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牛津小学英语2B Unit7 Can I help you 第一课时教学设计教学内容: 1、单词:a blouse, a dress, a shirt.2、句型: Can I help you? I d like.教学目标:1、通过对单词的学习,学生能听、说、读a blouse, a dress, a shirt,发音准确。2、通过对句型的学习,学生能听懂Can I help you?会用I d like.作回答。情感目标:培养学生爱礼貌的习惯。教学重点:1、单词a blouse, a dress, a shirt的发音准确。2、能在购物场景中正确地运用所学句型。教学难点:1、能区分单词a shirt, a blouse。2、学生能用I d like.表述自己想要的东西。Step1 Warming up1. Sing a song: How are you? Hello! Good morning! 2. Greetings: T: Hello/ Hi. How are you?S: Hello/Hi. Im fine.3. Free talk:1) T: Im your new English teacher. Whats your name? Whats your English name? S: Im xxx. /My name is xxx.T: Oh, its a good name. I like it. Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too.T: Youre so cute.2) Review the sentence structuresT: Boys and girls, please look at the screen. What can you see?(课件出示几个字母)S: I can see G.T: G is for My English name” My name is Gillian”. 课件出示。You can call me Gillian. Hello, the boy/the girl.S: Hello, Gillian.T:What can you see?S: I can see PT: P for panda, “I like pandas”. 课件出示此句Do you like pandas?S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. T: What do you like?S: I like monkeys/lionsS1-S2T: Oh, I see. The monkeys are lovely. The lions are fierce. Now, what can you see?S: I can see ST: S for summer. I like summer. I can wear nice T-shirt and skirt. 课件出示此句Do you like summer?S: Yes, I do/ No, I dont. S3-S4T: What else can you see?S: I can see WT: W is for the little wolf “Xiao huihui”. He is our good friend. Do you like Xiao huihui?S: Yes, I do.Step2 PresentationT: 课件出示小灰灰哭或者烦恼的样子Xiao huihui isnt happy now, why? (播放电脑制作的cast)Oh, May Day is coming. Xiao huihui wants to buy some presents for Xi yangyang and his friends. Can you help Xiao huihui?S: Yes.T: Lets go shopping, xiao huihui.手势提醒S: Lets go. 1. Teach Id like a1)T: 课件出示商店路线图toy shopfood shopclothes shop, Xiao huihui goes into a toy shop, he will buy a toy for Fei yangyang.课件出示玩具店,先切入动物玩具一角。What do you like? S: I like monkeys/pandas/lions课件出示I like 。 T: If you are Xiao Huihui, do you wanna this? 手拿一猴子玩具 S: Yes. T: Lets learn Id like 课件出示d,并入I like形成Id like教学Id like 板贴句型 S: Id like T: Id like a monkey. 课件将a monkey并入句型,教学此句,齐读,分组读,两个两个读 S: Id like a monkey.教师将小猴子背后的贴纸送给孩子。 T: Here you are. 2个孩子后接此句 S: Thank you. T:课件出示沸羊羊和好些个玩具及句型Id like a _.If you are feiyangyang , what would you like? S: Id like a _.(可以放入些女孩子的玩具,不能选。feiyangyang is a boy, so he doesnt like girlish toys) T: Fei yangyang would like a yoyo. So xiaohuihui bought a yoyo.2) T: Go on and go on. Xiao huihui goes into a food shop. This is Lan Yangyangs favourite part, right? S: Yes. T:课件出示懒羊羊和许多食物,选简单的a sweet, a hot dog, a hamburgerWhat would Lan Yangyang like? You can discuss the presents with your desk mates. S: Pair work Id like a _.(多个图片) T: 手持多个食物图片,将小灰灰的头套戴在学生头上What would you like? S: Id like a _.根据学生回答让他选择图片并给与。 T: Xiaohuihui bought a hamburger for lan yangyang at last.课件出示2. Teach dress/blouse/shirt 1)T: Now, Xiaohuihui goes into the clothes shop. Wow, so many clothes. What can you see?S: I can see a coat/a skirt/sweater/T-shirt.T: Whos she? 课件出示营业员,老师手指S:T: She is a saler.课件播音Can I help you?接着出示tips这句话是营业员礼貌用语 揭题Unit7 Can I help you?T: Which clothes is for Xi Yangyang?课件出示小灰灰头像与问号指向喜羊羊.再出示小灰灰的想法 Xi Yangyang is a boy.播放录音Id like a shirt.教学shirt,T-shirt迁移过来。板贴单词T:利用课件的营业员Can I help you?教学Id like a shirt.T: Can I help you?S: Id like a shirt.T: Her you are.给学生衬衫图片多次T-S操练,再ppt-s操练出示个小小chant: a shirt, a shirt, Id like a shirt. 2)T: Nuan yangyang , shirt? 课件出示,引导学生思考 S: 暖洋洋是女的 T: Youre smart. Yeah, shirt is not suitable for Nuan. She would like a blouse. 课件出示 教学blouse. blue-mouthnose 板贴单词 让学生根据前一个chant改编a blouse, a blouse,Id like a _. 让学生和PPT来进行对话练习Id like a blouse.3) T: How about Meiyangyang? S: T: Lets look at the skirt. OK, I will make small magic power.将blouse和skirt拼接,成为dress教学dress,板贴单词出示前面的chant: _, _, Id like a _. 三段连起来一起说说T: In the clothes shop, Xiao Hui Hui bought a_ , a _ and a _让学生填空Step 3 Consolidation1. Xi Yang yang and his friends are very appreciate the presents bought by Xiao Huihui, so he give 3 eggs to xiao huihui a/b/c,学生选择a. 猜猜涂黑的衣服是什么b. 单词拼写,并且读一下单词c. 读出老师圈的单词2. Xiao Huihui and his friends are happy together under the sunlight. 1)Do the summary of this lesson2)让学生根据不同的物品选择Id like _句子朗读,读的好的得一颗星,课件中星星一个个消失。3. Sing a songStep4 Homework
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