,以便我为你做好一切安排。(in advance,arrange) If you are going to come, please let me know in advance so that I can arrange everything for you.Unit3: P1051. 你可以借阅任何一本你喜欢的书。(whichever) You can borrow whichever book you like.2. 她不仅是一位作家,还是一位母亲,所以她的书很受孩子们的欢迎。(as well as) She is a mother as well as a writer, so her books are popular among children.3. 秘书把我领进经理的办公室,并让我稍等片刻。(lead.to) The secretary led me to the managers office and asked me to wait for a while.4. 当你在阅读时遇到生词时,不要总是借助词典查阅。(come across) When you come across a new word while reading, dont always look it up in your dictionary.5. 这家餐馆的名字和餐馆主人的兴趣有关系吗?(have something to do with) Does the name of the restaurant have something to do with the interest of the owner?6. 战争结束后不久,他就回到家乡,开始写他的第一部小说。(shortly after, novel) Shortly after the war, he returned to his home town and started to write his first novel.7. 他一直很尊敬她的叔叔,因为他是一位杰出的医生,挽救了很多人的生命。(look up to) She always looks up to her uncle because he is an excellent doctor who has saved a lot of peoples lives.8. 尽管村民们遭受了各种各样的困难,但他们并不气馁。(various, discourage) Though they suffered various difficulties, the villagers were not discouraged.
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