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隔 离 条 件SEGREGATION REQUIREMENTSCode代码Class orDivisionCompGroup类、项配装组RCXRGXRXBRXCRXDRXERXGRXSRFGRNGRPGRFLRFSRSCRFWROXROPRPBRISRRWRRYRCMRMDHUMEATHEGAVI1.3CNote 2Note 31.3GNote 2Note 31.4BNote 2Note 31.4CNote 21.4DNote 21.4ENote 21.4GNote 21.4SNote 56.16.27Note 689Note 7Note 8Note 9Note 10RCXNote 31.3C Note 2 Note 1RGX1.3G Note 2 Note 3RXB1.4B Note 2Note 3RXC1.4C Note 2RXD1.4D Note 2RXE1.4E Note 2RXG1.4G Note 2RXS1.4S Note 4RFG2.1RNG2.2RPG2.3RFL3RFS4.1 Note 5RSC4.2RFW4.3ROX5.1ROP5.2 Note 5RPB6.1RIS6.2RRWRRY7 Note 6RCM8RMD9 Note 7HUMEAT9 Note 8HEG9 Note 9AVI9 Note 10Note 1 “”表示含有这些类、项的危险品包装件必须进行隔离。An ”X” indicates that packages containing these classes/divisions of dangerousgoods must be segregated.Note 2此类爆炸品只能在货机上运输。These explosives are acceptable only on cargo aircraft.Note 31.4B与1.3项爆炸品必须单独存放在集装器内成不相领的装载位置上,并用其它货物隔开至少2米。1.4B and Division 1.3 must be loaded into separate unit load devices ornon-adjacent loading positions and separated by other cargo with a minimumseparation distance of 2m.Note 4只有1.4S爆炸品可以在客机上运输;S配装组的爆炸品可与其它配装组的爆炸品存储一起。Only 1.4S explosives are permitted to be transported on passengeraircraft. Explosives in compatibility Group S may be stowed with explosives in allcompatibility groups.Note 5含有4.1项自身反应物质或5.2项有机过氧化物的包装件或集装器必须避免阳光直射,并远离热源,置于通风处。Packages or unit load devices containing self-reactive substance of Div 4.1 ororganic peroxides of Div 5.2 must be protected from direct sunlight and allsources of heat and be placed in adequately ventilated areas.Note 6a. 存储在一起的裂变物质的临界安全指数之和不能超过50,否则分开码放保持至少6米的距离。The sum of the critically safety indexes of packages containing fissile materialmust not exceed 50 or maintain at least 6 m(20ft)from each group of eachpackages.b. 与人员的隔离距离见DGR9.3D和9.3E表See tables 9.3D and 9.3E in DGR for the information on separation from persons.c. 与末冲洗胶片的隔离距离见DGR9.3.F.See table 9.3.F in the DGR for the separation information.Note 7a. 磁性物质远离飞机直读式磁罗盘或主罗盘探测装置装载。Magnetized material must not loaded in such position that they will have asignificant effect on the direct-reading magnetic compass or on the mastercompass detector units of the aircraft.b. 每一机型的干冰装载限量见公司危险品运输手册。See Dangerous Goods Transportation Manual for the dry ice limited amountaboard on each aircraft type.Note 8不能装在同一货舱,除非装载在不相邻的集装器上内Should not be loaded in same compartment, unless be loaded on/in uldsin adjacent.Note 9不能与深冷液体或干冰相邻装载Should not be loaded in close proximity of cryogenic or Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice)Note 10 a. 不能与深冷液体或干冰相邻装载Should not be loaded in close proximity of cryogenic or Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice)b. 与级、级放射性物质的包装件合成包装件、放射性专用箱保持0.5米以上的距离Should be separated from cat -yellow packages, overpacks and freightcontainers by a distance of 0.5m or morec. 不能与毒性和次要危险性为毒性的物质及A级传染性物质装载在同一货舱中。例外:分别装载在不同的闭合集装器内或敞开集装器没有相邻时,上述规定不适用Must not be stowed in the same compartment with substance of class 6 (toxic and category A) and the substances requiring a subsidiary risk “Toxic”label. Exception: such dangerous goods and live animals are loaded in differentc
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