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On primary school language teaching how to develop students reading ability Abstract primary language learning is to master the language, improve communication skills and learn other subjects basis and reading ability is to learn the language and improve the key to the implementation of the new curriculum, the language of a higher reading ability requirements, therefore, in the teaching process should change their ideas, make the best use of language diversification formula to improve students reading ability. Paper Keywords primary language, reading, training, improve Chinese culture is profound, long history, but as a cultural foundation of the role of language is immeasurable. Language knowledge and skills from the primary language of study accumulation and formation, especially in language training and improve reading ability, plays a vital role the new curriculum for primary language reading ability of a higher requirement, pointed out the need to stimulate students interest in reading, emphasizing the independent reading ability, so that students in improving reading skills at the same time cultivate the mind to get the spirit is encouraged, as a requirement The proposal requires teachers to the teaching process, focusing on the childs individual differences, the use of diverse teaching methods and give full play the enthusiasm of students to read, thereby improving reading levels. 1 Teachers should improve their overall quality Education should be self-sterile. Teacher quality determines the level of ability of students reading level, so teachers need to improve their cultural enrichment teacher training not only in the cultural wealth of knowledge, and also includes ideological change, teaching skills and enthusiasm to improve on. Specifically, the following aspects should strengthen its efforts. 1.1 to change the traditional concept of the formation of the new thinking Traditionally, pupils achieve literacy reading level as long as the word, smooth finish requirements to the full text of the new curriculum for language teaching proposed implementing new standards, requiring not only the teaching of Chinese reading grasp the words, and also to carry out the use of language, but also requires interest in reading to get training, temperament get mold, thinking to get innovation of this new standard is not only demands on students, but also the requirements for teachers. Teachers should break the traditional concept of a clear understanding of the requirements of the new curriculum standards, the formation of a new way of thinking. should change their concepts, and establish a new teaching ideas, may not be easy, and the need to explore the practice of continuous improvement in teaching philosophy, changing stereotypes, always remind yourself to the new standards. 1.2 rich professional knowledge, teachers should pay attention to grasp the basic teaching skills, ongoing charge. Language teaching of reading is the best embodies aspects of teachers professional knowledge, on the one hand, teachers with a wealth of expertise is an important foundation for effective teaching, such as, for article background knowledge, the author related stories, articles, etc. contained meaning, if we can grasp skilled in the teaching process, students will be able to make sense of the teacher generates admiration, which is conducive to resonate with students and teachers, to stimulate students reading desire on the other hand, should pay special attention to teaching ways and means good way to achieve more with less. past that spoon-feeding education have been eliminated, the teacher should be noted that using a variety of teaching methods, attention to teach skills, constantly stimulate students interest in reading, give full play to the imagination of students, respect for students creative thinking. 1.3 possess professionalism, enthusiasm towards improving teaching reading teaching pupils, teachers should have the patience and passion, especially in the treatment of difficult hygiene but also to reflect the meticulous care in the teaching of reading, students encounter many problems, Teachers should establish a good work ethic, patience to guide students. Meanwhile, it should maintain its vitality and enthusiasm, the teaching of reading vivid explanations and guidance motivates students to learn the passion and power. (2) using a variety of ways to stimulate students interest in reading Interest is the best teacher. Improve pupils interest in reading, so that learning from a passive to an active type, are educators continue to explore and pursue. Pupils must develop an interest in reading, with interest only language reading of power, And with power in order to truly improve reading ability. Interested culture often reflected in the classroom teaching process, the performance of a variety of teaching methods, individualized questions settings, etc.
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