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综 英 第 3 册 uni t 5 练 习 答 案 精品文档 收集于网络 如有侵权请联系管理员删除 Unit 5 Text Comprehension I C II TTTFF III 1 Refer to Para 2 5 Professor DePaulo s study suggests that lying is a common phenomenon and most of the lies we tell are small and insignificant Meanwhile as she points out it is common that people take lies lightly their lies have caused them little preoccupation or regret 2 Refer to Para 3 According to the passage the purpose of telling lies or white lies varies women tell lies according to the principle of caring or to spare other s feelings and men tell lies basically for utilitarian self promoting purposes 3 Refer to Para 7 10 The story of Tom supports the argument that little white lies are ubiquitous and people have taken such lies for granted believing that they are well intended When he consulted with Michael Josephson the reply is very negative his mother in aw may feel hurt when she discovers the deceit some day Or even worse she may question And what else have you lied to me about In short such white lies may produce mistrust among people 4 Refer to Para 12 15 The consequences of lying are three fold the deceived may feel cheated and won t trust the liar any more the liar will lose trust and get entangled in the lies he fabricates and if lies proliferate endlessly society as a whole would falter and collapse as trust is damaged or destroyed 5 Refer to Para 16 Not all white lies are unacceptable Some falsehoods like setting somebody up for a surprise party or telling children about the tooth fairy can be justified However you have to consider the attitude of the deceived towards lying and the consequences i e whether your act will undermine his trust in you IV 1 When we start to tell a lie we have entered a very intricate situation as a lie often requires other lies until the whole structure of lies becomes so complex that it ensnares the liar 2 One is less inhibited from lying his ability to make moral right and wrong judgments is dulled and he may become less cautious against being caught 3 The most understandable and acceptable lies are those which are told for the sake of love and care at the expense of trust according to the ethicists Vocabulary Pp 83 84 I 1 earth shattering very important shocking traumatic 2 spare the other s feelings avoid hurting the other s feelings avoid doing something that would upset the other person 精品文档 收集于网络 如有侵权请联系管理员删除 3 shaping or spinning the truth telling the truth with a favorable emphasis or slant modifying the truth 4 a slippery slope a course of action which can easily lead to something unacceptable wrong or disastrous 5 at all costs at any cost under any circumstances whatever might happen II 1 supportive 2 perceived 3 prevarication 4 astounded 5 undermine 6 faltered 7 fibs 8 volunteered III Word Derivation 1 unethical ethic n ethical a unethical a 伦理学是哲学的分科 Ethics is a branch of philosophy 他的行为不太道德 His behaviour has not been strictly ethical 2 feigned feign v feigned a 有些动物遇到危险时便装死 Some animals feign death when in danger 他大发雷霆 不知是真的还是假的 He was consuming with indignation real or feigned 3 unsparing spare v sparing a unsparing a unsparingly ad 他们把男人都杀了 但放过了孩子 They killed the men but spared the children 尼任斯基对演技精益求精一丝不苟 Nijinsky was unsparing in his demands for perfection 他强迫自己拼命干 He drove himself unsparingly 4 cynical cynicism n cynic n cynical a 他的话带着强烈的讽刺 精品文档 收集于网络 如有侵权请联系管理员删除 His remark has a fine edge of cynicism 罗伯特是一个地道的怀疑主义者 他不会不假思索就相信任何事或任何人 Roberts is a real cynic he won t accept anything or anyone at face value 他们逐渐感到所谓民主制度也不过尔尔 They ve grown rather cynical about democracy 5 confoundedly confound v confounded a confoundedly ad 他的所作所为让她感到既惊愕又困惑 His behaviour amazed and confounded her 你真讨厌死了 You re a confounded nuisance 天气太热了 It s confoundedly hot 6 lubricated lubricate v lubricant n 我需要润润嗓子 My throat needs lubricating 我们使用哪种润滑剂 主要取决于轴承的转速如何 The sort of lubricant which we use depends largely on the running speed of the bearing 7 entangled tangle v tangle n entangle v 她的头发让带刺的铁网缠住了 Her hair got all tangled up in the barbed wire fence 他的财务状况是一笔糊涂帐 His financial affairs are in such a tangle 她的长发让玫瑰丛给钩住了 Her long hair entangled itself in the rose bush 8 Willful will n willful a 精品文档 收集于网络 如有侵权请联系管理员删除 我被迫违心地在协议上签了字 I was forced to sign the agreement against my will 只要人有恒 万事皆可成 A willful man must have his way IV Phrase Practice 1 The governor is trying hard to the scandal cover up cover up put sth over sth else so that it cannot be seen prevent people from discovering mistakes or unpleasant facts e g 他忘了把机器盖起来 He had forgotten to have the machine covered up 你怎么能掩盖自己的错误呢 How can you cover up your mistake 2 Samantha was amazed when late one evening Adam that he loved her blurted out blurt out say sth suddenly and tactlessly e g 我还没来得及阻止 他已冲口说出了这个坏消息 He blurted out the bad news before I could stop him 3 He claimed that he had been after drugs were discovered in his suitcase set up set up make sb feel healthy and full of energy e g 你喝杯热饮料马上就精神了 A hot drink will
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