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安丘一中高一英语备课组学案 He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 想不犯错误,就一事无成。1Unit 3 Computer 编写人 李建文 李明志 审核人 韩君 曹丽华 单 元 学 习 目 标 导 航类别 新课标要求掌握的项目话题1. Information technology2. History and basic knowledge of computers3. Robots重点词汇calculate, calculator, PC, notebook, common, analytical, simple, simple-minded, technology, technological, revolution, universal, mathematical, artificial, intelligence, anyway, totally, network, truly, race, birth, IT, advantage, disadvantage, type, disagree, choice, material, personally, create, coach, move, arise, brain, mop, wander词组in common, in ones opinion, go by, sothat, deal with, human race, in a way, make up, after all, with the help of, watch over句型1. However, people thought I was simple-minded until they discovered I had “artificial intelligence.”2. And my memory became so large that I couldnt believe it.语言知识目标语法现在完成时的被动语态(The Present Perfect Passive Voice)I have been made smaller and smaller.I have been used by millions of people.I have truly been built to help the human race.功能1. Making decisions(做出决定 )I think that In my opinion I believe that I agree because Ive decided that Lets make our decision2. Reasoning(推理)Whats your reason? Why do you think so? I think this one is better because情感文化目标1.通过了解电脑的发展简史及现状和应用,能建立并加强用电脑学习的愿望和兴趣,树立了解和参与制造机器人的初步渴求。2树立利用因特网进行合作交往的意识。第一课时 warming up,pre-reading & Reading 学 习 目 标 :1 语言目标 Language aims: 1)学会谈论电脑所用的有关单词和短语: calculate, universal, simplify, sum, operator, logical, technological, revolution, artificial, intelligence, solve, reality, personal, tube, network, web, application, cinance, mobile, rocket, explore2)让学生了解计算机的历史和基本知识。2. 能力目标 Ability aims:1) 进一步熟悉掌握一些阅读技巧,比如快速寻找文章细节信息(scanning) 、归纳和总结(summarizing) 。2) 让学生学会表达自己的观点。3. 情感目标 Emotional aims:1)引起学生学习电脑的兴趣。2)培养学生的合作学习能力。重 点 key points:1. let students learn more about history and basic knowledge of computers.2. Get students to learn different reading skills.难 点 important points:1. Develop students reading ability.2. Enable students to learn to express their opinions.自主学习词汇知识I 根据词性和汉语意思写出该单词1. _ (vt.) 计算 _(n.) 计算;考虑_(n.)计算者,计算器2. _(vt.) 简化 _(n) 简化3. _(n.) 智力;聪明 _(adj.)4. _(adj.) 私人的;亲自的_(adv.) 就个人而言;亲自5. _(n.) 幸福;快乐 _(adj.) 6. _(n.) 真实;现实 _(adj.) II 重点短语 1.have sth. _ common _ 和有共有之处 2. _.with 把与相比3. from _ / _ on 从那时/这时起 4. go _ 过去;经过;走过5. so _ 如此 以致 6. as a _结果7. provide ab. _ sth. 为某人提供某物 8. _ sth. with sb.与某人分担9. as _ as 既.又.,不但.而且.阅读理解1. 主旨归纳 Skim( 略读) for the main ideaTips : 统揽全文,注重第一段,获得大意即可,不要句句阅读。一定要快呦!1Who am I ?AAn operator BAlan Turing CA computerDHuman race2. Whats the passage about? 安丘一中高一英语备课组学案 He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 想不犯错误,就一事无成。2Its about the _ of computer.2. 细节理解 Scanning for detailed information Summary of the passageI began as a _ machine in 1642. It took nearly two hundred years _ I was built as an analytical machine. I became a “universal machine” in 1936 to _ any mathematical problem. I was very big at one time. However, as time _ by, I was made smaller and smaller. I was given a family _ by a network in the early 1960s. I was able to _ my knowledge with others _ the World Wide Web.I have been widely used in many fields, such as in communication, _, trade and medical _ . I have also been put into robots and space rockets to _ the Moon and Mars. Im glad I am a devoted friend and helper of the human race.合作探究1. In pairs discuss what they have in common 两人一组讨论它们有什么共同点。common(1)adj普遍的,常见的,普通的He is not an officer ,but a common soldier他不是军官,只是一名普通士兵。(2)n共同之处;共同的特点The twin brothers have a lot in common and get on very well.这对双胞胎兄弟有许多共同之处,相处很融洽。 in common 共有;共用【拓展】1. have somethinga lotmuchlittlenothing in common有一些有很多几乎无无共同之处2. in common with和一样【活学活用】(1)_ _ _ many other boys, he prefers outdoor sports.同其他许多男孩一样,他更喜欢户外运动。(2)The swimming pool is used _ _ by all the chillren in the neighbourhood.这个居民区的所有儿童公用这个游泳池。(3)They found they_ _ _ _ _and got on very well他们觉得有许多共同之处,关系处得很好。(4) They have a lot _ and became good friends very soon.A. in common B. in case C. in surprise D. in interest2.I began as a calculating machine in France in l6421642 年我在法国诞生时是一台计算机器。【导学】calculate vt.& vi计算,估计,算出 1) calculate 十名词 计算;估计 The teacher calculated the average mark of the class老师计算班上的平均分数。Calculate the cost of repair at¥5000估计修理费用约 5 千元。2) calculate+thatwh 一十从句 计算出;估计为 The scie
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