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AI Calls Bluff to Hit the Jackpot人工智能不惧诈唬,大获成功 1.bluff /blf/ n. 虚张声势 call bluff / call ones bluff 看破、揭露某人的虚张声势He threatened to kill me if I wouldnt give him money. But I called his bluff and said no.他威胁说我不给钱的话他就要杀了我,我没上他的当,拒绝了他的要求。 2.hit the jackpot 中大奖;获得巨大的成功 jackpot /dkpt/ n. 头奖 In the long running game of robots versus humans, AI has chalked up yet another victory.在“人与机器”的长期对决中,人工智能(AI)再下一局。 3.long running 长期存在的;一直进行当中的 long-running TV drama 更新时间长的电视剧a long-running problem 固疾;长期存在的问题 4.chalk up 获得(相当于achieve,通常搭配的都是成功、胜利或者比赛的得分) 5.yet another 接二连三的;又来一个 yet /jet/ adv. 除此之外地(相当于in addition) The journal Science reported that a bot named Pluribus is now quite adept at taking on professional human opponents. It has racked up a number of shocking wins against Texas Holdem poker champions in what scientists are hailing as a landmark in the development of AI.科学杂志上的一篇报告称,一个名为Pluribus的计算机程序如今在与人类职业选手较量时表现得游刃有余。它出乎意料地屡次击败数位德州扑克冠军,这一成就被科学家誉为AI发展路上的一座丰碑。 6.bot /bt/ n. 计算机程序;机器人(robot的简写) 8.be adept at sth. 在某个方面很娴熟、技艺精湛、训练有素(相当于be skilled at sth. 或 be well-trained in sth.) 9.take on 应对挑战,接受挑战 take on 承担,接受(相当于undertake)take on a new responsibility 承担新的责任take on a new job 承担一个新的工作take on a new role 承担一个新的角色take on 呈现Something has taken on a new look.某件事情呈现出了新的样貌。1.承担No other organization was able or willing to take on the job.没有任何其他组织能够或愿意承担这项工作。2.呈现Believing he had only a year to live, his writing took on a feverish intensity.他认为自己只有一年能活了,他的文字呈现出一种极度的狂热。3.(交通工具) 停下装载 (乘客、货物、燃料)This is a brief stop to take on passengers and water.这是一次短暂的停车以上客和装水。4.聘用Hes spoken to a publishing company. Theyre going to take him on.他已经跟一家出版公司谈过了。他们将聘用他。5. 与 (尤指强于自己的人) 较量Democrats were reluctant to take on a president whose popularity ratings were historically high.民主党不愿意与一个支持率创历史新高的总统较量。6.擅自决定做Knox had taken it on himself to choose the wine.诺克斯已擅自主张选了这种葡萄酒。He took upon himself the responsibility for protecting her.他自作主张承担起保护她的责任。 10.rack up 获得(与chalk up意思接近,后面最常搭配胜利、比分等) 12.landmark /ln(d)mk/ n. 地标;里程碑(相当于milestone) 13.hail /hel/ vt. 称颂,赞扬;敬礼,致敬 hail sth. as sth. 称赞某事为(相当于crown sth. as sth.)sth./sb. is hailed as 某物/某人被誉为He is hailed as a hero after he died from saving a drowning girl.他因为救助落水女孩不幸离世,被人们追封为英雄。The talk was hailed as a concrete step in the normalization of the two countries diplomatic ties.这次对谈被誉为是这两个国家邦交正常化的过程中非常坚实的一步。 Tactical board games such as chess and Go have served as milestones for AI research. In those games everyone is aware of how all the pieces are arranged on the board. Programming AI to win at poker is a much tougher nut to crack in poker, players are unsure of their opponents cards and need to bluff convincingly.攻克国际象棋和围棋等策略类棋牌游戏一直被视为AI研究路上的里程碑。在这类游戏中,每个玩家对盘面的布局都一目了然。而编写程序让AI在扑克类游戏中获胜则要困难得多,因为扑克玩家并不确定对方手中有哪些牌,因此需要虚张声势以让对手信服。 14.a tough nut to crack 很难搞的人或事(俚语) Scientists noted that as Pluribus learned to play the game, it came up with and deployed some devious tactics such as biding its time and then making huge bets and bluffs. 科学家们指出,Pluribus在学打德州扑克的过程中领悟并运用了一些狡诈的策略,比如它会等待良机出现,然后大规模下注并诈唬对手。15.come up with sth. 想到某事 16.deploy /dpl/ vt. 部署;运用 deployment /diplmnt/ n. 部署military deployment 军事部署the deployment of THAAD 部署萨德系统deploy troops to a place 向某地部署军队或派驻军队deploy tactics 运用策略 The ramifications of the robots victories could go far beyond simply playing poker. Researchers believe that this may eventually lead the way for AI to be employed in scenarios with highly variable conditions and numerous participants such as guiding driverless cars through traffic congestion.这次机器获胜的潜在影响可能远不止打扑克这么简单。研究人员相信,这最终或将促使AI被应用到涉及诸多不确定因素和多位参与者的场景中,比如引导无人驾驶汽车驶离交通拥堵。 18.lead the way for sth./sb. to do sth. 引导某事或某人走向某个结果 19.employ /mpl, empl/ vt. 使用(跟deploy意思相同) 20.scenario /snr, snro/ n. 场景(通常指设想出来的场景) the worst case scenario 最坏的情况 21.driverless car 无人驾驶汽车 self-driving car autonomous car robotic car 22.traffic congestion 交通拥堵 congestion /kndest()n/ n. 拥堵(congest 的名词形式)blood congestion 血栓
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