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高中英语必修一Unit 1 Friendship单元测试卷 满分 100 分 考试时间 90 分钟 第一卷 一 单项填空 共 20 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 20 分 1 John said he would pay second visit to China next year A the B the the C a the D a 2 Do you like watching soccer game I don t quite follow you A Why not B What s wrong C What s up D Pardon 3 I go there alone but he go there by himself A dare doesn t dare B dare to dares not C dare dare not D dare to doesn t dare 4 Although I often send e mails to Tom I have never seen him A eye to eye B face to face C face to face D on my own 5 Father went to his doctor for about his heart trouble A an advice B advice C advices D the advices 6 This is the first time I such beautiful music A heard B am hearing C will hear D have heard 7 There weren t enough computers for every student so we A had got to save B had to separate C had to share D had got to divide 8 While the dog you should take care not to Otherwise it may be dangerous to strangers A walking get loose B walks be loose C walking for get it loose D training get it run 9 Do you think the Lakers will beat the Bulls Yes They have better players so I them to win A hope B prefer C expect D want 10 The reason he was late was that his car had broken down on the way A why because B that because C that for D why that 11 Thousands of works of art the most famous paintings were during the war A included missed B including missing C included missing D including missed 12 When he came into the dinning hall nobody said hello to him So he felt Which of the following is wrong A upset B ignored C calm D unhappy 13 However even on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak A that B which C D all of above 14 Keep The photographer 相机 is ready A still B calm C quiet D silent 15 Three seven makes ten A adding to B adds to C added to D added up 16 The teacher us so much noise A say to don t make B told not make C asked not making D asked not to make 17 Tom had to call a taxi because the box was to carry all the way home A much too heavy B too much heavy C heavy too much D too heavy much 18 Having retired 退休 he the club for old men and plays chess every day there A takes part in B joins in C attends D joins 19 We still went on working cold it was A although B even if C however D whatever 20 When I saw a lot of people gathering over there I went over to see A what was the matter B what the matter was C what was happened D what was the wrong 二 完形填空 共 20 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 20 分 When I was 16 years old I made my first visit to the United States It wasn t the first time I had been 21 Like most English children I learned French 22 school and I had often been to France so I 23 speaking a foreign language to people who didn t understand 24 But when I went to America I was really looking forward to 25 a nice easy holiday without any 26 problems 27 wrong I was The misunderstanding began at the airport I was looking for a 28 telephone to give my American friend Danny a 29 and tell her that I had arrived A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked 30 he could help me Yes I said I want to give my friend a ring Well that s 31 he exclaimed Are you getting32 But aren t you a bit 33 Who is talking about marriage I replied I 34 want to give my friend a ring to tell her I ve arrived Can you tell me 35 there s a phone box please Oh he said there s a phone downstairs When at last we 36 meet up Danny explained the misunderstandings to me Don tworry she said to me I had so many 37 at first There are lots of words which the Americans 38 differently in meaning from us British You ll soon get used to 39 funny things they say Most of the 40 British and American people understand each other 21 A out B away C outside D abroad 22 A from B during C at D after 23 A get used to B was used to C used to D used 24 A English B French C Russian D Latin 25 A buying B having C giving D receiving 26 A time B human C language D money 27 A Too B What a C What D How 28 A cheap B popular C public D good 29 A letter B ring C news D information 30 A that B if C where D when 31 A well B over C nice D ring 32 A to marry B to be married C marrying D married 33 A small B little C old D young 34 A very B just C just now D so 35 A where B which C over where D that 36 A did B do C can D had 37 A trouble B difficulties C things D fun 38 A write B speak C use D read 39 A every B each C any D all the 40 A chance B situation C condition D time 三 阅读理解 共 20 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 20 分 A The hand the eyes and the brain work together to make human beings different from other animals No other animals have all three parts to work together No animals can do what human beings can do Humans can do many things and feel many things with the hand The hand can hold onto things and make things because the thumb works with the fingers This fifth finger is strong Most animals don t have thumbs The thumb can press against the other fingers Without a thumb to press against the fingers it is difficult to hold onto anything The thumb and fingers can also fit the
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