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2020学年度第一学期期中试卷三 年 级 英 语得分: 学校 班级 姓名 学号 一.写出下列字母的小写形式。(26分)A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 二.将单词和汉语意思连线。(10分)teacher 女孩 book 铅笔boy 椅子 marker 水彩笔chair 课桌 pen 钢笔desk 男孩 pencil 学校girl 教师 school 书三.写出下列单词或词组的汉语意思。(16分)one two three four five six seven eight nine ten red yellow one book two chairs five pens six pencils 四.选择题。(24分)1. Whats your name? . A. Hello B. My name is Li Ming C. Hi2. How are you? A. Hello! B. Thank you. C. Im fine.3. Whats this? Its a .A. book B. boy C. girl4. Nice to meet you. A. How are you? B. Hi! C. Nice to meet you, too.5. May I have two ,please?A. books B. book C. desk6.Good-bye. A. Hi! B. Hello! C.Bye!7. How many books do you have? .A. pen B. Three C. Thanks8. Where is my book? A. On the desk B. Pink C. Pencils9. What colour is it? . A. Yellow B. Six C. Thanks10. the door.A. Open B. Three C. Chairs11. the window.A. Fine B. Close C. Two12. This is a .A. boy B. pink C. thanks13. Where is the book? Its . the desk. A.on B.four C.blue14. How many pencils do you have? . A.on B.four C.blue15.Li Ming::Jenny ,this is Guo Yang.She is my friend. Jenny: . A.Im five. B.Im very well. C.Hi,Guo Yang.Nice to meet you.16.A: Hello!Peter .How are you ? B: . A.Thanks B.Nice to meet you C.Fine! Thanks17. This is my friend,Li Ming. _.Nice to meet you, too. A.Nice meet you B.How are you C.Nice to meet you18. Miss Zhang: Where is it? Li Ming:_.A.In the desk B.Im fine C.Open the window19. _name is Jenny.A.His B.Her C.her20. _? Its a cat.A.Whats your name B.Whats this C.How are you21. What is it? _- A.Its green. B.Its tea. C. He is a teacher.22. How are you?_A.Im fine,thank you! B.Bye! C.Hi!23. This is a boy._ is my friend._ name is Li Lin. A.She,Her B.He,His C.She,His24. This is the_ we walk to school.A.away B.a way C.way 25.How many_ ?A.apples B.apple C.appless26. What colour_ it? Pink.A.are B.is C.am27. Where is your book? _A.I have one. B.Four. C.I dont know.28. Whats this? Its_ .A.two pens B.three pencil-cases C.a marker29.“起立”用英语怎么说?A.Stand up! B.Sit down! C.Look up!30.当你向别人介绍自己时,你应该说:A.Whats your name? B.Hello! C.Hi,Im Jenny.五选词填空。(5分)What How Where May Let1. _ is Danny? Lets look.2. _ is your favourite colour? Red.3._ many purple books? Five.4._ us sing a song. 5._ I have one book,please? No books for me.六.单词分类。(5分) A.five B.pen C.close D.three E.greenF.eight G.white H.open I.book J.draw 数字_ _动作 _物品_ _颜色_七连词成句。(5分)1. your book Close_.2. Jennys colour favourite is blue_ .3. is Where it _?4. cut Lets it_.5. a Its mouth red_.八、根据栏中的句子,在栏中找出相应的答语,并连线。(5分) 1. Li Ming,this is Danny. A. Hi!2. What colour is it? B. Its under the desk.3. Where is the apple? C. Nice to meet you,Danny.4. How many trees? D. Its blue.5. Hello! E. Six trees.九、画一画。(16分)1. one book 2. two apples 3. five books 4. three chairs5. six pencils 6. two boys7. two markers 8. one girl十、涂一涂。(8分)red green ye
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