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学 海 无 涯2016中考英语同义短语1 a few = several = a couple of 2 a lot = very much 3 a lot of = lots of + (cn.) 复 / (un.) 4 be across from = be on the other/ opposite side of = be opposite (to) 5 all night = all the night = the whole night 6 all the time = always 7 along with = together with = with 8 arrive at / in = get to = reach 9 as a matter of fact = in fact = actually 10 as a result = thus = therefore = so11 as well = too = also - either 12 as well as - not only but also - both and 13 asas possible = as as sb can / could 14 at first = first = first of all = to begin with =firstly 15 at last = finally = in the end 16 at night = in the night 17 at once = right now = right away = immediately 18 at the age of eight = at eight years of age = when sb be eight years old 19 at the same time = in the meantime = in the meanwhile 20 at times = sometimes = now and then = from time to time 21 be able to = can do = have the ability to do sth 22 be against - be for 23 be based on = build on = depend on 24 be different from - be the same as 25 be fond of = like = love = enjoy = care for 26 be free = have (enough) time 27 be from = come from 28 be full of = be filled with 29 be glad / happy / pleased to do sth 30 be good at = do well in 31 be good for = there are many benefits to doing sth 32 be in trouble = be in danger/ need = be at risk 33 be interested in = take / have / show interest in = sth be interesting to sb 34 be like = look like 35 be pleased with = be satisfied with 36 be proud of = take pride in 37 be / get ready for = prepare for 38 be supposed to = should do = ought to do 39 because of = due to = thanks to = as a result of 40 begin with = start with 41 by oneself = alone = on ones own 42 call up = call on = call for sb to do sth call sb up = ring sb up = telephone sb up = make a telephone call to sb = give sb a call 43 cant help / stop doing sth = cant wait to do sth 44 care for = take care of = look after 45 catch up with = keep up with 46 change into = turn into 47 close to = next to = beside = near 48 come back = go / get / be back = return 49 realize / achieve ones dream = make ones dream come true50 come up with sth = think of sth 51 deal with = do with Howdeal with ? = Whatdo with?52 depend on = build on = be based on 53 do sb a favor = help sb = give sb a hand 54 due to = thanks to = because of 55 each other = one another 56 enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun 57 even though = even if = although = though 58 fall off = fall down from 59 feel like doing sth = want to do sth = would like to do sth 60 focus on doing sth / sth = pay attention to doing sth / sth 61 for example = for instance 62 from now on = in future 63 from then on = since then 64 get along well with = get on well with 65 get married to sb = marry sb 66 give up doing sth = quit doing sth = stop doing sth 67 go fishing = go to fish 68 go on with sth = continue with sth 69 go on doing sth = continue doing sth = keep ( on) doing sth 70 go on to do sth = continue to do sth 71 go shopping = go to shop = do some shopping 72 go to bed = go to sleep 73 have a cold = catch a cold 74 have a rest / break = take a rest / break 75 have to do = must do 76 have (some) trouble / problems/difficulties (in ) doing sth 77 have (some) trouble / problems/difficulties with sth 78 hear about = hear of 79 hear from sb = receive / get/ have a letter from sb = receive/ get/have ones letter 80 hold / keep a record 81 how about = what about 82 How come you are late? = Why are you late ? = What are you late for ? 83 hurry up = be quick 84 in a word = in general = all in all = in short = generally speaking 85 in honor of = in memory of = to celebrate 86 in order that = so that 87 in order to = so as to 88 in surprise = in amazement 89 in the air = in the sky 90 in the open air = outdoors 91 instead of replace instead 92 just /wait a moment = just / wait a while/ minute / second 93 keep off = keep away from 94 keep ones word = keep a promise 95 keep up with = catch up with 96 look forward to doing = expect to do = wish to do = hope to do 97 make a decision to do = make up ones mind to do = decide to do 98 next to = close to = beside = near 99 no longer = notany longer = no more = noany more 100 not onlybut also = not only but as well (v. 就近一致) both and and(v.复数)101 of course = certainly = you bet = sure 102 plenty of = lots of = a lot of + (cn.)复数 103 potato chips = French fries 104 quarrel with sb = argue with sb 105 prefer doing to doing = prefer to do rather than do = would rather do than do 106 regard/ see/ treat / look on / consider / think of as 107 right away = right now = at once = immediately 108 shake hands with sb = shake ones hand 109 such as = like 110 take / have a sea
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