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Unit8 Clothes Lesson1Teaching aims: 1. Teach the new words: shirt, dress, coat. 2. Teach the sentence: I need a Language focus: Using nouns to identify clothingUsing nouns to express what you want.Teaching aids: tape recorder, word cards.Teaching procedure:ProducesContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings:T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Very well. Thanks.2. Warming up:Sing the song, and review the words with gesture.3. Free talk:T: What season is it?Ss: its winter.T: it is winter. We feel very cold. Yes?Ss: yes.T: so, Ill wear 3 things.(ppt)S: hat/ gloves/ scarf. 复习上单元的三个单词Greetings in the class.Say and do together.1.Revise some rhyme have learned ,e.g. page 31 2.Revise some songs have learnt, e.g. page 16.互相问候,创造英语气氛。激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。While-taskprocedure11. coatT: its winter. Its very cold. So I wear a caot.(指着身上穿的衣服说) Look, this is a coat. That is a coat, too.(指着学生的衣服说)教学coat 学生个读单词,两两读,小组读,大小声,模仿读(like boys or girls)。描述衣服的颜色: 1. (ppt) a coat 2. 指着学生衣服说 a coatT: if you like this coat, you should say coat, coat, I need a coat . (ppt)T: Im wearing a coat. Who is wearing a coat? You can say I wearing a coat2. shirt图片和实物引出 shirt T: shirt is for boys. So we say it like boys voice.(1)(ppt) a shirt (2 ) 说说学生带的衬衫的颜色 a shirtT: if you like this shirt, you should say shirt, shirt, I need a shirt. (ppt)T: Whos wearing a shirt today? 3.dress图片引出 dress T: whats she wearing?dressT: dress is for girls. So we say it like girls voice.描述连衣裙的颜色 (1)图片 a dress( 2) 描述学生自己的裙子 a dressT: if you like this dress, you should say dress, dress, I need a dress. (ppt)T: whos wearing a dress today?4.复习三个单词: 闪图片,missing game, 看口型5. say a rhyme: Coat, coat, I need a coat.Shirt, shirt, I need a shirt.Dress, dress, I need a dress. Learn the new wordsshirt, dress, coat.S: Im wearing a coat.S: Im wearing a shirt.S: Im wearing a dress.学生用不同的语气说单词,增加了课堂气氛,学生也比较起劲。学生能说出来,就把小纸片当做奖品。跟读,个读,小组读,开火车(由慢到快)描述衬衫的颜色:(跟读,个读,小组读,高低声Post-taskactivities. sing a song: Whos wearing ?游戏: 小商店.A: 老师做营业员,学生做顾客 T: Can I help you ? T: Here you are.sing a songS: I need a S: Thank you.通过表演 加深他们的印象。B: 小组练习这个对话C. 小组表演. 评出表演的最好的那一组.AssignmentRead .板书:Unit8 WeatherCan I help you ?I need a Unit8 Clothes Lesson2Teaching aims:1. Teach the new sentence: Put on /Take offLanguage focus: Using imperatives to give simple instruction.Teaching aids: tape recorder, word cards.Teaching procedure:ProducesContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings:T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Very well. Thanks.2. Warming up:Sing the song, and review the words with gesture.3. Free talk:1.Revise the words. I would put up the pictures, and let students say the words.2 .Revise the letters from A-L.3.Revise the pronunciation of the letters in the words.Greetings in the class.Say and do together.Revise the letters互相问候,创造英语气氛。激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。While-taskprocedure1 Put a chair in front of the class and sit down. Ask the class to look and listen. Say Put on your scarf. And do the action. Repeat several times. Do the same with Take off your scarf.2 Ask two boys to come to the front and sit on two chairs. Say Boys, put on your scarfs. And the boys must follow the command. Repeat with Boys, take off your scarfs.3 Repeat step 2 with two girls.4 When students are familiar with the commands, say Lets play a game. All the boys are in one team and all the girls are in another team. Lets see which team wins!5 Give commands, e.g. boys, put on your scarfs. Girls, take off your scarfs.etc.6 Vary the game by letting students give commands to their own team or to the opposite team.7 Refer to Students Book page 40. Play the cassette tape for students to follow.Put on your scarf.Take off your scarfBoys, put on your scarfs.Boys, take off your scarfs.Listen to the tape.All the boys are in one team and all the girls are in another team. Lets see which team wins!Give commandsListen to the tape.
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