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Unit 2 Sailing Round the World.Lead-inMany people have travelled round the world, but no one else has done it the way Sir Francis Chichester did. A British adventurer, he travelled round the world alone in a small yacht called “Gipsy Moth”in spite of the fact that he had lung cancer. This text tells us briefly what happened to him on his voyage, one of the greatest seafaring exploits of all time. . New words1. single-handed: adj. & adv. (done) by one person alone Example: Mary accomplished the task by her single-handed efforts.The job cannot be done single-handed. 这个工作无法由一个人独自完成。 这是一种以形容词或形容词短语用作状语的语法现象,其作用类似非限定性定语从句,表示某种增补的意义。它们通常用来说明主语的状况,例如: The man opened the letter, nervous.The sun rises in the east, red. The soldier fell down, dead.但它们也可用来说明宾语的状况,如He writes his characters largeWe drink it hot.She pushed the door open.2. solo: single-handed chorus:合唱助记solesolo Love is a chord in life, not a solo.(Beethoven) 爱是人生的和弦,而不是孤单的独奏曲。(贝多芬)3. lung: n.Example: Smoking can cause lung cancer.At the top of one s lungs 用最大声音Collection: heart(心) liver(肝) kidney(肾) spleen(脾) stomach(胃)4. determined: adj. with ones mind firmly made upbe determined to do / about doing sth: have a strong will to (do)Example:He is determined about giving up smoking.Columbus was determined to prove that India could be reached by sailing west. be determined to do sth. & make up ones mind to do sth.be determined to do sth. 侧重某人的决心。make up ones mind to do sth. 则强调某人打定主意,不再动摇。 Example: At last we made up our minds to tell her the truth. determine; decideDetermine决心大,意志坚决,任何时候都不动摇。Example: Mr. Black determined to maintain his position at all costs.Decide表示经过考虑在几种可能中做出选择的决定。Example: He decided to go on Monday instead of Tuesday.5. retire: vi.【re-(back)+tire(累):(累回)家中】stop working at ones job.1) give up ones job because of old age Example: He thinks it lucky to retire at full salary. 虽然已近65岁,马莉还不想退休。2) go away; withdraw Example: The soldiers had retired 25 miles from the frontier. 3) go to bed Example: I have a habit of retiring early and getting up early. 6. voyage: n. a long journey (by sea, by land or through outer space)Example: The sailor will make a voyage to Austrilia. vi. go on a (sea) journey; sail Example: Sir Frances Drake was the first man who voyaged around the world. voyage, journey, travel & trip voyage在现代英语中通常指较长距离的水上航行,但也可指空中航行。Example: In those days, the voyage to Australia was long and dangerous. journey是比较正式的用语,通常指陆地上的远行,没有回到原出发地的含义。Example:At first I was afraid the long journey would be too much for her. 起初我担心她受不了长距离的旅行。 travel的单数形式泛指旅行这一行为或过程,而要表示某次具体的旅行时,通常用复数,而且通常指到远方作长时间的旅行。Example: Her interests are politics, music, and travel. trip通常指较短距离的旅行,但在较通俗、随便的用法中可代替journey。Example: Did you enjoy your trip to Shanghai? Collection:Maiden voyage 处女航,首航Arduous voyage 艰难航行Go on/ make/ take a voyage to 去.的旅行Be on a voyage 在旅途中7. crew: n. group of people who work together on a ship or airplaneCollection: personnel全体人员, 用做复数 crew(全体船员) / staff(全体职员) / faculty(全体教员) 用做单数或复数类同family,当作一个整体看用单数,当作各成员看用复数Example: The plane had a crew of 25. 那班飞机有25名机务人员。The crew were busy preparing. 机务人员正忙着准备呢。8. steer: vt. make (a boat or road vehicle) go in a particular directionExample: He steered the ship carefully between the rocks. 他小心的在礁石间驾驶船只。steer clear of 绕开,避开Example: The speech steered clear of controversial issues. 演说回避了有争议的问题。drive/ steerWhen you are in control of a car, you drive it. When you direct its course, you steer it. She got into a car and drove home. She steered the car carefully through the narrow gap.英语中“方向盘”的说法是“steer wheel”,而不是“driving wheel”9. gale: very strong windCollection: breeze(微风) gale(强风) storm(暴风) gust(阵风) hurricane(飓风) typhoon(台风)10. cover: vt. 1) pass over or travel (a certain distance) Example: They were hoping to cover 40 miles yesterday. 2) place or spread sth. upon, over, or in front of (sth.) Example: The floods covered thousands of towns. 3) hide; protect Example: He laughed loudly to cover his fear.11. previously: adv. before the present time or the time referred to Example: I had posted the letter two months previously. 两个月前,我就把信寄出了。12. dissuade: 【dis-(否定)+suade(劝说);劝说不要去做】prevent sb from doing sth对比:persuade v. persuasion n. persuasive adj. per-: thoroughly dissuade v. dissuasion n. dissuasive adj. dis-: notTom tried to dissuade me from joining the club.Tom tried to dissuade me out of joining the club.13. fortunately: adv. luckily Example: Fortunately, there was no one in the office when the fire started.14. contact: vt. get in touch withExample: Do you often contact your former classmates? n. state of touching or communication Example: After he entered the university, he came into contact with many new id
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